
mò xī gē chéng
  • Mexico City;Ciudad de Mexico;MEX;Ciudad de México
  1. 田径运动员在海拔高的墨西哥城受训。

    The athletes trained at altitude in Mexico City .

  2. 他在墨西哥城到处游荡,磨坏了鞋子。

    He wore out his shoes wandering around Mexico City .

  3. 他以胜利者的姿态进入墨西哥城。

    He made his triumphal entry into Mexico City .

  4. 教皇在墨西哥城主持了弥撒。

    The Pontiff celebrated mass in Mexico City .

  5. 每周一到周五期间都会有一天禁止所有车辆进入墨西哥城。

    Every vehicle was banned from coming into Mexico City one day a week from Monday to Friday

  6. 墨西哥城大约每隔十年降一次雪。

    About once in ten years snow falls on Mexico City .

  7. 在墨西哥城研究的纵向评估显示,B细胞功能,而不是体重或者胰岛素抵抗,能预测到糖尿病的发展。

    Longitudinal evaluation in the Mexico City study showed that beta cell function and not body weight or IR predicted progression to DM .

  8. 最近我前往墨西哥城,参加我们新创公司墨西哥维珍移动公司(VirginMobileMexico)的发布会。

    I headed to Mexico City recently to help launch our new company , Virgin Mobile Mexico .

  9. HuaMman博士研究墨西哥城的地震预警系统或SAS。

    Doctor HuaMman manages the Mexico city seismic alert system or SAS .

  10. AntiqueWine公司曾经在墨西哥城的一幢三十层的楼房的楼顶设计了一个酒窖。

    The Antique Wine Company once designed a cellar at the top of a30 story building in Mexico City .

  11. IBM进行过一个“世界最糟糕上下班交通”排名,其中北京和墨西哥城各得99分(100分制)。

    In IBM 's ranking of the world 's worst commutes , Beijing and Mexico City each scored 99 out of a possible 100 pain points .

  12. NPR新闻,詹姆斯·皮尔斯墨西哥城报道。

    From NPR News , I 'm James Pierce in Mexico City .

  13. 这里是NPR新闻,来自墨西哥城的史蒂夫·贝克尔报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Steve Beckner , in Mexico City .

  14. NPR新闻,凯莉·卡恩,墨西哥城报道。

    Carrie Kahn , NPR News , Mexico City .

  15. NPR新闻,贾思敏·加尔斯德墨西哥城报道。

    Jasmine Garsd , NPR News in Mexico City .

  16. NPR新闻,嘉莉·卡恩墨西哥城报道。

    Carrie Kahn NPR News , Mexico city .

  17. 汇丰(HSBC)墨西哥城分行近期估计,墨西哥的这一比例今年可升至69%之多。

    HSBC in Mexico City estimated recently that the figure for Mexico could increase to as much as 69 per cent this year .

  18. 本周末在墨西哥城将举行g20财长会议,预计朔伊布勒在这个话题上将面临进一步的压力。

    Mr Sch uble is likely to face further pressure on the subject this weekend at a meeting of G20 finance ministers in Mexico City .

  19. 最近,多尔西走出了自己熟悉的soma区,在美国国务院的安排下访问了巴格达和墨西哥城。

    Mr Dorsey ventured out of his soma comfort zone recently to visit Baghdad and Mexico City with the usstate department .

  20. 2008年至2012年期间,在墨西哥城地铁里一处延伸工程的施工过程中,工人挖掘出了一些人类头骨,其历史可追溯至墨西哥阿兹特克帝国时期(Aztecimperialperiod)。

    Between 2008 and 2012 , workers on a subway extension track of El Metro in Mexico City uncovered a number of human skulls dating from the Aztec imperial period .

  21. 萨拉·弗里斯克(SaraFrisk)从没想过去墨西哥城,直到一个叫皮拉尔·穆尼奥斯(PilarMuñoz)的陌生人邀请了她。

    Sara Frisk never thought about traveling to Mexico City until a stranger named Pilar Mu ñ oz invited her .

  22. 国际商业机器公司(IBM)2011年对通勤的心理影响和经济影响进行的一次调查显示,在通勤者的痛苦程度方面,北京和深圳仅次于墨西哥城。

    In a 2011 survey from International Business Machines Corp. on the emotional and economic toll of commuting , Beijing and the southern boomtown of Shenzhen were second only to Mexico City in terms of commuter misery .

  23. 因此,我与朋友本(ben)和艾玛(emma)在首都墨西哥城停留几天后,便南下前往山区的殖民地城市圣克里斯托瓦尔(sancristobal)。

    So after a few days with my friends Ben and Emma in the capital , we travelled south to San Cristobal , a colonial mountain town .

  24. 萨拉·弗里斯克(SaraFrisk)从没想过去墨西哥城,直到一个叫皮拉尔·穆尼奥斯(PilarMu&241;oz)的陌生人邀请了她。

    Sara Frisk never thought about traveling to Mexico City until a stranger named Pilar Mu & # 241 ; oz invited her .

  25. 西门子(Siemens)的高电压设备厂距墨西哥城有两个小时左右的车程。在厂房里,工人们在光亮的地板上走来走去,组装和测试用于变电站的断路器部件。

    At Siemens ' high-voltage equipment plant about two hours ' drive from Mexico City , workers move about the polished floor , assembling and testing parts of circuit breakers for use in electrical substations .

  26. 但原LuzyFuerza公司职工仍然表示抗议,使墨西哥城的部分地区陷入停滞状态。

    But its ex-employees still bring parts of the capital to a halt with protests .

  27. 《波兰可女士》(LadiesDePolanco)是2011年上传至YouTube的一段视频,视频拍摄于墨西哥城繁华的波兰可区,在视频中,两名醉酒的女性对查处了她们的交通违章行为、责令其停车的警察进行了人身攻击。

    LadiesDePolanco , a video uploaded to YouTube in 2011 , showed two drunken young women in Mexico City 's posh Polanco neighborhood insulting police who pulled them over for a traffic violation .

  28. 一份泛美卫生组织(PAHO)的研究显示2008年的某周四、周五、周六晚在墨西哥城大约有共200000人酒后驾车。

    PAHO study in2008 estimated that on Thursday , Friday and Saturday nights in Mexico City a total of200,000 people drove while drunk .

  29. 自光照和电力公司(LuzyFuerza)关闭以来,墨西哥城等待新电力连接的时间从十个月减少到了四个月。

    Since Luz y Fuerza shut , the wait for new connections in Mexico City has fallen from ten months to four .

  30. 今年4月,安德里亚•贝尼特斯(AndreaBenitez)——一位人脉广泛的政界人士之女——来到墨西哥城一家时髦的餐厅,她那天并未预约,当没能坐到心仪的座位后,她在餐厅大发雷霆。

    In April , Andrea Benitez , the daughter of a well-connected politician , turned up at a trendy restaurant in Mexico City without a reservation and threw a fit when she was not given the table she wanted .