
hòu bǔ wěi yuán
  • alternate member of a committee
  1. 这些委员会的委员和候补委员必须有五年以上的党龄。

    The members and alternate members of such a committee must have a Party standing of five years or more .

  2. 对地方各级委员会委员和候补委员的上述处分,必须经过上级党的委员会批准。

    Such a disciplinary measure against a member or alternate member of a local Party committee is subject to approval by the higher Party committee .

  3. 罗森格伦是美联储利率委员会的候补委员,他还表示,全球经济的疲软和市场的动荡可能使得这个目标更难以完成。

    Mr. Rosengren , who is an alternate member of the Fed 's committee on interest rates , also suggested that a weaker global economy and turmoil in the markets might make reaching that level harder .

  4. 出席会议的有中央委员198人,候补中央委员158人。

    The CPC Central Committee 's 198 full members and 158 alternate members attended the plenum .