
  • 网络Ligurian Sea
  1. 意大利中北部城市,濒临利古里亚海,位于里窝那市的北部。

    A city of north-central Italy near the Ligurian Sea north of Leghorn .

  2. 意大利西北部的一地区,濒临利古里亚海。

    Region of northwestern Italy on the Ligurian Sea .

  3. 热那亚:意大利西北的一座城市,濒临利古里亚海的一个港湾热那亚湾。

    Genoa : A city of northwest Italy on the Gulf of Genoa , an arm of the Ligurian Sea .

  4. 意大利中部的一条河流,起源于亚平宁山脉,流经佛罗伦撒和比萨,流入利古里亚海。

    A river in central Italy rising in the Apennines and flowing through Florence and Pisa to the Ligurian Sea .

  5. 连同它的两个主要的岛屿,形成了一些明显的水系,例如东北部的亚得里亚海,东南部的爱奥尼亚海,西南部的伊特鲁里亚海和西北部的利古里亚海。

    Together with its two main islands Sicily and Sardinia it creates distinct bodies of water , such as the Adriatic Sea to the north-east , the Ionian Sea to the south-east , the Tyrrhenian Sea to the south-west and finally the Ligurian Sea to the north-west .