
lì yònɡ wài zī
  • Utilization of foreign capital;utilize foreign funds
  1. 继续积极利用外资,优化外商投资结构。

    We will continue to utilize foreign funds and optimize the mix of foreign investment .

  2. 摘要跨国并购是当前国际直接投资的重要形式,也是我国利用外资改组改造国有企业的主要方式。

    Transnational m & a is not only an important form of foreign direct investment , but the main method for us to utilize foreign funds to rebuild state-owned enterprise as well .

  3. 加入WTO,中国利用外资走势分析

    Analysis of Foreign Funds Utilization after China 's Entry into WTO

  4. 加入WTO以来,中国电信服务业积极引进和利用外资。

    Since joining in the WTO , the Chinese telecommunications services actively attract foreign investment .

  5. 加入WTO对河北省利用外资的影响及对策

    China 's entry to WTO : its effect on Hebei 's utilization of foreign capital and our measures

  6. 但是,单纯的GDP增长数据或引进利用外资的数额,只考察了经济的效率方面,却不能全面地反映一国的福利水平。

    However , these indexes merely reflect economic efficiency , disregarding a country 's overall welfare level .

  7. 随着FDI的增加,我国在利用外资方面取得了举世瞩目的成就,其中农业利用外资始于70年代末,是我国最早利用外资的领域之一。

    As FDI is increasing , our country has scored impressive achievements in the use of foreign capital .

  8. 我国加入WTO,意味着要按WTO规则办事,因此完善我国外资立法应以WTO有关利用外资的协诉为其基本依据。

    So the perfection of our legislation of foreign investments should be based on WTO s agreements involved in the using of foreign investments .

  9. 通过对水利利用外资现状的分析,阐述了加入WTO对水利利用外资结构的影响。

    The paper expounds the impacts on foreign funds utilization structure of water sector after joining WTO through analysis on the present status of foreign funds utilization .

  10. 我国利用外资的策略应注重提高技术吸收能力,促进FDI的技术溢出效应的发挥,而且其关键在于鼓励人力资本在国际间以及内外资企业间进行有效的流动。

    Therefore , China should pay attention to use the spillovers of FDI , to encourage human capital moves from oversea and foreign firms .

  11. 我国已经加入WTO,发展开放型经济、积极利用外资是我国经济发展战略的重要组成部分。

    Our country has already joined WTO , and it is important components of the economic development strategy of our country to develop open economy and utilize the foreign capitals actively .

  12. CEPA对湖南利用外资的影响及对策

    Influence on FDI of Hunan from CEPA

  13. BOT项目融资对国家扩大利用外资力度,加快电力工程建设具有重要意义。

    BOT project financing to expand the use of foreign countries and accelerating the construction of the power project is of great significance .

  14. TCL的成功归功于利用外资创建的中国名牌。

    TCL attributes its success to its famous brand products developed through the utilization of overseas investment .

  15. 本文认为,在加入WTO后的开放环境下,中国工业发展战略的调整应以产业结构战略为中心和依据,对外贸易战略和利用外资战略的取向应适应和服从产业结构战略的取向。

    As a WTO member , the rationale and central industrial development strategy of China under the new policies of openness should be industrial structure to which foreign trade and FDI strategies should be subordinate and adapted .

  16. 对外资业绩指数和潜力指数的再思考与利用外资绩效评价滨海新区与浦东新区FDI业绩潜力指数比较分析

    On the Evaluation of FDI Performance and Rethinking of FDI Performance Index and FDI Potential Index ; A Comparative Analysis on FDI Performance Potential Index between Binhai New Area and Pudong New Area

  17. 加入WTO以后,我国水泥工业将不可避免地面对经济全球化的挑战,同时也给我们带来了扩大利用外资的机遇;

    After entering into WTO of China , The cement industry has to face the challenge of internationalized economy , and at the same time , It bring the cement industry a good chance of utilizing foreign capital .

  18. 外商直接投资(FDI)对促进山东省经济发展起着不容忽视的作用,自1984年以来,山东省利用外资总量增长迅速,外资已成为山东经济发展和对外经济交流的重要载体。

    FDI has been a great power that we can 't neglect for the development of Shandong economy . Since 1984 , Shandong had a long improvement and a fast development in making use of FDI .

  19. 在加入WTO前五年过渡期内,长春市企业将迎来产品出口扩大,利用外资数量增加,产业结构调整,与跨国公司合作加强,企业改革进一步深化等诸多机遇;

    In the first 5-year transition after entering WTO , enterprises in Changchun will have many chances such as expansion of products export , more foreign capital , adjustment of industrial structure , more cooperation with international companies and further deepening of enterprise reform .

  20. 江西省利用外资提升自主创新能力的机制研究

    Jiangxi Province Use Foreign Capital Promotion Independent Innovation Ability Mechanism Research

  21. 利用外资加快西部经济发展的对策

    Utilizing External Investment to Promote the Development of the Western Economy

  22. 利用外资与中国经济增长的关系

    The Relations of Foreign Capital Utilization and China 's Economy Growth

  23. 对债转股和利用外资处置不良资产的研究

    A Study of Debt-Equity Swap And the Use of Foreign Funds

  24. 利用外资规模控制的非线性目标规划模型

    Nonlinear Goal Programming Models for Introducing Foreign Investment of Scale Controlling

  25. 我国利用外资效果的宏观分析

    Macro analysis on the Effectiveness of Foreign Capital Utilization in China

  26. 利用外资方式结构的优化模型及其模拟分析

    The Pattern Structure of Utilizing Foreign Capital and Its Stimulated Analysis

  27. 关于我国利用外资政策的冷思考

    Calm Thinking on the Exploitation of Foreign Investment Policy in China

  28. 试论国际投资态势与我国利用外资对策

    About International Investment Tendency and Our Policy in Utilizing Foreign Investment

  29. 利用外资对于整个国民经济有重要的影响。

    Utilization of FDI has greater influence on china 's economy .

  30. 中国为什么还需要积极利用外资?

    Why does China still need to attract foreign investments actively ?