
zhōng guó shì
  • Chinese Style;Sinicism
中国式[zhōng guó shì]
  1. 中国式MBO及其运行中的公平与效率

    Chinese Style MBO and the Application of Fairness and Efficiency

  2. 客观看待中国式的MBO

    The Objective View of Chinese - pattern MBO

  3. 非LBO的中国式并购贷款&中国资产杠杆化的开端

    Non-LBO China-Style Loan for M A A beginning of leverage assets in China

  4. GLM认为,当两种鲜活的语言碰撞时,中国式英语遣词造句的技巧应该值得庆祝。

    As two vibrant tongues collide , the verbal gymnastics of Chinglish should be celebrated , GLM argued .

  5. 目前,正如我的同事艾伦贝蒂(alanbeattie)所报道,达成中国式《广场协议》的可能性不大。

    Right now , as my colleague Alan Beattie reports , the chance of a new Chinese-style Plaza deal seems unlikely .

  6. 罗瑞克提到互联网集团腾讯(Tencent)开发的社交媒体平台微信(WeChat),称其是中国式创新的典范。

    Mr Robinson cited WeChat , the social media platform developed by internet group Tencent , as an example of Chinese innovation at its best .

  7. 也为研制、开发、实施中国式ERP管理信息系统,促进财务软件向着网络化、财务信息无纸化,企业管理实现物流、资金流、信息流协同化方向的快速发展提供了广阔的发展空间。

    It also offers a large space for researching , developing and applying Chinese ERP management information system , makes financial software develop into net and paperless , helps material flow , funds flow and information flow coordinating .

  8. 而有些说法则简直是疯言疯语了:Cork市有人散发传单,说欧盟将引入中国式的独生子政策。

    Some claims are , frankly , mad : a leaflet given out in Cork claims that Lisbon would let the EU bring in a Chinese-style one-child policy .

  9. Dave是一名基督徒,所以他和Kate决定在当地教堂举行结婚仪式,然后在一家饭店举行中国式的婚宴。

    Dave is a Christian , so he and Kate have decided to have a wedding ceremony at a local church and then have the Chinese style reception at a hotel later .

  10. 在当时的首席执行官西蒙利特尔伍德(SimonLittlewood)和董事长维克多吴(ViktorNg)领导下,伦敦亚洲基金堪称将中国式资本主义带到伦敦市场上的先锋。

    Led by Simon Littlewood , chief executive , and Viktor Ng , chairman , London Asia was leading the charge of Chinese capitalism into the London markets .

  11. 帮助设计这家酒吧的建筑师皮皮利斯(AnnaPipilis)称,酒吧的内墙被拆除了,她从当地的商店里搜到了旧木头和矮凳,以打造更传统的中国式座位。

    Architect Anna Pipilis , who helped design the bar , says an interior wall was removed and she scoured local stores for old wood and low tables to create more traditional Chinese-style seating . '

  12. 确立中国式辩诉交易程序之研讨

    Probing Studies on Establishing a Chinese Style Procedure of Plea Bargaining

  13. 这种集体主义的文化取向造就了中国式的关系主义思维。

    This collective cultural orientation made Chinese " relationship " thinking .

  14. 他看起来真是一个中国式的绅士。

    Tom : Yeah , he looked like a Chinese gentlemen .

  15. 构建中国式的违宪审查制度&代议机关至上为前提

    Establish the Chinese Constitutional Review System Based on the Legislative Supremacy

  16. 美术教育应造就中国式的理想人格

    On Aesthetic Education Should Bring Up Chinese Style Ideal Characters

  17. 小康社会是一个蕴含丰富文化底蕴、与时俱进的中国式概念。

    A well off society is a Chinese concept with rich culture .

  18. 中国式转型:制度演进的一种诠释

    Chinese - type Transition : Annotation on Advance of System

  19. 从中国式英语看母语的负迁移

    Chinese English ( Chinglish ) and the Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue

  20. 用当代性来思考和制造中国式

    Using " Contemporaneity " to Contemplate and Create " Chinese Style "

  21. 它是中国式智慧在经济活动中的体现。

    It is the reflection of China type wisdom in economic activities .

  22. 伪善的花好月圆&对《中国式离婚》的三种解读

    A False State Of Being Happy Three Interpretations About the Chinese-style Divorce

  23. 许多外国游客对中国式的工艺美术品表现出极大的兴趣。

    Many foreign tourists showed great interest in China-fashioned arts and crafts .

  24. 创立一个中国式的生态发展模式:安吉研究

    Creating an Chinese Ecological Development Model : Anji Case Study

  25. 欢迎来到全球化新时代&中国式的全球化。

    Welcome to a new era of globalisation , China-style .

  26. 电影类型学视野下的中国式西部片界说

    On " Chinese-Style Western Film " from the Perspective of Cinematic Typology

  27. 现在建设中国式的社会主义,经验一天比一天丰富。

    We are constantly accumulating more experience in building a Chinese-style socialism .

  28. 中国式竹园也是竹文化的一部分。

    Chinese Bamboo garden is also a part of the bamboo culture .

  29. 我太太买了一个漂亮的中国式灯笼来装饰客厅。

    My wife bought a beautiful Chinese lantern for the living room .

  30. 中国式盒饭摆满一桌。

    Cartons of Chinese food were arrayed on the table .