
hòu jī lóu
  • terminal building;air terminal
  1. 候机楼综合信息引导系统的设计和实现

    Design and Practice of Terminal Building Synthesis Information Guiding System

  2. 珠海机场候机楼空调系统设计

    Air conditioning system design of an airport terminal building

  3. 浦东国际机场候机楼80m跨预应力钢屋架端节点的理论和试验分析

    Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Endpoint of 80-meter Prestressed Roof Girder

  4. 当时仅有一座小型候机楼,主要用于VIP乘客和包租的飞机。

    The airport then consisted of one small terminal building , which still stands to this day , apparently for the use of VIPs and charter flights .

  5. 与正在使用的T2候机楼相比,改建后的T1候机楼不仅在设备方面有了进一步的提升,还将新增远机位候机厅和为特殊人群准备的绿色通道。

    Compared with the existing T2 Terminal , not only will the T1 Terminal have advanced facilities , but it also sets far flight terminal and green corridors for special populations .

  6. 该合同是作为洛杉矶国际机场北部工程的一部分,在洛杉矶国际机场(LAX)的三个北部候机楼建设一个百分之百直列行李检查系统。

    The contract is for the construction of a100 percent inline baggage screening system in three north terminals at Los Angeles International Airport ( LAX ) as a part of the LAX North Project .

  7. 深圳机场EAM系统的实施,不但规范了深圳机场设备管理作业流程,还使深圳机场资产设备管理由静态向动态发展,并为2011年深圳机场第三候机楼及第二条跑道的启用作好了准备。

    The application of EAM system not only standardized operation flow but also made Shenzhen airport asset and facility management developed from static state to dynamic state , and got ready for the enabling of Shenzhen airport terminal NO. 3 and the second runway in 2011 .

  8. 通过某候机楼改造工程中央空调的选型(设计制冷量2900KW),分析比较了两种机型选择方案,即电动螺杆式冷水机组和溴化锂吸收式蒸汽机组。

    Through the type-selection of the central air-conditioner in airport building renovation project ( the designed cooling capacity is 2900kW ), two solutions were presented and analyzed .

  9. 您的托运行李必须到候机楼认领。

    Your checked luggage has to be claimed in the terminal .

  10. 盐城机场候机楼改造工程钢屋盖结构设计及其关键问题的研究

    Design of Yancheng Airport Lounge and research on its important problems

  11. 科学管理机场候机楼的作业及商业活动

    Managing the Interface Between Commercial Activities and Terminal Operation in An Airport

  12. 候机楼里有发生爆炸。

    There was some kind of explosion inside the terminal .

  13. 概要介绍厦门机场新候机楼工程和空调系统设计。

    Presents the design of the air conditioning system of Xiamen international airport .

  14. 宜昌三峡机场候机楼异形屋顶构造设计

    Constructional Design of Special Roof of Terminal Building of Sanxia Airport , Yichang

  15. 能否提供扩建候机楼方案资料?

    Whether the data of airport lounge building expanding scheme can be provided ?

  16. 爱尔朗排队模型在旅客候机楼中的应用

    Application of Erlang Queuing Model in Airport Passenger Terminals

  17. 南京禄口国际机场候机楼环境质量季节分布研究

    Research about season distribution of environment quality in passengers building of Nanjing international airport

  18. 上海浦东机场(二期)候机楼水平地震行波效应时程分析

    Time-history analysis of effect of horizontal seismic traveling-wave of Shanghai Pudong airport terminal ⅱ

  19. 虹桥国际机场国内候机楼空调冷冻水水泵节能改造

    Energy Saving Reform of Chiller-pump of Air Conditioning Systemin Hongqiao International Airport Terminal Building

  20. 2011年6月6日下午,时端午节,于深圳宝安机场候机楼。

    June , 2011 afternoon , Dragon Boat festival , in the Shenzhen international airport terminal .

  21. 离开候机楼远一点,转弯时以免吹人。

    Leave plenty of the terminal building for turning to avoid jet blast to the people .

  22. 德国汉莎航空公司专门为头等舱乘客建立了一座全新独立的候机楼休息厅,这在国际航空领域内是绝无仅有的。

    Lufthansa is the first airline to build an entirely new terminal dedicated exclusively to its first-class passengers .

  23. 浦东机场候机楼竖向地震行波效应时程分析

    Time history of response to effect of vertical seismic traveling wave at Pudong Airport Terminal (ⅱ) in Shanghai

  24. 停机坪区域内滑行慢一点,注意候机楼前面的欢迎人群。

    Taxi slowly in the parking area and watch for the welcome people in front of the terminal .

  25. 进入上述机场的人员应当在机场候机楼入口处自觉接受安全检查。

    People entering into the above specified airports will be subject to security check at the entrance of the terminals .

  26. 扩建候机楼方案还在设计中,无法提供其方案资料。

    The expanding scheme of the airport lounge building is under design so the scheme data can not be provided .

  27. 机场候机楼及其周围环境白纹伊蚊千人指数和容器指数均为0。

    Results Aedes albopictus was the dominant species , the Airport waiting hall has0.00 of thousand-person index and container index .

  28. 这个机场有两个候机楼,由一列短程往返列车相连,列车每天从早6点运行到午夜。

    The airport is split into two terminals connected by a shuttle train that runs from 6am to midnight every day .

  29. 似乎每天都有新的地铁线路或高速铁路建成,甚至还有一个全新的机场候机楼。

    Every day seems to bring a new metro line or high-speed rail link – even a whole new airport terminal .

  30. 话虽如此,但机场的出租车站却设在了国内候机楼,而非国际候机楼。

    Having said that , the taxi queue , located at the domestic rather than the international terminal , was long .