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yáo chí
  • The Jade Pool;abode of immortals, associated with the mythical Western Mother Goddess;abode of fairy mother goddess
瑶池 [yáo chí]
  • [abode of fairy mother goddess] 神话中昆仑山上的池名,西王母所住的地方;美池,多指宫苑中的池

瑶池[yáo chí]
  1. MLLPQP的功友们,让我们在瑶池边上载歌载舞吧!

    MLLPQP gang , let 's dance and sing together by the lotus pond .

  2. 过了瑶池,我们现在所在的就是仙园景区。

    After Yao Chi , now here we stand by a landscaped area .

  3. 现产品有瑶池牌过滤机、无轴封液下泵、可空转手提泵、自吸泵等30多个规格。

    Yao filter products are licensed , non-liquid pump seals , may idling portable pumps , pump more than 30 other specifications .

  4. 因在瑶池会上打破玻璃盏被玉帝贬在流沙河的沙悟净,把唐三藏掠进水府欲吞吃。

    Sha Wujing who is punished in Liushahe River by the jade emperor because he has broken glaze glasses in the peach banquet and caught Tang Sanzang and wants to eat him .