
  • 网络Root Locus;root locus method
  1. 超前校正器的根轨迹法设计及其MATLAB实现

    The Design of Lead Compensator Based on Root Locus Method and Its MATLAB Realization

  2. 本文在对云南电网进行动态稳定性分析的基础上,综合应用相位补偿法和根轨迹法对鲁布革电厂PSS参数进行了整定。

    Based on the dynamic stability analysis the phase compensation method and the root locus method are used in the parameter setting of PSS in Lubuge power station .

  3. MATLAB环境下基于根轨迹法设计迟后补偿器

    Design of Lag Compensator Based on Root Locus in MATLAB Environment

  4. 然后分析了线性化系统的传递函数,利用根轨迹法配置系统的零极点分布,设计出PID控制器。

    Then a PID controller was designed by the method of root locus .

  5. 利用根轨迹法设计串联补偿网络的MATLAB实现

    Root Locus-Based Compensator Design by Using MATLAB

  6. 通过对电磁轴承及带轴涡轮转子系统模型的建立和研究,获得系统状态方程和传递函数,并介绍了一种利用根轨迹法,求取PID控制器参数的设计方法。

    The mathematical model is formed and used to get the transfer function , and the Root-Locus method is used to design the PID controller .

  7. 论述了在经典控制理论中常用的代数稳定判据、根轨迹法、Bode图在判定控制系统稳定性中的联系和区别;

    It expounds the difference and relation of the algebra stability criterion , the foot locus law and Bode ′ s chart in the classics control theory .

  8. 使用对称根轨迹法选择二次型性能指标加权矩阵,结合某型导弹给出了具有鲁棒性的BTT导弹量优控制系统的设计结果,计算结果表明了这种方法的有效性。

    The symmetric root locus method is used to determine the weighting matrix of a quadratic performance index , and then a robust optimal control system of the BTT missile is designed . Computational results show the effectiveness of this method .

  9. 基于根轨迹法的滞后-超前补偿器的计算机辅助设计

    Computer Aided Design of Lag-lead Compensator Based on Root Locus

  10. 根轨迹法计算机辅助分析控制系统

    Root locus method analysis of the control system by compuer

  11. 用根轨迹法研究考毕兹振荡电路

    A Study on Colpitts ' Oscillating Circuit by Root-Locus Methods

  12. 根轨迹法在控制车辆纵向角振动中的应用

    Application of Root Locus Method in Controlling Vehicle Pitch Vibration

  13. 用计算机辅助的根轨迹法综合数控机床的闭环伺服系统

    Systhesis of the NC Machine 's Closed Servo-loop using Computer-aided Root Locus Method

  14. 根轨迹法分析电子天平的稳定性

    Stability analysis of the electronic balance by root-locus technique

  15. 利用传统的控制律设计方法&根轨迹法,在满足飞行品质的条件下,设计飞机在给定状态点的控制律。

    Control law is designed for plane in given situation for flight qualities .

  16. 根轨迹法校正的计算机辅助设计

    Computer aided design compensated by the root locus method

  17. 用根轨迹法进行系统分析和系统校正

    System Analysis and System Correction by Root-locus Method

  18. 根轨迹法校正的解析法

    AnalytiC Method of Root Locus Method Compensation

  19. 介绍一种根轨迹法设计软件

    A Program for Root Locus Design Metho

  20. 根轨迹法的改进研究

    Modified research of root locus method

  21. 频率法和根轨迹法是经典控制理论的两个基本的控制系统设计与分析方法。

    Ethods of frequency domain and root-locus were two basic methods in designing and analysing control system .

  22. 在对各个闭环控制原理分析的基础上,采用经典控制理论中图解根轨迹法对调节器参数进行设计,并以系统的动、稳态特性进行验证,得出满足系统设计要求的调节器。

    By the analysis of principles , the control adjustors have been designed through the root locus method .

  23. 目的探讨血流灌注率随温度改变的延迟时间τ对加热活体生物组织时温度变化形式的影响。方法用根轨迹法对活体生物组织不同的延时τ进行跟踪观察。

    The influence of the time-delay on the thermal dynamics in living tissue is studied with a root locus analysis .

  24. 根轨迹法解高阶代数方程(3&5阶方程的解)

    The Solution of High Order Algebraic Equations by Using the Root Locus Approach ( Solution of 3rd to 5th order equation )

  25. 建立了新型电机的加速度控制系统,并使用根轨迹法来分析这种新型电机加速度的微分负反馈控制系统;

    The acceleration control system is set up and Root Locus Design is applied to analyze and design the acceleration differential feedback control system .

  26. 根轨迹法是古典控制理论的重要部分,是分析和设计线性定常控制系统的图解方法。

    Root Locus is a important part of the classical theory of automation that is a diagrammatic method to analyse and design the linear system .

  27. 进而依此研究基元反应过程,并利用时域分析法、频域分析法和根轨迹法对基元反应的反应条件进行分析和优化。

    Moreover , the reactive conditions of many elementary reactions are studied and optimized by time domain analysis , frequency domain analysis , and root locus analysis .

  28. 第三,忽略耦合影响,将控制系统分为俯仰、偏航、倾斜三个相互独立的通道,用频域分析法和根轨迹法设计控制律、选取控制器参数。

    Thirdly , by neglecting the coupling influence , the control laws of pitching , yawing and sloping movements are designed separately with frequency domain analysis and root locus , and then the parameters of the controller are chosen .

  29. 研究了无人机的飞行控制技术,利用根轨迹法设计了无人机的纵向与侧向姿态保持控制律,设计了高度保持、航向保持、自动油门及速度保持控制律。

    The control laws of longitudinal and lateral-directional autopilot modes are designed based on root locus theory . The control laws of altitude holding mode , heading holding mode , auto-throttle control and air speed holding mode are designed as well .

  30. 首先简述频域法的理论基础:Parseval定理和最佳化定理。然后分别介绍古典根方轨迹法以及频域法的各项现代成果。

    At first , it briefly states the theoretical bases of frequency-domain technique-Parseval 's theorem and optimization theorem , then classical root-square locus method and the advanced contributions to frequency-domain technique are discussed .