
  • Coconut;Nata de coco
  1. 结论椰果卫生标准可作为卫生安全检测和评价的依据。

    Conclusion The standard formulated can be used as the basis for safety and hygienic deter - mination and evaluation of nata de coco .

  2. 影响椰果酸奶质量的因素

    Influence factors on the quality of Nata de Coco Yoghourt

  3. 研究了各种因素对红曲椰果中monacolink及红曲色素的稳定性影响。

    The effects of various factors were studied on stability of monacolin k and red koji pigment .

  4. 小猴子想吃椰果,你来帮它摇下来吧!

    Coconut small monkeys wanted you to help it shake down !

  5. 红曲椰果液态发酵工艺条件的优化

    Study on the liquid state fermentation conditions of monascus-nata complex

  6. 醋酸菌发酵法缩短椰果生产周期技术研究

    Shortening Production Cycle of Coco Nata by Acetobacter Fermentation

  7. 加入淡色朗姆酒、椰果朗姆酒、菠萝汁与柚子汁。

    Add the light rum , coconut rum , pineapple juice and grenadine .

  8. 椰果地方卫生标准研究

    Study on provincial hygienic standard of Nata de coco

  9. 目的制定椰子发酵产品椰果的地方卫生标准。

    Objective To formulate the provincial hygienic standard for determination of nata de coco , a fermentative food .

  10. 在树上的日子里,里萨尔用一把门锁敲开偶尔漂到他身边的椰果为食。

    Rizal used a door latch he found to prise open coconuts floating by amid swathes of debris .

  11. 为创造更高附加值,就必须提高椰果生产技术含量,进行高标准加工。

    To create higher value-added , it is necessary to improve the Coconut production technology content , high-standard processing .

  12. 为解决上述问题,设计了一种椰果采摘机。

    To solve the above problems , we designed a new type machine for coconut harvest in the article .

  13. 目的为研究椰子发酵食品“椰果”的卫生安全性。

    Objective To carry out the studies on hygiene and safety of a ferment food " Nata de coco " .

  14. 因此,这种方法获得的红曲椰果具有多重生理功效。

    And therefore the product , Monascus-nata complex , will have some physiological functions of red koji and nata de coco .

  15. 我们提供味美的,天然的香味,如甜薰衣草,香草,杏仁和热带椰果。

    We offer lush , natural scents like sweet lavender , rich vanilla chai , lush almond , and tropical coconut .

  16. 加上葡萄凝脂的椰果原汁是要和青柠檬片一起吃的。

    The coconut palm fruit stock of in addition , the grape congealed fat wants food with blue and green lemon slice .

  17. 本文主要探讨以椰果为主要辅助原料来开发一种新型的功能性火腿肠。

    This paper is mainly to take the Coro Nata as the supplementary material to develop a kind of new functional sausages .

  18. 沐浴着椰果清香和新鲜馥郁的牛奶香气,带给您身处梦幻山野般恬静心情,令人陶醉在大自然的清香中。

    Bathing in fragrance of fresh coconut and pleasant smell of fresh milk brings you tranquility of dream field and intoxicating natural freshness .

  19. 本文实现的主要内容如下:1.针对椰果采摘的特性,设计了一种液压控制系统。

    The content of this paper is as follows : 1 . Considering the characteristics of coconut picking , we designed a hydraulic control system .

  20. 散发着另人食欲大增的香气,前味犹如水果味的咖啡与甘草还有黑巧克力的结合带出甜如椰果和白胡椒的第二层味道。

    Showing savoury aromas of coffee , liquorice and dark chocolate combined with rich rune , and a secondary layer of sweet coconut and white pepper .

  21. 以提取的银耳液为主要汁液,研究银耳、荔枝、椰果等为配料的颗粒型复合饮料加工工艺,并优化工艺参数。

    Take the Tremella extraction as the main juice and Tremella , Litchi , Coconut as the other ingredients of the particle type for the compound beverage processing , and optimize the process parameters .

  22. 方法对12家椰果企业进行了卫生学调查,采集68份样品对20项指标进行检测,并对生产菌种进行生物学鉴定和毒力试验。

    Methods Nata de coco produced in 12 factories were hygienically surveyed and 68 samples of nata de coco were collected and 20 items of index and were examined . Biological and toxic assayed were also performed .

  23. 通过银耳荔枝椰果颗粒型复合饮料汁液配方的研究表明,优化的汁液配方为银耳提取液20%、荔枝果汁5%、结冷胶0.02%、蔗糖8%。

    The juice of Tremella Litchi Coconut particles compound beverage formulation study has shown that optimal formula for the Tremella extraction juice of 20 % , 5 % Litchi juice , 0.02 % gellan gum , 8 % sucrose .

  24. 结果表明,制作椰果酸奶时,料液比为1∶7~1∶9,添加7%的白糖,10%的椰果;

    The result indicates that the best formula of Nata de Coco Yoghourt are as follows : the proportion of milk powder and water is 1:7 ~ 1:9 , the quantity of sugar and Coco pulp are 7 % and 10 % , respectively ;

  25. 该系统由支腿收放、回转机构、大臂变幅、大臂伸缩、上臂回转、前臂回转、割刀回转等7个部分组成,可满足机械化椰果采摘高效、安全、稳定的要求。

    The system consisted of outrigger retractable agencies , slewing , luffing boom , extension boom , upper arm rotation , forearm rotation , rotary cutter and so on . The system could meet the requirements that picking coconut efficiency , security and stability .