
ɡēn jì wēi shēnɡ wù
  • rhizospheric microorganism
  1. 根际微生物及土壤浸提物对沙门氏菌SW-1生长的影响

    Influence of Rhizospheric Microorganism and Soil Extraction on Growth of Salmonella SW-1

  2. 根系分泌物与根际微生物关系的研究进展

    Progress in Relationship between Root Exudates and Rhizospheric Microorganism

  3. bar基因对盆栽小麦根际微生物的影响

    Effects of bar-gene on microbial flora in wheat rhizosphere soil

  4. CO2浓度和温度升高对红桦根际微生物的影响

    Effects of elevated atmospheric CO_2 concentration and increased temperature on Betula albo-sinensis rhizospheric microbe

  5. 同一土层,随土壤容重增大而减小,且根际微生物数量、土壤酶活性和微生物C、N之间密切相关。

    The results also indicated that close correlation was observed among soil microbial biomass , number of soil microbe and soil enzyme activities .

  6. -P>CK。随小麦生育期进展,根际微生物量逐渐提高,并在生育后期达到高峰。土壤不同,根际微生物数量的变幅也不一样。

    With the growth of crops , the rhizosphere microorganisms increased gradually and came to peak . The number of rhizosphere microorganisms varied among soils .

  7. 转Bt基因与杀虫剂施用对水稻根际微生物多样性影响的比较性研究

    Comparative Research of the Effect of Bt Rice and Pesticide Application on the Rhizosphere Microbial Activity and Diversity

  8. 根系CEC、ATP酶活性和根际微生物对籽粒苋富钾能力的影响

    Effect of Microorganism in Rhizosphere and Activity of ATP Enzyme and CEC of Roots on Capability of Enrichment in Potassium of Grain Amaranth

  9. 使用向日葵修复高浓度Cu污染土壤时,还需考虑采用其他手段接种根际微生物、转基因、设施农业环境工程技术等来增加其生物产量。

    So when sunflower is used to remediate copper-contaminated soil , other means such as inoculation of rhizospheric microorganisms , transgenic , agro-biological environmental engineering technique , and so on should be considered to increase its biomass .

  10. 当归根际微生物种群结构与生态分布的研究

    Population structure and ecological distribution of rhizospheric microorganisms of Angelica sinensis

  11. 桑树根的分泌物和根际微生物的研究

    Study on the Secretion and the Rhizospheric Microorganisms of Mulberry Roots

  12. 棚室黄瓜根际微生物多样性研究

    The Study of Microbial Diversity in Rhizosphere of Cucumber in Greenhouse

  13. 根际微生物与地膜甜菜生长发育关系的研究

    A Study on Relation Between Growth of Beet and Rhizospheric microorganism

  14. 松茸与宿主根际微生物相互关系研究

    Studies on the Relationship Between Tricholoma matsutake and Other Rhizosphere Microorganisms

  15. 在烤烟生长过程中,根际微生物的数量随生育时期不同而变化。

    The amount of rhizosphere microorganisms changed with growth periods of tobacco .

  16. 有机&重金属复合污染根际微生物生态效应

    Effect of Organic-heavy Metal Combined Pollution on Rhizosphere Microbial Ecology

  17. 焚烧秸秆对玉米幼苗和根际微生物的影响

    Effects of Straw Burning on Corn Seedling and Rhizosphere Microorganism

  18. 营养型抗旱保水剂对冬小麦根际微生物的影响

    The Influences of Super Absorbent Polymer on Rhizosphere Microflora of Winter Wheat

  19. 棉花抗、感枯萎病品种根际微生物数量研究

    Cotton Varieties Resistant and Susceptible to Wilting and Their Rhizosphere Microorganism Quantity

  20. 基于分子生物学和基因组学的植物根际微生物研究

    Study of Rhizosphere Microbe Based on Molecular Biology and Genomics

  21. 同时,嫁接茄子根际微生物总量增加。

    In addition , the total rhizosphere microbial numbers of grafted eggplants increased .

  22. 茶树根际微生物区系的研究

    Studies on Microflora of Rhizosphere Soils in Tea Garden

  23. 与桃树再植病相关的根际微生物的分离鉴定及相互作用

    Isolation , Identification and Interaction of Rhizosphere Microorganisms Involved in Peach Replant Diseases

  24. 施用不同菌肥对人参根际微生物的影响

    Effect of Microbial Fertilizer on Rhizosphere Microbe of Ginseng

  25. 小麦/蚕豆间作对小麦根际微生物数量和多样性的影响

    Effects of Wheat and Faba Bean Intercropping on Rhizosphere Microbial Population and Diversity

  26. 烤烟施用菜籽饼后根际微生物数量变化研究

    Studies on Microbe Quantity Changes Around Flue-cured Tobacco Roots after Rape Cake Application

  27. 土壤不同,根际微生物数量的变幅也不一样。

    The number of rhizosphere microorganisms varied among soils .

  28. 湿地植物根际微生物处理生活污水的模型研究

    Model Study of Wetland Plant Rhizosphere Microorganism in the Treatment of Sanitary Wastewater

  29. 不同养分条件下草地早熟禾根际微生物区系变化研究

    Studies on Rhizosphere Microflora Variation of Kentucky Bluegrass under Different Soil Nutrient Conditions

  30. 根际微生物对污染环境存在适应性的分化,长期受重金属污染环境中存在丰富的耐重金属微生物资源。

    Rhizospheric microorganisms have some adaptive differentiation in soil contaminated by heavy metals .