- 网络Root axis;radical axis;PMCprimo Drive

The craftsman has given us the draft of a shaft in the aircraft .
Find the required length of key based on the torque value of the gross shaft .
If the first axis is perpendicular to the ground we speak of an azimuthal mounting .
The spots where the stick would come out we call the poles & the north and south poles .
There were significant negative linear relationships between the length of root axis and internal or external P concentration of plant .
The change in pressure drives the engine 's pistons , which drive a shaft that turns a generator to produce electricity .
I 'm going to rotate it in this direction say , with some angular velocity omega about an axis perpendicular to the blackboard .
In these devices , one of the shafts is typically driven by a motor or pulley , and the other shaft is driving another device .
Suppose we have an imaginary pair of axes with a set of comparable language entities on one and a set of attributes or capabilities on the other .
Also installed on the same shaft to the other side of the bearing and seat , will turn a few laps , let shaft bearing itself automatically find the position is .
The differences in root number and root length , and axis length , root angle and activity of acid phosphatase exuded by roots among 6 wheat genotypes were significant ( P < 0 05 ) .
This second shaft is known as the cam shaft , and drives the picking and on the cam shaft . If the first axis is perpendicular to the ground we speak of an azimuthal mounting .
By using the fine interpolation circuit in this means , the uniform pulse series of each axis could be distributed in an interpolation cycle , thus the running speed and step number of the motor could be controlled .
Direct valve gear Thus a normal loom has two shafts . The main shaft ( crankshaft or top shaft ) drives the lay mechanism and is geared to another shaft which operates at half of the speed of the crankshaft .
These two floor stands also available with an indicator so the position of the disc ( wedge ) can be read at a glance . If the first axis is perpendicular to the ground we speak of an azimuthal mounting .
Robots must be constucted and programmed in a way that their movement is not limited to only one dimension ( that means one axis ) . They must be able to move in all directions , for example by turning .
This implied that the two traits ( number and length of root axis ) were controlled by genotype and external factors . The difference in the characteristics of lateral root of the given wheat genotypes was significant only between different levels of P supply .
It can also rotate about any of the three axes ;
it pulls this rod away from the metal sensor .
the rod is connected across from the other side of the fault .
The traction torque on each wheelset is calculated according to the traction calculation formula .
The meshing axis might be infinite only when the common normal at the contact point constituted a fixed plane .
We are to measure ( must measure ) the diameter of this small axle by means of a micrometer .
The armillary sphere 's structure was very simple at the very beginning , with three rings and a metal axis .
If one of the camshafts cannot be locked , loosen all the fastening screws on the affected camshaft sprocket by about one turn .
The sphere is mounted by its poles ( corresponding to the celestial poles ) on a metal axis , and can rotate around it .
and the other is a double-ring which is per-pendicular to the center of the equatorial ring , revolving around a metallic shaft , and is called " right ascension double-ring .
Bamboo dragonfly has a helicopter top axis6 with a cord wound around it , with a horizontal blade sticking out from the axis .
These use a central shaft with sliding vanes inside a housing of decreasing radius .
The stiffness can be considered as the weighted square root of six dimensions unit vector of deformation in the six-axis of hyperellipsoid .