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  1. 本文利用有限城上的强初子和计算机构造了K(12168)和K(16808)的完美1-因子分解。

    In the paper , perfect one-factorizations of K_ ( 12168 ) and K_ ( 16808 ) are constructed by applying strong starters to the Galois field and computers .

  2. 本文讨论了实数城上具有形式λiP(αi,βi)的一类矩阵,给出了上类矩阵的几个性质和定理。

    In this paper , we discussed a kind of matrix on the form of λ iP (α I ,β I ) in the real fields , we also gave a few properties and theorems of it .

  3. 你在凤凰城上过大学先修课程吗?

    Were you in an advanced placement program in Phoenix ?

  4. 城上可以望南京的每一角。

    The view from the terrace town covers every corner of Nanjing .

  5. 波顿家的族徽从片头的临冬城上消失。

    The Bolton sigil was removed from Winterfell in the opening credits .

  6. 在C~n中凸区城上全纯函数积分表示的局部拓广

    Local Generalization of the Integral Representation of Holomorphic Function on Convex Domain C ~ n

  7. 军官乙他们向我们城上放礼炮了;到来的也是我们的朋友。

    Second Gentleman . They give their greeting to the citadel ; This likewise is a friend .

  8. 不要用犹大言语和我们说话,达到城上百姓的耳中。

    Don 't speak to us in Hebrew in the hearing of the people on the wall . '

  9. 山姆问,他一眼扫到城上蜿蜒的木制长梯,脸顿时像结块的酸牛奶一样僵硬。

    Sam asked . His face curdled like old milk as he looked at the great wooden stairs .

  10. 约坦建立耶和华殿的上门,在俄斐勒城上多有建造;

    He built the high gate of the house of the LORD , and on the wall of Ophel he built much .

  11. 从第四季开始,波顿家族的剥皮人标志就安在了片头动画的临冬城上。

    Ever since season four , the flayed man sigil of House Bolton has sat atop Winterfell during the animated title sequence .

  12. 好多人在大学城上了几年,从来没到隔壁学校走一走、看一看。

    Many people in University City last several years , has never been to school next door to a walk , take a look at .

  13. 便将那应当接续他作王的长子,在城上献为燔祭。

    Then he took his eldest son that should have reigned in his stead , and offered him for a burnt offering upon the wall .

  14. 拥有你善良的明镜似的心,无人能载入我的摆件,唯有你。我暮光城上的妙龄

    Have your kind heart , no one can mirror like load my place , only you . I the twilight of the city 's young

  15. 亚述王的臣仆用犹大言语向耶路撒冷城上的民大声呼叫,要惊吓他们,扰乱他们,以便取城。

    Then they called out in Hebrew to the people of Jerusalem who were on the wall , to terrify them and make them afraid in order to capture the city .

  16. 射箭的从城上射王的仆人,射死几个,赫人乌利亚也死了。

    And the shooters shot from off the wall upon thy servants ; and some of the king 's servants be dead , and thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also .

  17. 有一个聪明妇人从城上呼叫、说、听阿、听阿、请约押近前来、我好与他说话。

    Then cried a wise woman out of the city , Hear , hear ; say , I pray you , unto Joab , Come near hither , that I may speak with thee .

  18. 三天后,魏延、姜维领兵来到陈仓城下,见城上有人大喊:“你二位来迟了!”

    Three days later when Wei Yan and Jiang Wei led their troops to the gate of the city , they heard somebody shouting from the top of the city wall , " You have come too late !"

  19. 这样,李宗仁在石头城上所能看见的东西,就只剩下了天低吴楚,眼空无物。

    Thus , all that is left for Li Tsung-jen to see from the ramparts of the " Stone City " is , The sky brooding low over the land of Wu and Chu , With nothing between to meet the eye .

  20. 城边上横七竖八的建筑不再蔓延,田野展现出来。

    The town straggled to an end and the fields began .

  21. 那家人三年前搬出了城,上星期又搬回来。

    The family left town three years ago but moved back last week .

  22. 下面是在F城委员会上提出的建议。

    The following proposal was raised at a meeting of the Franklin City Council .

  23. 康斯登表示,从华尔街和伦敦金融城废墟上兴起的新型专门化金融机构(financialboutique),从一开始就更加懂得制定一套媒体策略的需要。

    The new financial boutiques rising from the wreckage of Wall Street and the city of London are more conscious of the need for a press strategy from the outset , constant says .

  24. 故事是这样的,Nicholas有一天听说,有三个非常漂亮的姐妹,她们都住在Myra城边上的一座小破屋里面。

    The story tells of Nicholas hearing one day of three beautiful sisters who lived in a miserable hut on the edge of Myra .

  25. 我们爬上不对外开放的城垛子上,有几处石头被切得跟卡帕多西亚地区(Cappadocia)如出一辙,我们的惊险旅程由此开始。

    We climb on to a forbidden battlement , its stones in places as whittled and wind-worn as Cappadocia , and the experience begins .

  26. 过去两年间,该农场吸引了社区里像MarcyClark这样的志愿者,她在家教四个孩子,最近的一天,她带孩子们来生态城农场上了一课。

    Over the past two years , the farm has attracted volunteers from the community like Marcy Clark . She schools her four children at home . On a recent day she brought them to Eco City Farms for a lesson .

  27. 下面是一则刊登在M城报纸上的社论。

    The following appeared in an editorial in the Mason City newspaper .

  28. 他们正在城边上建造一个新的超级市场。

    They 're building a new supermarket on the edge of town .

  29. 城边上的一个污秽不堪的酒吧。

    A flyblown bar on the edge of town .

  30. 我们学校在城边上。

    Our school is at the end of town .