
  • 网络embeddedness;rootedness;embededness;embedded
  1. 基于知识根植性视角的联盟协作创新研究

    A Study on the Collaborative Innovation in Alliance Based on the Knowledge Embeddedness Perspective

  2. 地域根植性对企业集群发展的影响

    Influence of Regional Embeddedness on Enterprise Clusters Development

  3. 我国家族企业发展的网络化途径和根植性要求

    Network Route and Rootedness Requirement for Developing Household Business Enterprises in Current China

  4. 从工荒看企业的根植性

    Reflecting Embedded Character of Enterprises Through the " Shortage of Labor Force "

  5. 根植性维度,反映了产业集群共享性资源嵌入产业集群内部社会网络的稳定状态。

    Embeddedness reflects the state of shared resources in the internal network of industrial cluster .

  6. 内生型产业集群是区域自主发展,具有根植性,可作为区域经济可持续发展的有效发展模式。

    Endogenous industrial clusters can be used as the regional economy development mode of sustainable development .

  7. 然后本文就开始重点分析工业园区的两个定性特点&根植性与网络化。

    Then we pay attention to the two characteristic gist of the industrial park-embeddedness and networking .

  8. 本地企业也成长起来,加入到外资企业的协力网络中。因此苏州IT产业集群中的外企具有较高的根植性。

    Local firms in Suzhou IT industrial cluster have join in cooperation networks of foreign capital firms .

  9. 文化上的根植性是小企业集群的一个鲜明特征,并内在地刻画了集群发展的轨迹。

    Cultural embeddedness is an important feature of small-firm cluster and inherently shapes the trajectory of its development .

  10. 即空间集聚性、根植性、竞争与协作性和灵活适应性。

    It is about spatial ′ s characteristics of convergence , root , competition , cooperation and flexible adaptation .

  11. 旅游产业的资源依赖性、产业关联性以及较强的根植性,天然适合集群式发展。

    Tourism industry is natural for cluster development for its resources dependence , industry association , and strong embeddedness .

  12. 我国农村劳动力要素流动与城乡协调发展科技能力是一个系统概念,它的根植性和不完全流动性使其具有区位要素的特征。

    Chinese Rural Labor Migration and Coordinative Development between Urban and Rural S & T capability is a systematic concept .

  13. 我国信息产业制造业集聚效应与区域根植性&基于省际面板数据的研究

    The Convergences and Local Embeddedness of China 's Electronic Information Manufacturing Industry & A Study Based on Provincial Panel Data

  14. 学者们从不同角度对产业集群进行了深入的研究,根植性问题成为其中重要的一个方面。

    These issues have been researched from many different aspects . Embeddedness of industrial clusters is an important aspect among them .

  15. 浙江产业集群具有根植性、互动性、柔韧性等产业集群所具有的一般特征。

    As other industry clusters , Zhejiang industry clusters have general characteristics , such as entrenchment 、 reciprocal mobility and flexibility .

  16. 群居链复制形成的产业集群位于全球价值链的劳动密集型环节,在当地的根植性较低。

    Whole ingoing industrial clusters locate in the labor-intensive segments of global value chains . They embed in the locality superficially .

  17. 从促进产业互动和根植性的角度,对天津航空产业如何培育产业集群进行了分阶段的发展思路探讨。

    This paper discusses the development ideas about Tianjin aviation industry in different stages from the perspective of promoting industry interaction and rooting .

  18. 根植性是临港产业集群的社会属性,论文重点分析了源于创新网络和社会网络的临港产业集群的根植性。

    Embeddedness is the social characteristic of industry clusters in port vicinity . It is thought that embeddedness originates from innovation networks and social networks .

  19. 产业集群有机构稠密性、协同竞争性、地区根植性、非正式网络性、区域创新性等特征。

    The characters of Industry Cluster are organization denseness , collaboration and competition , region root , informal network , regional innovation and so on .

  20. 并提出培育产业集群,促进园区内企业与当地的经济文化交流,是加强外来企业的根植性,使外来企业真正实现本地化的根本手段。

    It is suggested that cultivating industrial cluster and promoting foreign enterprises ' communication with local economy and culture are basic methods to make foreign enterprises localize .

  21. 基于战略与结构的孪生性,本文论述了集群中跨国公司母子关系的变迁,分析了集群中子公司的双重根植性。

    Base on the twinborn of strategy and structure , this paper discusses the adjustment of MNCs ' organization and the double embeddedness of subsidiaries in cluster .

  22. 产业集群具有:地理集中性,根植性,弹性专精,拥有相关的支持机构,本地化网络,创新性等特征。

    Industrial clusters are known for their geographical concentration , stability , elasticity , professionalism , as well as the inter-related supporting institutions , local network and creativity .

  23. 产业集群在经济发展中扮演着越来越重要的角色,充分发挥着地方化和根植性的优势,已成为提升区域竞争力的动力系统和推动各地繁荣的创新源泉。

    Industrial cluster has been playing a more and more important role in economic development and has already become the engine promoting regional competence and source of regional creation .

  24. 从制度上看,区域产业集群发展具有自发性或诱致性、以市场制度为基础密切联系而形成核心竞争力、根植性等制度特征。

    Systematically , the group development of the regional industry has spontaneous attraction to the market system which is characterized by the core competition force and the root extension .

  25. 本文深入的研究了根植性对产业集群发展的作用和影响,分析了根植性与集群发展的关系,并结合实际中的集群案例进行了具体的考察。

    In this literature , we study the role and impact of embeddedness on the industrial clusters development . We analyzed the relationship between embeddedness and industrial clusters development .

  26. 结合产业集群的空间集聚性、联系复杂性、本地根植性的基本特征对产业集群的结构进行分析,从而判断其所处的发展阶段。

    Analysis of industrial cluster 's structure combined with studying primary characteristic of industrial cluster space agglomeration , relative complexity , local embeddedness , can judge the cluster development stage .

  27. 现代服务业集群具有大都市性与地方根植性、非正式网络性、协同竞争性、区域创新性以及空间载体的特殊性等特征。

    The cluster of modern service industry is bored in metropolis and rooted in it . It is a informal network , cooperate with competition , has regional innovation and particularity of space carrier .

  28. 然后分析了企业分布式创新历史演进的过程,最后界定了企业分布式创新的概念,指出其具有动态性、开放性、本地根植性和网络性的特征。

    Then , the process of the historical evolution of EDI was analyzed . At last , it defined the concept of EDI , and pointed out dynamic , openness , and local embeddedness and network characteristics .

  29. 柔性专业化、网络与根植性、集聚与集群,区域管制等概念,频聚出现于国际主导地理刊物和国际会议讨论之中。

    The terms such as flexible specialization , networks and embeddedness , regional agglomerations and clusters , regional governance , cultural turn , and relational turn , have frequently appeared in the economic geography literature and international conferences .

  30. 本文对产业集群网络风险的识别机制进行了分析,得出网络风险的构成因素是基于集群网络特性而形成的信息共享性和根植性。

    It concludes that the component factors of network risk are information sharing and intrinsic based on the characteristics of cluster network , and the mechanism which the network risk of industrial clusters forms is the key of the risk-supervising .