
  • 网络The University of MELBOURNE;Melbourne University;Melbourne
  1. 墨尔本大学西校区生物21,一期

    Bio 21 , The University of Melbourne , Western Precinct Stage One

  2. 对于25岁的高伟(音译,见右图)而言,攻读墨尔本大学(UniversityofMelbourne)并非第一选择,但谁让她没考上中国国内的一流大学呢?

    For Gao Wei , 25 , attending the University of Melbourne was not her first choice , but she did not make the cut for a top Chinese university .

  3. 墨尔本大学(universityofmelbourne)的研究人员发现,“左撇子孩子几乎所有的发展指标都明显更差”而且左撇子男孩甚至比女孩更糟糕。

    Researchers at the University of Melbourne have found that " left-handed children do significantly worse in nearly all measures of development " and left-handed boys do even worse than girls .

  4. 和其他的国家一样,中国也有它的优点和缺点。我在墨尔本大学(UniversityofMelbourne)和莫纳什大学(MonashUniversity)学习中文和国际关系。

    Like other nations around the world , China has its strengths and weaknesses . I studied Chinese and international relations at the University of Melbourne and Monash University .

  5. KenWinkel在墨尔本大学的澳大利亚毒液研究机构中,指导研究工作。

    Ken Winkel directs the University of Melbourne 's Australian Research Unit .

  6. 一位线粒体疾病遗传学方面的专家,澳大利亚墨尔本大学的大卫索伯恩(davidthorburn),对此项工作感到“震惊和钦佩”。

    David Thorburn , a specialist in the genetics of mitochondrial disorders at the University of Melbourne in Australia , is " surprised and impressed " by the work .

  7. 来自墨尔本大学的一位副教授BruceHeadey研究人们的幸福感25年,发现那些常去教堂的人们更清心寡欲,他们很少担心自己的职业生涯,且有稳定的合作伙伴。

    Bruce Headey , an associate professor at the University of Melbourne , researched happiness among a group of people for 25 years , and found that people who went to church stayed thin , avoided worrying about their careers , and had emotionally stable partners .

  8. 研讨仙桃人才网担任人、墨尔本大学管理和营销系的布兰特·科克说:“工作时的网络休闲(WILB)”有助于集中员工的留意力。

    Study author Brent Coker , from the department of management and marketing , said " workplace Internet leisure browsing ," or WILB , helped to sharpened workers'concentration .

  9. 研究负责人、墨尔本大学管理和营销系的布兰特·科克说:“工作时的网络休闲(WILB)”有助于集中员工的注意力。

    Study author Brent Coker , from the department of management and marketing , said " workplace Internet leisure browsing , " or WILB , helped to sharpened workers ' concentration .

  10. 以优等成绩从墨尔本大学毕业。

    Graduated magna from the University of melbourne .

  11. 这部作品围绕1991年墨尔本大学奥蒙德学院的性骚扰事件展开。

    It depicts the sexual harassment case at the Ormond College of Melbourne University in 1991 .

  12. 墨尔本大学在澳洲仅次于澳洲国立大学,排名第二,在亚太地区排名第四。

    Melbourne ranked second nationally after the Australian National University and fourth in the Asia-Pacific region .

  13. 因此来自墨尔本大学澳大利亚眼科研究中心的科学家分析了食物中抗氧化剂对老年黄斑变性的预防作用。

    But the evidence to support the role of dietary antioxidants in preventing macular degeneration remains unclear .

  14. 珍妮-兰德森,新西兰多媒体艺术家,在墨尔本大学获得博士学位。

    Janine Randerson is a New Zealand media artist and a PhD researcher at the University of Melbourne .

  15. 拉森先生拥有墨尔本大学文学士(一等)荣誉学位。

    Mr. Larsen holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honours ( First Class ) from the University of Melbourne .

  16. 他现在还是澳门大学和墨尔本大学的荣誉教授。

    He is also currently Distinguished Professor at the University of Macau , and Laureate Professor at Melbourne University .

  17. 据墨尔本大学的研究人员表示,社会对悲伤的彻底回避,可能会对忧郁患者造成伤害。

    University of Melbourne researchers said that society 's downright shunning of being sad could be harmful for sufferers of the blues .

  18. 墨尔本大学皇家维多利亚眼耳医院的研究小组说疫苗接种可以控制这个问题。

    The team , at the University of Melbourne 's Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital , said vaccination might control the problem .

  19. 清华大学从第35名上升至第30名,超过墨尔本大学、乔治亚理工学院和慕尼黑大学。

    Tsinghua University increased from 35th place to 30th , overtaking the University of Melbourne , Georgia Institute of Technology , and LMU Munich .

  20. 墨尔本大学研究人员表示:差距非常大,和母教对孩子发展的影响一样大。

    The Melbourne researchers said : This difference is large and of the same magnitude as the effect of maternal education on child development .

  21. 研究负责人、墨尔本大学的西蒙•拉罕博士说,人们对名字简单的人普遍持更正面的看法。

    Dr Simon Laham , from Melbourne University , who led the study , said people with simple names were generally judged more positively .

  22. 由于墨尔本大学掌握着举足轻重的投票权,这位新任院长不得不把双方联合起来。

    With the University of Melbourne holding the balance of the voting rights , the newly appointed dean had to bring the two sides together .

  23. 已揭幕的水资源研究中心已分别在北京的中科院地理所和澳大利亚的墨尔本大学挂牌成立。

    The centre for research on water resources will have branches at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing and the University of Melbourne in Australia .

  24. 墨尔本大学不仅是世界大学学术前100的大学中排名上升最快的大学,也是澳洲仅有的三所排名在前100的大学中的一所。

    It makes the University the most rapidly rising institution in the top100 in the past year and one of only three Australian universities in that group .

  25. 威廉姆斯协作研讨中心的萃取冶金、合资企业矿物之间的分工和联邦迷信与工业研讨组织墨尔本大学化工部门工程。

    K.Williams Cooperative Research Centre for Extractive Metallurgy , a joint venture between the CSIRO Division of Minerals and The University of Melbourne Department of Chemical Engineering .

  26. 而且,他是牛津大学,澳大利亚国立大学,墨尔本大学和马萨诸塞大学的访问学者。

    He has visited , among other places , at the Australian National University , Oxford University , the University of Melbourne and the University of Massachusetts Amherst .

  27. 墨尔本大学海洋生物系讲师约翰·莫伦哲路正在研究挖蚬对金星湾的影响。

    John Morrongiello , a lecturer of marine biology at the University of Melbourne , is conducting a study into the impact of pipi harvesting at Venus Bay .

  28. 这项由墨尔本大学开展的研究显示,上班时因个人原因上网的人的工作效率比不上网的人高出9%。

    The University of Melbourne study showed that people who use the Internet for personal reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive that those who do not .

  29. 新加坡国立大学仍是亚洲第二位,从29名上升到26名,超过了澳大利亚的墨尔本大学。

    The National University of Singapore holds on to second place in the region , moving from 29th to 26th and overtaking Australia 's University of Melbourne in the process .

  30. 首席研究者墨尔本大学的特伦斯郑说:在40到42岁的时候,人们的幸福值到达史上最低。

    The lead researcher of the study , Terence Cheng of the University of Melbourne , said Human happiness hits the lowest point around the ages of 40 to 42 .