
hòu jī tīnɡ
  • departure hall;departure lounge
  1. 他们没有带我去候机厅,而是直接领我上飞机到了我的座位上。

    Instead of taking me to the departure lounge they took me right to my seat on the plane .

  2. 飞机晚点,我们不得不在候机厅等上几小时。

    The plane was delayed and we had to wait for hours in the departure lounge .

  3. 候机厅自然排烟CFD模拟

    The CFD simulation of nature smoke venting in the airport lounge

  4. 搭乘国骨和国际航班都到同一个候机厅。

    You go to the same terminal for domestic and international flights .

  5. 我怎样能才到达国内候机厅?

    How can I get to the domestic departure lobby ?

  6. 南京机场候机厅空气卫生状况调查

    An Investigation of the Air Sanitary Condition in Nanjing Airport Waiting Hall

  7. 昆明候机厅数值模拟模型的建立方法

    Kunming waits for a plane the hall value analog modeling establishment method

  8. 一些武装分子已经控制了一号候机厅。

    Several men have taken control of terminal one .

  9. 在此我们深表歉意,请您在候机厅休息,等候通知。

    Would you please remain in the waiting hall and wait for further information .

  10. 消息说候机厅内部发生了爆炸。

    The news is saying there was some kind of explosion inside the terminal .

  11. 我们将把候机厅的截面图发到你手机上。

    We 'll pull a schematic of the airport and forward it to your cell .

  12. 我明白洛根总统要我们尽快进入候机厅。

    I under President Logan wants us to go into the terminal as soon as possible .

  13. 本文报道了对南京机场国际国内候机厅等公共场所空气卫生状况的调查监测结果。

    The author investigated the air condition in NANJING airport waiting hall ( including the international hall and the domestic hall ) .

  14. 如果您还要中转航班的话,必须在报关后去国内候机厅等候。

    If you have a connecting flight , you 'll have to go to the domestic terminal after you have declared customs .

  15. 这对于那些走路不轻松的人来说走到另一个候机厅是特别困难。

    This can be especially difficult for people who are not able to easily walk to a different flight 's waiting area .

  16. 然而,观察一下候机厅商店里出售的一系列商品就会发现,许多在别处买会更便宜。

    But a look at a range of products on offer in the departure lounge stores shows many are available cheaper elsewhere .

  17. 坐落在候机厅,地球仪为好奇的环球旅行者提供泰国、南非、日本、中国和巴西的气味。

    Perched in the departure lounge , the orb offers curious globetrotters whiffs of Thailand , South Africa , Japan , China and Brazil .

  18. 你知道,我们在南昌要增加几个航班,需要改造几个新大门的旅客候机厅。

    As you know that we are adding more flights in Nanchang , and we need to refurbish the passenger waiting area at the new gates .

  19. 我现在去飞机场,也不过是坐在候机厅读一个多小时的报纸,心里想着真希望你刚才唱一首歌给我听。

    I will be sitting in the airport for over an hour , reading the newspaper , all right ? Wishing you 'd played me one of your songs .

  20. 如果你还有衔接航班的话,必须在报关后去国内候机厅等候。国内厅就在国际厅的旁边。

    If you have a connecting flight , you will have to go to the do mestic terminal after you have declared customs . it 's just be side the international terminal .

  21. 上海两大主要机场周二数十个航班延误或取消,而周一已有数百个航班出现了上述情况,滞留旅客或是在候机厅内闲坐等待,或是匆忙赶往火车站。

    Together Shanghai 's two main airports delayed or cancelled dozens of flights on Tuesday after doing the same with hundreds of flights on Monday , leaving crowds of travelers either sitting idly in waiting halls or scrambling to the train station .

  22. 论文研究表明:对候机厅建筑模型、气流组织风口以及边界条件进行适当简化,采用计算流体程序模拟气流组织,能够得到较为合理的结果。

    The results indicates that , a reasonable result would be gained by using CFD program to simulate the air distribution , if we make a proper pre-digestion to the constructional model , the air distributional draught vent and the boundary condition .

  23. 冷清的候机厅,行李称重在老式称上手工完成,没有数字辅助设备的座舱,正是一位新加坡摄影师在乘坐世界唯一的一星航空公司航班飞行时拍下的照片。

    A deserted airport customs lounge , luggage weighed by hand on an old fashioned scale and a cockpit with no digital assistance , are just some of the sites a photographer from Singapore has captured on camera after flying with the world 's only one-star airline 。

  24. 上海浦东国际机场已开始建设全球最大的候机卫星厅,预计将于2019年建成。

    Construction of the world 's largest passenger terminals has begun at Shanghai Pudong International Airport , with completion set for 2019 .

  25. 德国汉莎航空公司专门为头等舱乘客建立了一座全新独立的候机楼休息厅,这在国际航空领域内是绝无仅有的。

    Lufthansa is the first airline to build an entirely new terminal dedicated exclusively to its first-class passengers .

  26. 对人员交通类场所的特点进行了分析,将人员交通类场所归纳为简单通道、复杂通道、候机(车)厅、进出港厅等组件。

    This paper made an analysis of human transport locations , classifying them into four components : simple passages , complex passages , waiting rooms , departure and arrival halls .

  27. 与正在使用的T2候机楼相比,改建后的T1候机楼不仅在设备方面有了进一步的提升,还将新增远机位候机厅和为特殊人群准备的绿色通道。

    Compared with the existing T2 Terminal , not only will the T1 Terminal have advanced facilities , but it also sets far flight terminal and green corridors for special populations .