
gēn jù
  • according to;base;on the basis of;in the light of;in line with;ground;evidence;foundation;substance;on
根据 [gēn jù]
  • (1) [foundation]∶盘据。如树木的扎根深固

  • 根据盘互,纵恣日甚。--《三国志》

  • (2) [ground]∶认识、信念、判决的依据

  • 说话要有根据

  • [on the basis of;according to] 把某种事物作为语言行动或得出结论的前提;按照

  • 我们还可以根据云上的光彩现象,推测天气的情况。--《看云识天气》

根据[gēn jù]
  1. 我们不会根据短期预测就试图对经济进行微调。

    We do not try to fine-tune the economy on the basis of short-term predictions

  2. 这些数字是根据1991至1992年间的牙医收据统计得出的。

    These figures are arrived at on the basis of dentists ' receipts for 1991-1992 .

  3. 我根据医生的建议做了手术。

    I had the operation on the recommendation of my doctor .

  4. 根据我们的记录,你已经缺席六次了。

    You 've been absent six times according to our records .

  5. 你可以根据自己的要求将课程重新编排。

    You can mix and match courses to suit your requirements .

  6. 根据天气预报,晚一点天应该会转晴。

    According to the forecast , it should brighten up later .

  7. 这些研究结果是根据性能等级排列的。

    The findings are arranged in rank order according to performance .

  8. 他根据自己的信条,不投资军火工业。

    He doesn 't invest in the arms industry on principle .

  9. 按浮动费率制根据收入高低计算收费。

    Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to income .

  10. 根据达成的默契,这个话题从未再提起过。

    By tacit agreement , the subject was never mentioned again .

  11. 会议将根据需要随时举行。

    The meetings will be held on an ad hoc basis .

  12. 那部剧大致上是根据他在俄罗斯的童年生活写成的。

    The play is loosely based on his childhood in Russia .

  13. 根据安排她要作一个关于转基因的演讲。

    She is due to deliver a lecture on genetic engineering .

  14. 根据有关的最新消息她申请过30个职位。

    She 'd applied for 30 jobs at the last count .

  15. 说他在从事非法活动无任何根据。

    There was no suggestion that he was doing anything illegal .

  16. 根据官方的统计数字,500多人死于这种疾病。

    According to official statistics the disease killed over 500 people .

  17. 要根据听众的年龄使用相应的语言。

    Adjust your language to the age of your audience .

  18. 该委员会是根据议会法案于1974年设立的。

    The committee was constituted in 1974 by an Act of Parliament .

  19. 根据他所说的,显然是出问题了。

    It 's obvious from what he said that something is wrong .

  20. 每一幅画都必须根据其本身的价值来评判。

    Each painting must be judged on its own merits .

  21. 这部电影是根据弗兰肯斯坦科学怪人的故事改编的。

    The movie is a reworking of the Frankenstein story .

  22. 委员会的报告为这些说法提供了事实根据。

    The commission 's report gives substance to these allegations .

  23. 你可以根据《商品说明法》将他们绳之以法。

    You could get them under the Trade Descriptions Act for that !

  24. 处罚根据罪行的严重程度而有所不同。

    Punishment varies according to the gravity of the offence .

  25. 她根据其精神实质来认识此事。

    She took it in the spirit in which it was intended .

  26. 警方正根据他被谋杀的假定展开调查。

    The police are working on the supposition that he was murdered .

  27. 我再说一遍,这些说法是毫无根据的。

    The claims are , I repeat , totally unfounded .

  28. 你可以根据鳍的形状来辨认这种鱼。

    You can recognize the fish by the shape of their fins .

  29. 可根据你想要的效果改变字号。

    The fonts can be sized according to what effect you want .

  30. 教师往往模式化地根据学生的某些背景把他们归为某一类学生。

    Children from certain backgrounds tend to be stereotyped by their teachers .