
gēn hào
  • radical sign;sign of evolution;radical
根号 [gēn hào]
  • (1) [radical sign]∶置于某一表示式之前的记号 ,表示要对此表示式取平方根(如a,a+b,2),如在此记号前再加一个指标,则表示要取另一个相应的根(如加指标 3 便表示取立方根)

  • (2) [radical]∶ 数学上一种根的表示式

根号[gēn hào]
  1. 当时正是代数考试前一天的晚上,而我还在拼命地分析那些异常复杂的标注,我还是无法知道大括号、圆括号和根号的组合排列方式。

    But on the night before the algebra examination , while I was struggling over some very complicated examples , I could not tell the combinations of bracket , brace and radical .

  2. 我那次只不过是一个演示,用以证明时间,与根号h成正比。

    I did a demonstration to show you that the time is proportional to the square root of h.

  3. 所以t与根号h成正比,因g和c都是定值,当然c值尚未确定。

    This is proportional to the square root of h because g is a given and c is a given , even though I don 't know c.

  4. 也是这样2,And,so,the,time,t1,divided,by,t2,通过之前的量纲分析得到2,它等于,根号下。

    T1 / t22 would be the square root of h1 divided by h2 That is the dimensional analysis argument h1 / h2 that we have there .

  5. 你们发现,它到达中子星的速度,等于二次根号,乘以G,is,the,square,root,of,two,除以中子星的半径,你们应记住这等式。

    You always lose your m , and so you find that the speed at which it reaches the neutron star M R M neutron star times G divided by R neutron star .

  6. 当然,我们这儿的证据,不够充分,这样做会做不下去的,幸运的是,我们有了时间,与根号h成正比的结论。

    However , this , what I did with you , was not a proof because if you do it this way , you get stuck I 'm quite pleased with the fact that we found that the time is proportional with the square root of h.

  7. 为何躲在那难看的根号下。

    Why are you hiding under that ugly root number .

  8. 他们起源于脱根号。

    They arise because of the removal of radicals .

  9. 其中便包括了世界上最后一艘木制捕鲸船,查尔斯摩根号。

    Including the Charles w.morgan , the last wooden whaleship in the world .

  10. 被埋没在恶毒的根号里边?

    Beneath a vicious square-root sign ?

  11. 布什总统说,美国航空母舰里根号及其它海军装备正在驶往现场。

    President Bush says the USS Ronald Reagan and other naval assets are moving into place .

  12. 根,根号用根号表示出来的一个数的根放在表达式前表示被开方根的符号。

    A sign placed in front of an expression to denote that a root is to be extracted .

  13. 因此我可以预测,因为这是,根号,我知道这个的值。

    And so I can make a prediction because this is the2 square root of two , and I know what this is .

  14. 矢量A的大小,是根号下,来举个简单的例子。

    The magnitude of the vector is the square root of Ax squared plus Ay and so we can take a simple example .

  15. 如果我拿起一块1平方英尺的方块,颜色代表地球,再拿起一块根号2平方英尺的方块。

    If I held up a square that was one foot square and the color of earth , and I held up another square that was the root two square

  16. 现在,每一件武器,每架飞机和每一台用于移动飞机的设备都停在里根号航空母舰的前面。

    Right now , every piece of hardware , every aircraft and every piece of machinery used to move that aircraft is on the front of the USS Ronald Reagan .

  17. 所以一旦我们,知道了散射概率,我们开根号。

    So , once we figure out what our probability of backscattering is , we 'll just raise that to the1 / 2 , and we 'll multiply that by12.20 centimeters .

  18. 首先,借鉴经验比例(黄金比例、根号比例和斐波那契数列比例)界定二维平面纸面积的选择。

    First of all , learn from the experience ratio ( the golden ratio , root ratio and the proportion of the Fibonacci series ) area of defined selection of two-dimensional paper .

  19. 布什总统说,美国航空母舰里根号及其它海军装备正在驶往现场。他说:“我们很乐意帮助,我们要在朋友患难之时伸出援助之手。”

    President Bush says the USS Ronald Reagan and other naval assets are moving into place . " We are happy to do it . We want to help our friends in the time of need , " the president said .

  20. 尝试从几何构成的视觉原理解析黄金分割比例、黄金矩形、根号矩形的构成及其相互关系,进一步阐述了黄金分割的美学属性,探讨了黄金分割与服装构成之间的内在联系。

    This paper tried to expound the golden section proportion , golden rectangle , square root composition and their correlation from the vision principle of geometry form , explained the aesthetic attribute of the golden section , and investigated the inner link between golden section and clothing construction .