
bì wǎ
  • green tile;blue tile
碧瓦 [bì wǎ]
  • [blue tile] 青绿色的瓦

碧瓦[bì wǎ]
  1. 红墙碧瓦,互相映衬。

    The red walls and green tiles set each other off beautifully .

  2. 来这里旅游,每一块青砖碧瓦都能引领您走进历史长河;

    Being here for tourism is as if you walked into history .

  3. “岱宗宝殿”为东岳庙的主体建筑,朱墙碧瓦,富丽堂皇。

    The Hall of Taishan Mountain is the main construction in the Dongyue Temple , its red walls and green tiles having an air of magnificence .

  4. 但也就在这时,人们会发现一片醒目的红墙碧瓦隐在树丛中,这就是建在武当神道上的朝天宫。

    But also at this time , people will find a striking red tile hidden in the bush , which is built in the Wudang Shinto Chaotian palace .