
zuò gōng
  • acting;apply work;business
做功 [zuò gōng]
  • [acting;business] 戏曲中的动作和表情

做功[zuò gōng]
  1. 关于变力做功问题的研究

    A Study of the Question of the Acting of Variable Force

  2. 变形体重力做功的研究

    THE DYNAMIC EQUATIONS OF A DEFORMABLE BODY The Research on Deformable Gravity Acting

  3. 势能可以用来做功。

    Potential energy can be used to do work .

  4. 在我们周围总是有能量在做功,不管我们是否察觉到它。

    There is energy working around us all the time whether we are aware of it or not .

  5. 他演得真好,表情是表情,身段是身段,做功是做功。

    He is a marvellous actor ; his expressions , movements , and gestures are the best .

  6. 外部的p是零,所以结果是零,没有做功。

    And it 's p external and p external is zero , so there 's no work .

  7. 对Weibull分布的成果;成对内力做功计算

    Results on Weibull Distributions ; The Caculate of the Work of a Pair of Internal Forces

  8. 补充苹果酸低聚糖饮料对自行车运动员有氧做功能力的影响不同类型氢氧化镁阻燃剂填充聚丙烯(PP)复合材料力学性能研究

    Influence of Malate-Oligosaccharide Solution on Aerobic Ability of Endurance Cyclist ; Study of the Properties of PP / MH Composites Containing Three Types of Magnesium Hydroxide

  9. PWC(170)机能试验评价学龄前儿童身体做功能力的探讨

    PWC_ ( 170 ) Function Test for Evaluation of Physical Work Capacity in Preschool Childen

  10. 我把这些都这些这里,是正的,q1,is,positive,热从高温的热源,传到循环工作的热机,对外做功。

    So the way I 've got things written here , q1 Heat 's flowing from the hot reservoir to the engine that runs in a cycle .

  11. 方法20只健康新西兰幼兔(3~4周龄),利用Langendorff左室做功模型灌注其离体心脏,建立全心缺血/再灌注模型。

    METHODS The Langendorff perfused isolated working immature rabbit heart model was established .

  12. 当计算做功时,这个向量dr,或,就变成了标志性的符号。

    Tds Remember , when we were doing things for work we said this vector dr , or if you prefer T ds , we said just becomes symbolically dx and dy.

  13. 所有TDI发动机的基本特征是高压燃油喷射,以及为优秀的汽缸做功和有效地燃烧过程的可变涡轮几何曲线。

    The fundamental characteristics shared by all TDI engines are high-pressure fuel injection and variable turbine geometry for excellent cylinder charging and an efficient combustion process .

  14. SaO2较服药前及对照组增高,差异显著(P<005)。结论红牛饮料、高原维康片及乙酰唑胺均能改善高原移居青年的肺通气及提高做功效率。

    Conclusion Taking acetazolamide and vitamin tablets could improve the pulmonary ventilation and work efficiency at high altitude .

  15. 如果曲线C,起点为P0,终点为1,那么计算所做功的线积分,只与端点位置有关,而与我们选择的路径无关。

    P1 If we have a curve c , from a point p0 to a point p1 then the line integral for work depends only on the end points and not on the actual path we chose .

  16. 我们认为kinesin通过各部分巧妙的配合,利用ATP结合和水解的过程中电荷分布的变化,充分利用电势能做功从而实现其高效率的运动。

    It is such the exquisite coupling and the distribution change between each region during the binding and hydrolyzation that make it perform the high efficiency movement .

  17. 通过讨论热力学系统在准静态过程ΔE、A、Q诸量与P-V图中过程曲线之间的关系,可直接从P&V图上判断内能的增减、做功正负及热量交换的方向。

    By discussing the relation of process-curve in P-V diagram and physics quantum ( e. g Δ E , A , Q etc ) in quasi - static process on thermodynamics system , we can get change of internal energy and work from P-V diagram .

  18. 在铜片-铜管太阳能集热板超声波焊接试验基础上研究了其焊接机理,通过分析焊接接头的SEM图及从能量角度估算焊接过程的摩擦做功,研究了铜片-铜管超声波焊接的形成机理。

    In this paper , the mechanism of ultrasonic welding is studied based on the copper fin to copper tube experiment . By analyzing the heat produced during the weld process and the SEM metallograph , the mechanism of ultrasonic welding is studied .

