
  • 网络guernsey;Bailiwicks of Guernsey
  1. 事实上,如果上海的数字是准确的(似乎有点不太可能),那么只有摩纳哥、澳门、新加坡、日本、根西岛(Guernsey)、安道尔和圣马力的诺居民比上海人活得更长久。

    In fact , if the Shanghai figures are accurate ( which seems a little unlikely ), only Monaco , Macao , Singapore , Japan , Guernsey , Andorra and San Marino inhabitants are living longer .

  2. 海峡群岛泽西岛、根西岛、奥尔德尼岛和沙克岛也都是自治的。

    The Channel Islands jersey , guernsey , aldeney , and Sark are also self-governing .

  3. 根西岛,位于英吉利海峡面积不大的群岛,却居住着65000多的人口。

    Guernsey , a small island in the English Channel , inhabits just over 65000 residents .

  4. 根西岛有体力型的工作,危险系数不高,也有着高水平的医疗保障制度。

    The island also has very few dangerous manual jobs , and has an excellent healthcare system .

  5. 其中许多地区培养了国际金融服务领域的真正世界级专业技能,例如百慕大、卢森堡和根西岛。

    Many have developed genuine world-class expertise in international financial services such as Bermuda , Luxembourg and Guernsey .

  6. 像根西岛一样,圣马力诺有着很少的体力劳动工作,所以居民们相当程度上享受着放松的无压力的生活方式。

    Like Guernsey , San Marino has very few manual jobs , and residents enjoy a relatively relaxed and stress free lifestyle .

  7. 与本土平均寿命80.1年相比,根西岛人的寿命长度是82.32年。

    The overall life expectancy for the people of Guernsey is 82.32 , in comparison to the 80.1 years of mainland Brits .

  8. 同本文涉及的其他地区一样,根西岛物资丰富,人们生活富裕,这也许能解释其平均寿命长的原因。

    Like most entries on this list , the island of Guernsey is very wealthy , which perhaps explains the high life expectancy .

  9. 萨伊德和死者格鲁夫丝在一月的第一个星期相识于印度果阿地区,萨伊德说自己对这个来自英国根西岛的姑娘一见钟情。

    He had met and fallen in love with Miss Groves , from Guernsey , in the first week of January in Goa .