
  • 网络messina
  1. 一抵达墨西拿后,得找到公车站(和吸烟者的肺一样肮脏),找到坐在卖票亭里自怨自艾的男人,问他能否卖我一张开往滨海小镇陶尔米纳(Taormina)的车票。

    Once I 've arrived in Messina , I have to find a bus station ( grimy as a smoker 's lung ) and find the man whose job it is to sit there in the ticket booth , mourning his life , and see if he will please sell me a ticket to the coastal town of Taormina .

  2. 意大利墨西拿海峡大桥设计概述

    General description of design of Messina Strait Bridge of Italy

  3. 西西里岛东北部一港口城市,位于墨西拿海峡沿岸。

    A port city in northeastern Sicily on the Strait of Messina .

  4. 陶尔米纳,位于东岸,墨西拿南方,正在与墨西拿打仗。

    Taormina , on east coast south of Messina , fighting Messina .

  5. 墨西拿国际社会学、惩罚和教养研究中心

    International Centre for Sociological , Penal and Penitentiary Research and Studies at Messina

  6. 墨西拿,位于岛的东北的尽头之处,其主要的敌人是陶尔米纳(希腊)

    Messina , NE tip of the island , main adversary is Taorminum ( Greek )

  7. 蒙哥马利于某晚以两个师偷越墨西拿海峡,并未遭遇抵抗。

    Montgomery slipped two divisions across the Strait of Messina one night against no resistance .

  8. 它们是在伊比利亚半岛,阿拉伯半岛的墨西拿海峡还是非洲之角?

    Are they on the Iberian Peninsula , Strait of Messina , Arabian Peninsula or Horn of Africa ?

  9. 周三同墨西拿的西西里德比我们运气不错,不过这场比赛也证明了我们做的很出色。

    We were lucky in Wednesday 's derby with Messina , but it also proved that we are working well .

  10. 席勒在有名的“墨西拿新娘”的序文中,曾对歌队的意义流露一种极其可贵的见解,

    An infinitely more valuable insight into the significance of the chorus was furnished by Schiller in the famous preface to his Bride of Messina ,

  11. 携带泥浆的洪水通过墨西拿地区,汽车像玩具一样被卷走,并撞倒一部分的高架道路。

    Muddy torrents of water rushed through the Messina area , sweeping along cars as if they were toys and knocking down part of an elevated roadway .

  12. 马库斯·克劳迪亚斯·马塞洛将军带领着一只由60只五段帆船组成的海军舰队——罗马战船——越过墨西拿海峡正面进攻西西里市,而他的副司令则从陆地入手。

    General Marcus Claudius Marcellus led a naval fleet of 60 quinqueremes - Roman battleships - across the Strait of Messina in a frontal charge while his second-in-command attacked from the land .

  13. 墨西拿是希腊人在公元前8世纪建立的,从那时起,这座城市就有着罗马文化、阿拉伯文化等丰富的文化结构。

    Founded by the Greeks in the 8th century B.C. , the city has since been inhabited by many cultures including the Romans and the Arabs , making for a rich cultural fabric .

  14. 文章的结论是,英国错过墨西拿之舟并非完全是政府之过,而是在50年代英国尚不具备加入欧洲一体化进程的各种条件。

    Finally the conclusion is that the blame of missed the boat of Messina can 't completely on British government . But in the 1950s the British do not have the conditions to join the European integration process .

  15. 墨西拿大学一项新研究表明,与主人亲密生活的喵星人(这里指活动空间狭小、爱在室内活动的喵星人),会模仿它们的主人的生活习惯。

    In a new study from the University of Messina , it turns out that cats who live intimately with their owners ( indoor cats that live in a small space ) mirror the lives of their caregivers .

  16. 墨西拿大学一项新研究表明,与主人亲密生活的喵星人(这里指活动空间狭小、爱在室内活动的喵星人),会“模仿”它们的主人的生活习惯。

    In a new study from the University of Messina , it turns out that cats who live intimately with their owners ( indoor cats that live in a small space ) " mirror " the lives of their caregivers .

  17. 一名10岁的意大利男孩成为横渡墨西拿海峡的年纪最小的人。本周日,这名男孩从意大利西西里岛横渡墨西拿海峡游到了意大利大陆,全程用时55分30秒。

    ROME ( Reuters ) - A 10-year-old Italian boy became the youngest person ever to swim across the Strait of Messina when he made the crossing from Sicily to the Italian mainland on Sunday in 55 minutes and 30 seconds .