
  • 网络bio earth
  1. 然而,由于地形变化对SAR影像几何和辐射特征的影响,SAR影像在地球生物物理参数测量上的应用受到了限制。

    However , the application of SAR imagery to the measurement of geophysical and biophysical parameters is constrained by geometric and radiometric effects caused by variable terrain .

  2. 还有其他一半的地球生物。

    And maybe half are the scum of the earth .

  3. 该峰会是探讨地球生物的重要会议。

    This was a major meeting to discuss life on our planet .

  4. 莱卡是第一个飞上太空的地球生物。

    Laika was the first living thing to fly around the Earth in Nov.

  5. 他们似乎与一般的地球生物很相异。

    They appeared to be alien to the Earth .

  6. 从一开始它们就是地球生物的一部分。

    They have been a part of life since its inception on planet Earth .

  7. 人类在众多地球生物共同竞争生活领域的战斗中是大获全胜了。

    Mankind gains a great win in the battle of territory against other creatures .

  8. 这个无目标性和达尔文式看待地球生物的观点,是否有异曲同工之妙?

    Is this aimlessness in line with a Darwinian view of life on planet Earth ?

  9. 它的大气的构成也非常不同,地球生物在那里不能呼吸。

    The makeup of its atmosphere is very different ; the earth creatures cannot breathe in it .

  10. 正是这些从数量上占据地球生物绝大多数的物种在维持着地球生态系统的运转。

    These creatures keep our ecosystems running and make up the majority of our planet 's population !

  11. 土壤微生物是土壤中有机质和养分转化与循环的主要动力,微生物在推动地球生物化学元素循环过程中起着重要作用。

    Soil microbe is the main driving force to carbon dynamic and nutrient turnover in the biogeochemical cycling .

  12. 这已导致地球生物多样性出现了显著且绝大部分是不可逆转的的丧失。

    This has resulted in a substantial and largely irreversible loss in the diversity of life on Earth .

  13. 没有人能够解释为什么地球生物在进化过程中形成了对可见光的青睐。

    No one knows for sure why animals and plants on earth evolved to perceive visible light , rather than infrared .

  14. 这本讲述人类如何应对地球生物末日的小说重新点燃了我对科幻的热爱。

    This novel about how the human race responds to the end of life on Earth rekindled my love for sci-fi .

  15. 这个结论也与地球生物史上大部份时期都只有微生物的事实吻合。

    This conclusion is also consistent with the fact that life on earth consisted solely of microorganisms for most of its history .

  16. 海洋鱼类在陆上出现是地球生物进化史上的重要时刻之一。

    The emergence of fish from the sea was one of the key moments that transformed the evolution of life on Earth .

  17. 人类在五千年期间所造成的地球生物面貌的变化比大自然在五百万年期间所造成的变化还巨大。

    Man has done more in five thousand years to alter the biological aspect of the planet than has nature in five millon .

  18. 我希望我们可以携手合作,创建一些工具来鼓励保护地球生物多样性。

    I wish we will work together to help create the key tools that we need to inspire preservation of Earth 's biodiversity .

  19. 生物资源是地球生物多样性的核心组成部分,是人类生存和发展的战略性资源。

    Biological resources is a core component of the Earth 's biological diversity , and it is strategic resources of human existence and development .

  20. 虽然“温室效应”是的地球生物生存的前提条件,但太多的温室气体也不是件好事。

    While the greenhouse effect is an essential environmental prerequisite for life on Earth , there really can be too much of a good thing .

  21. 建立斯瓦尔巴特群岛世界种子库是为了保存世界农作物种子样本,以此防止地球生物多样性的流失。

    The Svalbard Global Seed Vault was established to preserve seed samples of the world 's crops , guarding against the loss of the planet 's biodiversity .

  22. 深海微生物是地球生物系统的重要组成部分,深海微生物由于其在生态、资源、环境等方面的重要性,越来越受到人们的重视。

    Deepsea microbes have received more and more intensive attention as their importance in the research and application in ecology , resources , environments , and so on .

  23. 新近的研究证实,黑碳通过在缓慢的土壤有机碳库中的循环,对全球碳和氧的地球生物化学循环起到极其重要的作用。

    Recent findings have revealed the implications of black carbon in global biogeochemical cycles of carbon and oxygen through its contribution to the slow cycling of soil organic carbon pool .

  24. 据《史密森尼杂志》报道,“如果外星人能找到这张唱片,它能作为一个时间胶囊,传播更多地球生物的信息。”

    The record could serve as a " time capsule and transmit much more information about life on Earth , should extraterrestrials find it , " Smithsonian Magazine reported . ?

  25. 它不仅影响到了人类生存与发展的自然基础,而且影响到地球生物化学圈层的结构、功能及地球系统能量与物质循环等方面。

    It has influenced not only the natural basis for human being survive and development , but also the structure , function , energy & material circulation of earth bio-chemical layers .

  26. 一直以来,导致包括恐龙在内的地球生物大范围灭绝的“火山论”,由于缺少直接证据,长期备受争议。

    All the time , because it is lack of direct evidence , the volcanic eruption theory on the mass extinction of the world including dinosaurs is in a lot of disputes .

  27. 板块缝合构造、新构造运动旅游地质景观,地球生物起源、恐龙世界,岩溶景观等云南地域特色旅游地质景观。

    There are some typical Yunnan local special geological landscape like Tectonic plate suture , Neotectonics geological landscape of tourism , the biological origin of the Earth , Dinosaur World , karst landscapes .

  28. 假设所有的生命形式和地球生物一样,都需要水才能生存的话,宜居带则是指在一颗主恒星周围的一定范围内,至少有一颗能够形成液态水的类地系外行星。

    This is the area around a host star where an Earthlike exoplanet is capable of forming liquid water , assuming that all life-forms , like those on Earth , do in fact need water to survive .

  29. 撞击灾害比洪水、地震和其他自然灾害更少发生,可是撞击灾害的后果却严重得多,甚至严重到可以引起地球生物大规模绝灭的程度。

    Impact hazards are rare compared with floods , earthquake , and other more mundane natural disasters ; but they may have so serious consequences that they would be sufficient to cause mass extinction of lives on Earth .

  30. 同时,生物体所赖以生存的空间环境中也存在着大量的输运现象,即各种各样的电离辐射,它们的存在对于生物进化和地球生物的多样性起到了关键的作用。

    At the same time , there are a great deal of transport phenomena in spatial environment in which the organism lives , namely all kinds of ionization radiation , which are key effect for evolution and diversity of species .