
  • 网络Root axis;radical axis;PMCprimo Drive
  1. 工匠给出了飞机上一根轴的草图。

    The craftsman has given us the draft of a shaft in the aircraft .

  2. 根据整根轴的扭矩值求需要的键长。

    Find the required length of key based on the torque value of the gross shaft .

  3. 如果第一根轴与地面垂直,就称为地平式支架。

    If the first axis is perpendicular to the ground we speak of an azimuthal mounting .

  4. 我们把这根轴伸出来的两个点叫作极-北极和南极。

    The spots where the stick would come out we call the poles & the north and south poles .

  5. 小麦根轴的生长与植株内外的磷浓度均呈显著的负线性关系。

    There were significant negative linear relationships between the length of root axis and internal or external P concentration of plant .

  6. 压力的改变驱动发动机活塞的运动,进而推动一根轴的传动,最终让发电机发电。

    The change in pressure drives the engine 's pistons , which drive a shaft that turns a generator to produce electricity .

  7. 我将沿这个方向旋转它们,此时的角速度为ω,绕着垂直于黑板的一根轴。

    I 'm going to rotate it in this direction say , with some angular velocity omega about an axis perpendicular to the blackboard .

  8. 在这些装置中,典型的情况是,一根轴由发动机或皮带轮传动,另一根轴将动力传递给其他部件。

    In these devices , one of the shafts is typically driven by a motor or pulley , and the other shaft is driving another device .

  9. 假设我们有一对坐标轴,一根轴定义了一系列可以比较的语言实体,另一跟轴有一些属性或者特性。

    Suppose we have an imaginary pair of axes with a set of comparable language entities on one and a set of attributes or capabilities on the other .

  10. 同样装好同一根轴上的另一端轴承和座,将轴转动几圈,让轴承本身自动找正位置后。

    Also installed on the same shaft to the other side of the bearing and seat , will turn a few laps , let shaft bearing itself automatically find the position is .

  11. 在缺磷条件下,6种基因型小麦完整根系分泌的酸性磷酸酶活性、根轴数量、根轴长度、根生长角度和根系长度之间均存在着显著的基因型差异。

    The differences in root number and root length , and axis length , root angle and activity of acid phosphatase exuded by roots among 6 wheat genotypes were significant ( P < 0 05 ) .

  12. 这第二根轴的转速为主轴的1/2,被称之为凸轮轴,它驱动投梭机构和开口机构。如果第一根轴与地面垂直,就称为地平式支架。

    This second shaft is known as the cam shaft , and drives the picking and on the cam shaft . If the first axis is perpendicular to the ground we speak of an azimuthal mounting .

  13. 该精插补电路可将粗插补得到的每根轴的任意脉冲数分配到插补周期中,实现电机运行速度和步数的控制。

    By using the fine interpolation circuit in this means , the uniform pulse series of each axis could be distributed in an interpolation cycle , thus the running speed and step number of the motor could be controlled .

  14. 直接式气门驱动机构这样,普通织机应具备两根轴,主轴(曲拐轴或位于上部的轴)驱动筘座并通过齿轮驱动另一根轴。

    Direct valve gear Thus a normal loom has two shafts . The main shaft ( crankshaft or top shaft ) drives the lay mechanism and is geared to another shaft which operates at half of the speed of the crankshaft .

  15. 这两种地轴架都可配置指示器,因此只要看一眼就能够知道阀瓣(楔板)的位置。如果第一根轴与地面垂直,就称为地平式支架。

    These two floor stands also available with an indicator so the position of the disc ( wedge ) can be read at a glance . If the first axis is perpendicular to the ground we speak of an azimuthal mounting .

  16. 机器人必须设计成能够全方向运动的,比如转向,而不能只在一维(也就是一根轴)上运动。

    Robots must be constucted and programmed in a way that their movement is not limited to only one dimension ( that means one axis ) . They must be able to move in all directions , for example by turning .

  17. 供试基因型小麦的根轴数量及其长度的差异在每个供磷水平及不同供磷水平之间均呈显著,说明这两种性状的差异是由基因型和环境因素共同决定的;

    This implied that the two traits ( number and length of root axis ) were controlled by genotype and external factors . The difference in the characteristics of lateral root of the given wheat genotypes was significant only between different levels of P supply .

  18. 它也能围绕三根坐标轴的任意一根回转;

    It can also rotate about any of the three axes ;

  19. 就会拉动这根铁轴偏离这个金属感应器

    it pulls this rod away from the metal sensor .

  20. 这根铁轴从断层的另一边连过来

    the rod is connected across from the other side of the fault .

  21. 根据列车牵引计算公式,计算出每根动轴加载牵引力矩的大小,然后加载到模型上。

    The traction torque on each wheelset is calculated according to the traction calculation formula .

  22. 仅当接触点处的公法线构成一固定平面时,才存在无数根啮合轴。

    The meshing axis might be infinite only when the common normal at the contact point constituted a fixed plane .

  23. 我们必须用千分尺来测量这根小轴的直径。

    We are to measure ( must measure ) the diameter of this small axle by means of a micrometer .

  24. 最初,浑仪的结构很简单,只有三个圆环和一根金属轴。

    The armillary sphere 's structure was very simple at the very beginning , with three rings and a metal axis .

  25. 如果有一根凸轮轴无法锁定,则松开相应凸轮轴链轮上的所有紧固螺钉(旋转一圈左右)。

    If one of the camshafts cannot be locked , loosen all the fastening screws on the affected camshaft sprocket by about one turn .

  26. 整个铜球可以绕一根金属轴转动,转动一周代表一个昼夜。球面与金属轴相交于两点:北天极和南天极。

    The sphere is mounted by its poles ( corresponding to the celestial poles ) on a metal axis , and can rotate around it .

  27. 另一个是直立在赤道环中心的双环,能绕一根金属轴转动,叫做“赤经双环”。

    and the other is a double-ring which is per-pendicular to the center of the equatorial ring , revolving around a metallic shaft , and is called " right ascension double-ring .

  28. 竹蜻蜓Bamboodragonfly竹蜻蜓有一个类似直升机的顶轴,上面绕着一根绳子,轴上伸出一个水平叶片。

    Bamboo dragonfly has a helicopter top axis6 with a cord wound around it , with a horizontal blade sticking out from the axis .

  29. 这些使用一根中心的轴由于在一个减少半径的住房里面滑动风向标。

    These use a central shaft with sliding vanes inside a housing of decreasing radius .

  30. 并将其看作六维变形单位向量在六根超椭球轴上投影的加权平方和的根。

    The stiffness can be considered as the weighted square root of six dimensions unit vector of deformation in the six-axis of hyperellipsoid .