
  • 网络China Free Trade Zone;ACFTA
  1. 此外,笔者在结语中还谈到了大中国自由贸易区的实现步骤:应当在完善CEPA及ECFA的相关规定,并尝试先加强小区域经济合作的基础上,循序渐进地进行。

    Besides , the author mentions the implementation steps of the " Greater China FTA " in the collusion part : it should be gradually established based on both the improvement of CEPA and ECFA and reinforcement of the small regional economic cooperation .

  2. 多边/区域经济合作与中国自由贸易区制度设计

    Multilateral / Regional Economic Cooperation and Chinese Free Trade Area System Design

  3. 最后有回到中国自由贸易区发展现转和困境。

    Finally returned to the development China free trade zone now and predicament .

  4. 中国自由贸易区的新制度经济学分析

    An Analysis of Chinese Free Trade Zone from the Perspective of New Institutional Economics

  5. 中国自由贸易区建设:演化历程、特点与趋势

    Analysis of the Construction of FTA in China : Evolutionary Process , Characteristics and Tendency

  6. 东盟&中国自由贸易区是中国参与的第一个正式的区域一体化组织,对于中国的发展战略具有重要的意义。

    CAFTA is the first formal regional organization that China participates in , and it has rather important meaning for the future strategy of China .

  7. 若两岸四地成功建立大中国自由贸易区将不仅有利于促进四地的经贸合作,更有利于中国同其他国家或者地区开展自由贸易。

    Once the " Greater China FTA " is established , it will not only be good for promoting these four areas ' economic and trade cooperation , but also be good for China to carry out free trade with other countries and areas .

  8. 并且阐述了美国对外贸易区的发展和优势所在,进而展开对中国自由贸易区的发展现状,保税区面临的转型不足之处论述,论证了中国自由贸易区可以从美国对外贸易区借鉴之处。

    And expounds the American foreign trade zone development and advantages , and then expand the development status of the China Free Trade Zone , bonded zone is facing transition shortcomings discussed , the Chinese free trade area can learn from USA foreign trade zone .

  9. 进入21世纪以来,CEPA、中国东盟自由贸易区以及泛珠江三角洲等区域经济合作的深入,为珠江航运赋予了新的使命。

    Since21th century , Pearl River navigation is playing a new important role in CEPA , China-ASEAN Free Trade Area and Pan-pearl River Delta cooperation .

  10. 在此背景下,本文应用可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型,试图定量分析中国&自由贸易区建成后将会产生的经济效应。论文首先综述了关于自由贸易区的研究。

    In this background , this paper attempt to analyses the economic effects of CAFTA by a computable general equilibrium ( CGE ) model .

  11. 北美自由贸易区(NAFTA)与中国东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)有共同的基本特征,但由于其产生的时代背景、目标、内容、性质、运作模式等方面的差异,使它们各具特色。

    NAFTA and CAFTA are the territorial economic cooperative organization under the trend of world regional economic integration . Both of them have common features of free trade zone , while having difference in time background , target , contents , nature and operation pattern .

  12. 我国正在同SACU进行中国-SACU自由贸易区谈判,如能早日达成此事,对双方均大有益处。

    China is now negotiating with the SACU on the issue of Sino-SACU FTA . It will go far towards both parties if problems are to be resolved as soon as possible .

  13. 试论东盟与中国建立自由贸易区的动机

    On ASEAN 's Motives for Establishing a Free Trade Area with China

  14. 昆明在中国东盟自由贸易区建设中的定位与功能

    Orientation and Function of Kunming in Building of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area

  15. 韩国称同意考虑与中国建立自由贸易区。

    ROK says agrees with China to consider FTA .

  16. 中国东盟自由贸易区影响因素、效果及对策

    China-ASEAN Free Trade Area & Factors that Exert Influence , Effect and Countermeasures

  17. 前景光明道路曲折评中国东盟自由贸易区构想

    A Review of China - ASEAN Free Trade Area

  18. 中国东盟自由贸易区这区域经济合作范式的启动将给中国带来合作共赢的发展机遇,也必将对中国的经济安全产生深刻的影响。

    Doubtlessly , CAFTA will bring win-win opportunities to both China and ASEAN countries .

  19. 汇率对产业内贸易的传导和冲击效应&基于中国东盟自由贸易区的分析

    Conduction and Innovation Effect of Exchange Rate to the Intra-Industry Trade-Analysis Based on CAFTA

  20. 东盟新成员与中国东盟自由贸易区:市场准入与激烈竞争

    ASEAN-China FTA : Advantages , Challenges and Implications for the Newer ASEAN Member Countries

  21. 论中国东盟自由贸易区刑事司法协助机制的完善

    Reflection of Improving the Mutual Assistance Mechanism of Criminal Judicial in China-ASEAN Free Trade Area

  22. 自中国东盟自由贸易区实施以来,双方的贸易量逐年递增。

    Since CAFTA was established , trade quantum on both sides has increased progressively year by year .

  23. 在本部分分为三个小节.第1小节介绍的是中国东盟自由贸易区的相关情况,主要是自由贸易区建立背景,过程和意义。

    The first section introduces some material of CAFTA which is mainly about the background , process and significance .

  24. 中国东盟自由贸易区中成员国之间的税收政策差异产生税收冲突,形成有害税收竞争。

    The differences of tax policies among member countries of CAFTA cause tax conflicts and form harmful tax competition .

  25. 地区经济合作:理论、现状和我国对策兼论中国东盟自由贸易区

    Regional Economic Cooperation : The Theory , The Present Situation , and China 's Policy Option & And On CHINA-ASEAN FREE TRADE AREA

  26. 中国东盟自由贸易区背景下的高校校园文化建设&以钦州学院为例

    Research on the Construction of Campus Culture on the Background of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area & taking Qinzhou University as an example

  27. 但是进口对就业率却有消极作用,在中国东盟自由贸易区对它带来积极影响的同时。

    On the other hand , exports have a negative impact on employment , while CAFTA remains to have a positive effect on it .

  28. 最后,从产业政策和对外贸易政策两个层面对中国在自由贸易区内的政策制定给出了相应的建议。

    Chapter Six puts forward the corresponding suggestions on the choice of the intra-regional strategy from the perspective of industrial strategy and foreign trade strategy .

  29. 本文对云南在中国东盟自由贸易区中的战略地位进行了探讨,从总体思路、战略目标、实现途径、应处理好的几对关系等几方面对云南进行了新的战略定位。

    The paper approaches Yunnan 's strategic status in China-ASEAN Free Trade Area from general thinking , strategic target , achievement method , several relations involved .

  30. 借鉴欧盟的成功经验,结合中国东盟自由贸易区的实际,有效地进行税收协调,预防和避免有害税收竞争;

    By using the successful experience in EU for reference and combining the practice in CAFTA , we can conduct tax coordination effectively , and prevent harmful tax competition .