  19. 该电机采用SPWM变频电源供电,直接带动曳引轮曳引抽油杆和配重,完成抽油做功。

    This generator supplies power with the SPWM power source of frequency conversion directly drives the drag of driving sheave to draw sucker rod and matches weight , being completed to take out oil demerit .

  20. 在模拟过程中,针对aspenplus软件的稳态特性和实际工厂中参数的动态变化,着重考虑了因透平排汽量变化而引起的非线性做功问题。

    During the simulation process , according to the steady characteristics of Aspen Plus and parameters ' dynamic changes in actual factory Problem of nolinear doing work due to the change of turbine exhaust steam flow is taken into consideration .

  21. 心率(HR)略有减慢,而心输出量(CO)和心指数(CI)则显著升高。代表心肌耗氧的TTI及左室做功指数(LVWI)在给药后显著降低。

    Heart rate ( HR ) was slow slightly , but cardiac output ( CO ) and cardiac index greatly increased , cardiac oxygen consumption and left ventricular work index ( LVWI ) also decreased greatly .

  22. 基于C-J爆轰模型和等压燃烧模型,分析了预压缩C-J爆轰和预压缩等压燃烧整个循环过程中介质的做功能力。

    The results show that pre-compression can increase the mechanical power exportation ability in both C-J detonation and iso-pressure combustion processes .

  23. 目的:对北京市优秀乒乓球运动员进行提拉弧圈球训练时握拍上肢主要做功肌肉表面肌电(Surfaceelectromyography,sEMG)信号进行分析,利用时、频域指标的变化来评价上肢肌疲劳情况。

    AIM : To analyze the surface electromyography ( sEMG ) signal of working upper limb muscle of ping pang athletes during lifting and drawing loop training , and evaluate the muscle functional status by studying the time and frequency characteristics change .

  24. 目的研究筛选改善高原移居青年心功能提高做功效率的药物。方法对海拔3700m已习服的40名士兵随机分为4组,每组10人。

    Objective To study and select those medicine which could improve immigrants cardiac index and work-efficiency at high altitude .

  25. 方法观测MPD对正常麻醉犬动脉血压、冠脉流量、冠脉阻力和总外周阻力、左室做功等血流动力学参数的影响。

    Methods The changes of parameters such as blood pressure ( BP ), coronary blood flow , myocardial oxygen consumption and heart rates were observed in normal anesthetic dogs .

  26. 与最大做功量相比,高原低氧环境对Vo2max的影响较小,仅以Vo2max来评价平原人高原劳动能力是不全面的。

    Therefore the Vo_2max could not appraise overall the people 's work capacibility in high altitude because the hypoxia environment had less effects on Vo_2max than work capacibility .

  27. 同时假定,对于我们目前的目的而言,只有压强做功这就是说,我要把这里的dw替换为负。

    I also want to assume for our present purposes that there 's only pressure volume work going on , which is to say I want to put pdV p dV in here minus p dV for dw .

  28. 新上一台背压汽轮机拖动一台DN1600焚硫送风机,做功后的低压蒸汽外售。

    Build a new backpressure turbine to pull one DN1600 burning sulfur blower , worked low-pressure steam is used for sale .

  29. 在同样做功量运动后,急慢性缺氧大鼠心肌糖原含量的恢复规律不同,急性缺氧恢复较慢,慢性缺氧恢复较快;在此过程中心肌AMPK磷酸化水平呈一过性增高。

    After the same workload , myocardial glycogen content in acute and chronic hypoxia recovered differently : slowly in acute hypoxia , and rapidly in chronic hypoxia , during which myocardial AMPK phosphorylation was a transient increase .

  30. 基于压痕做功概念确定的体钎料和BGA焊点的应变速率敏感指数分别为0.1111和0.0574.钎料的力学性能有着明显的尺寸效应。

    The creep rate sensitivity of bulk solder and BGA joint obtained from curves with the concept of " work of indentation " are 0.1111 and 0.0574 respectively . The mechanical properties of Sn-Ag-Cu lead-free solder are typically size dependent .