- 网络Motuo County;Medog County;Mêdog County;MêdogXian;Mêdog;Xian de Mêdog

Through the research the following conclusions : Medog County Economic Development can not only immediate and short-term , but long term , future generations of matter .
The Wild Orchidaceae Resources in Motuo County and the Resource Exploitation
As the story goes , in the early 90s a makeshift highway was built that led from the outside world into the heart of Mutuo County .
Wildlife depredation on livestock : The main depredated livestock were cattle , horses , mules and pigs and the main predators was tigers , and also a few bears and wild dogs .
Just getting to Motuo is a Herculean task , as travelers must follow a grueling overland route through frozen parts of the Himalayas before crossing into the county by way of a 200-meter-long suspension bridge .
The highway from Medog County to Bome County will be117 km long .