
  • 网络baguio;Baguio City;City of Baguio
  1. 在总共78例中,有11例已经碧瑶市医院和热带医学研究所实验室确认脑膜炎奈瑟菌。

    Out of the total of78 cases , 11 have been laboratory confirmed for N.meningitidis by the Baguio General Hospital and the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine .

  2. 这种新的工具最初是为菲律宾多山的碧瑶市开发的,它能把一个地区容易发生山体滑坡的程度分级(从可能性非常低到非常高)。

    The new tool , originally developed for the mountainous Baguio City in the Philippines , classifies an area 's susceptibility to landslides on a scale from very low to very high .