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chénɡ wài
  • suburb;outside of a town/city
  1. 他住在城外南边。

    He lives to the south of the city .

  2. 这些道路正好在城外交叉。

    The roads cross just outside the town .

  3. 他们住在城外。

    They live in the suburbs .

  4. 他乘车前往城外鲍勃的公寓。

    He rode uptown and made his way to Bob 's apartment

  5. 所有美国人都不必开车到城外去呼吸洁净的空气。

    No American should have to drive out of town to breathe clean air

  6. 几天后,他的尸体在城外的路边被发现,身上有被严重殴打过的痕迹。

    A few days later his badly beaten body was discovered on a roadside outside the city .

  7. 逃犯在城外被抓获。

    The escaped convict was seized outside the city .

  8. 我们从城外绕过去,不要穿城而过。

    Let 's go around the town , not through it .

  9. 在城外找一家旅馆。

    Find a hotel outside a city .

  10. 当晚,这位女士住在城外的朋友家。

    That night , the lady lived in a friend 's home outside the city .

  11. 城外有一片大森林,森林里生活着五百只称猴。

    Outside the city was a large forest , where 500 macaques lived .

  12. 城外有一条河,河中的鱼群生活的十分安定愉快。

    Outside the gate was a moat with fishes that lived a quiet and happy life there .

  13. 一天,捕快信步走到城外,恰好与强盗在集市上相遇。

    One day , the bailiff strolled outside the city and happened to come across the robber in the market .

  14. 城外有许多农庄,可以供城市居民前往居住和体验牛仔生活,或者只是去享受一下草原上的农家生活。

    Outside the city there are many countryside ranches for city dwellers to live the gaucho life , or just enjoy country life in the pampas , the grasslands outside buenos aires .

  15. 秦青在城外的大路旁为学生践行,酒宴中,秦青和着乐曲的节拍,唱起悲切的送行歌来。

    Qin Qing gave a farewell dinner by the road outside the city for the student . During the dinner , Qin Qing sang a sorrowful farewell song to the rhythm of the music .

  16. 美军已在建设备用地面站,以防出现位于科罗拉多斯普林斯城外的主要gps控制中心瘫痪的情况。

    Backup ground stations are being set up in case the main GPS control centre outside Colorado Springs is disabled .

  17. 打了胜仗的桑迪在华盛顿城外的一顶帐篷里,花旗(citi)领主、万能的约翰王(kingjohn)走了进来。

    The triumphant Sandy is in a tent outside Washington . The omnipotent King John , Lord of the Citi , enters .

  18. 但是我们发现,这些SeaBrat4就被放置在德克萨斯州休斯敦城外的工业园区。

    But we found the Sea Brat 4 just sitting here in an industrial park outside of Houston , Texas .

  19. 许多地区都已尝试过:从美国众多城市和州,到英国剑桥城外的硅沼(SiliconFen),以及迪拜和莫斯科的新科技园区。

    Many have tried , from cities and states in America to Silicon Fen outside Cambridge and new technology zones in Dubai and Moscow .

  20. 据大家所说,这矿藏是在WeaversNeedle的郊外,该地区在凤凰城外,广阔无垠、以其地理结构闻名。

    Most accounts place the mine in the vicinity of Weavers Needle , a large and well-known formation outside of Phoenix .

  21. 在莫斯科城外图拉农业区的餐厅MarkiLev,工作人员说,人们对这里供应的一种叫做五分钟的未成熟干酪需求大增。

    Mark I Lev , a farm-to-table restaurant in the Tula farming region outside Moscow , says interest has increased in a young cheese it serves called Five Minutes .

  22. SayGrace祈祷一位著名牧师和他教区的几位老人出席城外会议直到天黑才开完会,他们打算在回家前吃点东西。但很不巧只有一家名声不好的下等酒吧烤菜馆开着门。

    A distinguished clergyman and the elders from his congregation attended an out-of-town meeting that did not finish until rather late . They decided to have something to eat before going home , but unfortunately the only spot open was a seedy bar-and-grill with a questionable reputation .

  23. HyperloopOne是一家致力于研发未来新型交通网络的初创企业,该公司于日前宣布,在拉斯维加斯城外进行的最新测试中,其原型舱的时速提高了近三倍。

    Hyperloop One , just one a few tech startups hoping to create a transportation network of the future , announced that it had succeeded in tripling the speed of its pod in a recent test outside of Las Vegas .

  24. 在2月12日纽约水牛城外,一位著名地方商人MuzzammilHassan告诉警方他的妻子死了。

    On February twelfth , outside Buffalo , New York , Muzzammil Hassan , a well-known local businessman , told police that his wife was dead .

  25. 政府军周日阻止了戈马城外Kibati难民营联合国军队的护卫,转移了由联合国运送的23个人。

    Government troops stopped a U.N. convoy Sunday near the Kibati refugee camp outside Goma and removed 23 people being transported by the United Nations .

  26. 经过城外近两周的激烈战斗后,贝鲁比希望军队能够彻底击垮M23叛军。

    After nearly two weeks of fierce fighting outside the city , Birubi hopes the military will finish off the M23 rebels once and for all .

  27. 沙特一支紧急调停部队全身穿着黑色衣服,在麦加城外Arafat山附近的训练场地吟诵赞美诗,以防发生暴乱或者自然灾害。

    Squads of Saudi rapid intervention forces , some dressed entirely in black , chanted at a training ground , outside of Mecca , near Mount Arafat , as they prepared for possible disturbances or natural disasters .

  28. 一位在StHelier医院(就在伦敦城外)工作的眼科医生,是英国首位使用一种叫做Stellairis(见图)的新设备的人。

    PAUL URSELL , an ophthalmic surgeon who works at St Helier hospital , just outside London , is one of the first people in Britain to use a new piece of equipment called the Stellaris ( pictured ) .

  29. OusmaneNdiaye在达喀尔城外的Guediaway卫生中心工作。每年有7000名婴儿在这里出生,其中有五分之一的婴儿重量不足。

    Every year , seven thousand babies are born at the health center where Ousmane Ndiaye works in Guediaway , outside Dakar . One in five is underweight .

  30. 然而,现在,候选名单上有两个监狱,一个是堪萨斯的Leavenworth,另外一个在密歇根的Standish,是位于底特律城外150英里处的一个小镇。

    Right now though , two facilities on the shortlists . One is in Leavenworth , Kansas , the other in Standish , Michigan which is a small town about 150 miles outside of Detroit .