
  • 网络geologic time;Geological Time;geologic time scale
  1. 地质年代测定通过放射性同位素衰变来测定地质年代放射性碳14测定年龄法

    Measurement of geologic time , as through isotopic radioactive decay . radiocarbon 14 dating method

  2. 本文通过石可钻性与岩性、地质年代、孔隙度、埋深以及地震层速度之间的关系,从定性和定量两个方面,研究地震层速度与地层可钻性之间的相关关系。

    The paper investigates the correlative relationship between earthquake wave rate and formation drillability through the relation between rock drillability and geologic time 、 hole angle 、 burying depth and earthquake wave rate .

  3. 应用模糊聚类分析法,较好地将中更新世(Q2)和晚更新世(Q3)2个地质年代的产物区分开来。

    Weathering products of Neo-Pleistocene ( Q_3 ) and Meso-Pleistocene ( Q2 ) could be distinguished by fuzzy clustering algorithms .

  4. 部分地层的古地磁和ESR测年数据与2000年公布的地质年代数据基本吻合,可以作为年代地层划分的辅助依据。

    Some paleomagnetic data and ESR dating data coincide with geochronometer published in 2000 , and may be regarded as subsidiary basis for chronostratigraphic classification .

  5. 利用X-射线衍射物相分析法(XRD)对煤样、灰样及高温灰样进行矿物质的定性分析,具体研究不同地质年代的煤和煤灰的矿物质构成差异性。

    Make qualitative analysis on these selected coals , coal-ashes and high-temperature coal-ashes with X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) . Study the diversities of different geological-time coals and coal-ash particularly .

  6. 河北滦县一带含铁变质岩系K-Ar等时年龄值及其地质年代意义

    K-Ar Isochronous Age of Ferruginous Metamorphic Rock Formation in Luan County , Hebei Province and Its Geological Significance

  7. 单颗粒锆石U-Pb同位素测年法是测定前寒武纪地体地质年代的较好方法之一。

    Today it is an one of better methods to dating ages of forming-rocks of Precambrian terrain to using single grain zincon .

  8. 指出,在黄土区由Q3地层构成的低阶地地带,在饱和土液化初判时,不应仅依据地质年代排除液化可能。

    It is pointed out that in a low terrace zone consisting of Q3 strata in a loess area , we should not only depend on geological age to eliminate the probability of liquefaction in primary determination of saturated soil liquefaction .

  9. 利用热重法和差示扫描量热法(TG-DSC),通过对煤灰升温过程在TG-DSC曲线上的表现特征进行分析,研究不同地质年代的煤灰内矿物组成差异对熔融特性的影响规律。

    Using the methods of thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry ( TG-DSC ), study the regularities of fusion characters in different geological time by analyzing the performance of TG-DSC curves through heating process .

  10. 《宇宙连环画》中变来变去的主人公Qfwfq巧妙的穿越时间,空间,太阳系和地质年代,在这些新的故事中又以崭新的面目出现。

    Qfwfq , the protean hero of Cosmicomics dexterously moving through time and space , solar systems and geological eras , takes on a new dimension in these tales .

  11. 作为地质年代测定的基础是史泰侬(Stenon)于17世纪提出的三原则,即:叠加、连续性和原始水平性。

    Stratigraphy , the basis of geological dating was founded in the ⅹⅶ century on the three well known principles assumed by Stenon : superposition , continuity , original horizontality .

  12. 珠穆朗玛峰顶部岩石标本地质年代的多元判别分析多因素判别分析在卵巢肿瘤诊断中的应用

    The Diagnosis of Ovarian Tumor by Stepwise Discriminant Analysis of Multivariate

  13. 测定地质年代的钾-氩稀释法

    Note on isotope dilution method for K - Ar dating

  14. 地质年代在银河年中的周期规律

    The periodic regularity of geological time in the Galactic year

  15. 闽江河口第四纪地层划分和地质年代研究

    Quaternary Strata of the Minjiang Estuary and Their Geologic Ages

  16. 以生命过程的理念认识地质年代

    Cognition of Geological Era in Viewpoint of Life Process

  17. 从地质年代的角度来看,整个过程快如闪电。

    In terms of geological time scales , the whole process was lightning-fast .

  18. 《中国区域年代地层(地质年代)表》和《国际地层表》简介

    Brief Introduction to China Regional Chronostratigraphic ( Geo-chronologic ) Scale and International Stratigraphic Scale

  19. 在安徽南部采集不同地质年代、不同层位紫色沉积岩发育的6个土壤剖面,研究其发生特性和成土特点。

    This paper deals mainly with soil-forming characters and genetic properties in the southern Anhui .

  20. 经过漫长地质年代的溶滤作用是控制深层地下水中氟含量的主要地球化学作用。

    Lixiviation is chief geochemistry action to control fluorine content undergo very long geological age .

  21. 本文通过图表统计了中国已记载的同翅目化石名录、地理分布及地质年代。

    A checklist of Chinese Homoptera fossils with their distribution and geological age is given .

  22. 寒武纪:地质年代古生代的第一个纪,在五亿九千万到五亿一千万前。

    Cambrian The earliest period of the Paleozoic era , about 590-510 million years ago .

  23. 用古脊椎动物化石中氟含量测定地质年代

    Geological dating by the fluorine contents in the fossils of ancient vertebrate animal bones and teeth

  24. 碳酸盐岩烃源岩的有机质主要为腐泥型,有机质来源以低等藻类为主,且有机质组成特征与碳酸盐岩烃源岩的地质年代有关。

    The organic matter of carbonate rock is mainly sapropel in type and originated from fungi .

  25. 生存于过去的地质年代的动物或植物的遗迹。

    A relic or impression of a plant or animal that existed in a past geological age .

  26. 地质年代、结构.曲流河砂体三维构型地质建模及数值模拟研究

    A geological age , formation Study on 3D architecture geology modeling and digital simulation in meandering reservoir

  27. 后期的,近期的:所命名的地质年代后期的,与其有关的。

    Upper Geology Archaeology Of , relating to , or being a later division of the period named .

  28. 这实际上是在争论人类世(人类地质年代)的性质。

    This is , at bottom , an argument about the nature of the anthropocene-the age of man .

  29. 然而,应该指出,现今地壳结构是在漫长的地质年代里,经过多次变形积累而形成的。

    However , the present crustal structure is a collective fossil inherited from a long span of geological time .

  30. 人们通常用矿物中所发现的各种放射性元素的衰变率来计算地质年代。

    Geological dates are usually obtained by using the rates of decay of various radioactive elements found in minerals .