
  • 网络Adige River;River Adige
  1. 还包括其他一些著名的河流,如台伯河、阿迪杰河以及亚诺河。

    Other well-known rivers include the Tiber , Adige and Arno .

  2. 意大利东北部一城市,位于威尼斯西南面的阿迪杰河与波河之间。

    A city of northeast Italy between the Adige and Po rivers southwest of Venice .

  3. 这样他们就能从冰上过河,再次同华盛顿交战,把他的军队击溃。劳顿击败了拿破仑派在阿迪杰河上游的代理司令官。

    Then they would march across on the ice . They meant to fight Washington once more , and break up his army .