
  • 网络PAL;Philippine Airline
  1. 单单在这一周里,法国航空公司和菲律宾航空公司就遭遇了罢工,为了防止相同事态扩散到英国的托马斯。库克航空公司,人们对其缄口不言。

    This week alone , as Air France and Philippine Airlines were hit by strikes , talks were being held to try to avert industrial action at Britain 's Thomas Cook Airlines .

  2. 今年28岁的艾利克斯·西蒙基本上拥有了他的私人飞机。他是菲律宾航空公司从马尼拉飞往长滩岛航班上的唯一一名乘客。

    Alex Simon , 28 , basically had his own private plane , as he was the only passenger who showed up for a Philippine Airlines flight as he travelled from Manila to Boracay .