- 名earth rotation;rotation of the earth

The rate of rotation of the earth and the atmospheric circulation
Motion of a projectile under the influence of rotation of the earth
The Applications of GPS to Geodesy and Geodynamics
And the application of the earth rotation rate variation of earthquake prediction is discussed .
High frequency excitation of earth rotation parameters ( erp ) from atmosphere
Correlation analysis between El Nino and earth rotation variation
Earth rotation and EI nino : theory of waves
The main error resources of InSAR and its influence on InSAR are also studied .
The Demonstration Of Rank Deficiency For One VLBI Baseline Estimation Earth Orientation Parameters
Study of image FFT by GPU seismogenesis & varying velocity and deformation oscillation of the earth rotation
From basic principles and derivation of the formulae it is analyzed to using the stellar interferometer to determine stellar positions and earth rotation parameters ( ERP ) .
Testing for the Granger causality of the changes of the Earth 's rotation and global earthquakes of magnitude above 5.0
In this paper , the rate of the Earth 's rotation and the atmospheric circulation in 1976 & 1980 are analysed with AR spectral analysis and Harmonic analysis .
Interaction of ocean and atmosphere in the tropical zone and earth rotation & prediction of ENSO event by means of astronomical way
The Earth Rotation Effects on Distributed Spaceborne SAR - GMTI
Periodic variations of the earth rotation calculated with the Prem parameters
The change of spaceborne SAR Doppler frequency rate with the orbit altitude , as well as the influence of earth rotation on the Doppler frequency rate of LEO SAR and that of GEO SAR are studied .
Introducing influence of other disturbing mechanism ( atmosphere , ocean and surface water distributing , et al . ) on Earth rotation , which periods satisfy relations of T ≤ 2 / 3 ? d and T ≥ 2 ?
The relationship between variations in time scale of years of the Earth 's rotation ( Δ LOD 1 ), the atmospheric angular momentum , sunspot number and El Nino is studied in this paper .
The relationship of the geothermal vortex evolution and precipitation are analyzed by the data of monthly ground temperature , earth rotation and earthquake during 1996 ~ 1998 over China .
The tidal solutions obtained from SLR and satellite altimetry are used to compute the secular changes in the Moon 's orbit elements and the Earth rotation rate in the ecliptic reference system .
The two-way satellite time transfer ( TWSTT ) and its systematic errors are discussed in detail , especially the motion of satellite results in time delay errors and Sagnac effect error .
The atmospheric angular momentum ( AAM ) variation and the Earth 's variable rotation are closely related to each other . They might be applied to the verification of global circulation models ( GCMs ) .
The result showed that the beginning of El Nino generally appeared after the progress of variation from slow dawn to fast of the Earth rotation , that is the variation of Δ LOD 1 is from minimum to maximum , by about half year and more .
Length of Day ( LOD ) change is an important parameter which reflects the earth rotation . LOD change 、 Polar Motion ( PM )、 Precession and Nutation are called Earth Orientation Parameters ( EOP ) .
But the data of the file provide with the Geographic Frame Coordinate System , so the change of the Global Total Electron Content ( IGTEC ) maps are certainly influenced by the factors of the earth rotation and the earth pole moving etc.
To improve the accuracy for computing the satellite topocentric coordinates , the formulae to modify the Earth rotation , polar motion , SLR system time-delay , atmosphere refraction , the satellite mass-center correction , various dynamic systematic errors of the SLR tracking telescope are given .
When only taken into consideration the earth rotation correction , the satellite antenna phase center offset and satellite orientation as well as relativity corrections , the static solution disagree to known coordinates with in 12 cm . The RMS is less than 5 cm .
In response to the demanding of The IAU Working Group " Earth Rotation in the HIPPARCOS Reference Frame " , the observational data of Shanghai Photoelectric Astrolabe since 1974 have been reorganized , and also transferred in machine readable form .
Because of the inner core of the earth , there will have two nutation modes related to the earth 's rotation , i. e. a prograde free core nutation ( PFCN ) mode and a inner core wobble ( ICW ) mode .