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gēn zhǐ shù
  • radical exponent;index of the root;index of a radical
根指数 [gēn zhǐ shù]
  • [index of a radical] 记在根号左上角以指明开方次数的数

根指数[gēn zhǐ shù]
  1. 研究了异氰酸根指数、不同固液比的竹废料液化产物、水分含量、催化剂用量及硅油用量对聚氨酯泡沫性能的影响。

    The effects of isocyanate index , LB with different bamboo / solvent ratio , water content , catalyst amount , and silicone amount on the mechanical properties of LB-PU foams were determined .

  2. 文章应用中国历年劳动统计年鉴和2000年人口普查数据,对中国产业职业别隔离状况进行检验与分析,重点对平方根指数进行测度,得出相关的结论。

    Based on the Yearbooks of Labor Statistics and Census Data of 2000 of China , the extents of sectoral / occupational gender segregation are examined , mainly by emphasizing on the measure of Square Root Index .

  3. 文章以平方根指数作为衡量性别教育不平等的工具,得出以下结论:一、1990年至今,中国教育性别隔离总体呈下降趋势,城乡差异依然显著;

    Taking square root index as the gender segregation of education in China , the paper comes to some conclusions : firstly , the education gender segregation has been weakening since 1990 , but the disparity between the urban and the rural is still notable ;

  4. 以距离矩阵为基础,建构调和均根拓扑指数(K),以表征链烷烃分子的大小和分支情况。

    A topological index ( K ) of square root of harmonic average based on the distance matrix , which can be used to characterize the size and branching for alkanes , is derived in this paper .

  5. 用均根拓扑指数与路径数预测链烷烃的沸点和热力学性质

    Predicting Boiling Points and Thermodynamic Properties for Alkanes with a Topological Index of Square Root of Harmonic Average and Numbers of Path

  6. 萝卜根伸长抑制指数较胚轴长抑制指数更能反映铬污染土壤对萝卜生长的毒害作用。

    The results obtained from this study show that the inhibition index of root elongation is more sensitive than the inhibition index of hypocotyl growth for evaluating potential phytotoxicity .

  7. 调查番茄根结线虫病情指数、根结线虫二龄幼虫数量及季节变化,结果表明:根结线虫二龄幼虫密度在5、6月份达到高峰。

    The density of second stage juvenile of root-knot nematodes ( J2 ) reached the highest level in May or June .

  8. 结果表明:不同浓度水杨酸对种子萌发指数&萌发高峰、发芽率、根冠比、生物学产量、根长、根活力指数、芽长、芽活力指数的作用不同;

    The results showed that the different concentration of SA had different effects on seed germination indices & germinating peak , germination rate , root / shoot , biomass , lengths and vigor index of root and shoot .

  9. 煤粉仓顶压与流量系数的关系近似一根抛物线,雷诺数与流量系数的关系是一根指数曲线。

    The relationship between the Reynolds number and the flowrate coefficient is an exponential one .