
  • 网络Ghent University;University of GHENT;UGent;Universiteit Gent
  1. 比利时根特大学发展中国家植物生物技术研究所的NancyTerryn在接受本网络记者采访时,表示同意这一报告的结论。

    Speaking to SciDev . Net , Nancy Terryn , of the Institute for Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries at Ghent University , Belgium , agreed with the report .

  2. 来自比利时根特大学的研究领导者克劳德·力博特博士说:“数据表明,在人类和其他哺乳动物中,女性寿命更长,更能抵御因败血症发作引起的休克、感染病和创伤。我们认为这可以归因于X染色体。”

    Study leader Dr Claude Libert , from Ghent University in Belgium , said : " Statistics show that in humans , as with other mammals , females live longer than males and are more able to fight off shock episodes from sepsis , infection or trauma . We believe this is due to the X chromosome . "

  3. 比利时根特大学疫苗学中心的GeertLeroux-Roels和他的同事上周(8月17日)在《柳叶刀》杂志上发表了他们的这项结果。

    Geert Leroux-Roels , from the Belgium-based Centre for Vaccinology at Ghent University , and colleagues published their results in the Lancet last week ( 17 August ) .

  4. 比利时根特大学的心理学家研究了98名儿童。

    Psychologists from Ghent University in Belgium studied 98 children .

  5. 比利时根特大学,博士研究生,拟南芥在渗透胁迫下脯氨酸积累的分子机理。

    Ph. D student , Gent University , Belgium . Molecular mechanism underlying proline accumulation during osmotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana .

  6. 比利时根特大学的科学家们近日宣布,他们已经制造出一种机器,可以利用太阳能将尿液转化为饮用水和肥料。

    Scientists at Belgium 's University of Ghent say they 've created a machine that turns urine into potable water , and fertilizer , using solar energy .

  7. 经过在另外一所中学执教的短暂离别后,他回到根特大学成为一名教授,从事研究,并再次接近塞林。

    After a short stint as a professor at another school , he returned to Ghent University to become a professor , do research , and be near Celine again .

  8. 根特大学的学生们估计他们的房屋–包括家用电器等装置在内–将要求房屋买主支付约268000美元,大约是太阳能十项全能获奖房屋过去标出的一半价钱。

    The Ghent University students estimate their house , appliances included , will cost a homebuyer about $ 268,000 & roughly one-half of where winning Solar Decathlon houses have been priced in the past .