
chénɡ shì xiǎo zī chǎn jiē jí
  • urban petty bourgeoisie
  1. 无产阶级、农民、城市小资产阶级的广大群众,有待于我们宣传、鼓动和组织的工作。

    The broad masses of the proletariat , the peasantry and the urban petty bourgeoisie need our work of propaganda , agitation and organization .

  2. 城市小资产阶级是指除了农民以外的小资产阶级。

    The urban petty bourgeoisie is part of the petty bourgeoisie in addition to farmers .

  3. 无产阶级的坚固的同盟者是农民,其次是城市小资产阶级。

    The staunch ally of the proletariat is the peasantry , and next comes the urban petty bourgeoisie .

  4. 这个国家垄断资本主义,不但压迫工人农民,而且压迫城市小资产阶级,损害中等资产阶级。

    This state-monopoly capitalism oppresses not only the workers and peasants but also the urban petty bourgeoisie , and it injures the middle bourgeoisie .

  5. 这个统一战线是如此广大,它包含了工人阶级、农民阶级、城市小资产阶级和民族资产阶级。

    This united front is so broad that it includes the working class , the peasantry , the urban petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie .

  6. 在中国,在现阶段,是工人阶级,农民阶级,城市小资产阶级和民族资产阶级。

    At the present stage in China , they are the working class , the peasantry , the urban petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie .

  7. 以阶级论,则是无产阶级、农民阶级、城市小资产阶级、资产阶级的统一战线。

    In terms of social classes , it was a united front of the proletariat , the peasantry , the urban petty bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisie .

  8. 他们在全国工人、农民和城市小资产阶级中的影响是很大的,在中间势力中亦有相当影响。

    Their influence is very great among the workers , peasants and urban petty bourgeoisie throughout the country and is also quite considerable among the middle forces .

  9. 中国农民群众和城市小资产阶级群众,是愿意积极地参加革命战争,并愿意使战争得到彻底胜利的。

    The masses of China 's peasantry and urban petty bourgeoisie wish to take an active part in the revolutionary war and to carry it to complete victory .

  10. 这里包括工人、农民、城市小资产阶级、民族资产阶级、开明绅士、其他爱国分子、少数民族和海外华侨在内。

    These strata include the workers , peasants , urban petty bourgeoisie , national bourgeoisie , enlightened gentry , other patriotic elements , the minority nationalities and overseas chinese .

  11. 无产阶级要想领导中国革命取得胜利,必须团结广大的城市小资产阶级群众,建立统一战线,以壮大革命力量。

    In order to win the victory of Chinese revolution , the proletariat must unite the urban petty bourgeoisie ; establish a united front to strengthen the revolutionary forces .

  12. 城市小资产阶级既是小私有者,又是小生产者,兼有二者的特性,自食其力是城市小资产阶级的典型特征。

    The urban petty bourgeoisie is both private owners and small producers , combining the characteristics of the two , and self-reliant is typical characteristics of the urban petty bourgeoisie .

  13. 无产阶级中还有许多人保留着小资产阶级的思想,农民和城市小资产阶级都有落后的思想,这些就是他们在斗争中的负担。

    Among the proletariat many retain petty-bourgeois ideas , while both the peasants and the urban petty bourgeoisie have backward ideas ; these are burdens hampering them in their struggle .

  14. 但是,也有许多党员是地主、富农、资本家家庭出身,或者是富裕中农和城市小资产阶级出身。

    But there are also a number of Party members who hail from landlord , rich peasant and capitalist families , or have a well-to-do middle peasant or urban petty-bourgeois origin .

  15. 革命的动力,基本上依然是工人、农民和城市小资产阶级,现在则可能增加一个民族资产阶级。

    Basically , the workers , the peasants and the urban petty bourgeoisie are still the motive forces of the revolution , but now there may be the national bourgeoisie as well .

  16. 第四是为城市小资产阶级劳动群众和知识分子的,他们也是革命的同盟者,他们是能够长期地和我们合作的。

    Fourthly , they are for the labouring masses of the urban petty bourgeoisie and for the petty-bourgeois intellectuals , both of whom are also our allies in the revolution and capable of long-term co-operation with us .

  17. 大地主大资产阶级的投降方向和无产阶级、农民、城市小资产阶级、中等资产阶级的抗战方向,是对立的,双方在斗争中。

    The line of capitulation taken by the big landlord class and the big bourgeoisie runs sharply counter to the line of armed resistance taken by the proletariat , the peasantry , the urban petty bourgeoisie and the middle bourgeoisie , and there is a struggle between the two .