
kū gǎo
  • withered;haggard
枯槁 [kū gǎo]
  • (1) [withered]∶[草木]干枯;枯萎

  • 今夫徙树者,失其阴阳之性,则莫不枯槁。--《淮南子.原道训》

  • (2) [haggard]∶[面容]憔悴

  • 形容枯槁。--《楚辞.渔父》

枯槁[kū gǎo]
  1. 草木枯槁。

    Trees and grass withered up .

  2. 拿4:7次日黎明、神却安排一条虫子、这蓖麻、致枯槁。

    But God appointed a worm when dawn came the next day and it attacked the plant and it withered .

  3. 她现在看起来瘦小枯槁,很可怜。

    She now looked small , shrunken and pathetic .

  4. 但是这一阵雨是灌溉不了枯槁的土地的。

    But it was not enough to damp the parched ground .

  5. 这个可怜汉,由于穷困,面容枯槁。

    The poor fellow 's face looked haggard with want .

  6. 人类可能会有难看和枯槁的脸;

    men may have mean and meagre faces ;

  7. 但总体而言,这是一本令人昏昏欲睡的书。它就像一份枯槁的目录清单,不讲叙事技巧抑或根本就没有分析性的结构。

    But the book is a tiring list with no narrative or analytical structure .

  8. 她因年迈而面容枯槁。农作物缺水枯萎了。

    Old age withered her face . The crops were drooping for want of water .

  9. 大儿子说那棵树很丑、枯槁、扭曲。

    The first son said that the tree was ugly , bent , and twisted .

  10. 她因年迈而面容枯槁。梅已是成年女人了。

    Old age withered her face .

  11. 因为他们有如青草,快要枯槁,他们有如绿叶,行将零凋。

    For they will fade as any green herb and soon be gone like withered grass .

  12. 草木之生也柔弱,其死也枯槁。

    Plants are also tender and supple when alive , only to become dry and brittle when they die .

  13. 或者我会不会再过以前的那种生活-尽是些痛苦而又单调的治疗、种种清规戒律和使人枯槁的疲劳?

    Or would I be sent back to my former life with all its drudgery , discipline , and sucking fatigue ?

  14. 次日黎明,神却安排一条虫子咬这蓖麻,以致枯槁。

    But God prepared a worm when the morning rose the next day , and it smote the gourd that it withered .

  15. 一丝丝的脉络清晰可见,上面覆盖着“叶肉”,像老太太枯槁的手。

    A trace of the vein is clearly visible , covered with " leaf ", as the withered old lady 's hand .

  16. 他们常去波威里街和那些破烂不堪的东区街道,在那里褴褛的衣衫和枯槁的形容是不足为奇的。

    They frequent the Bowery and those down-at-the-heels East Side streets where poor clothes and shrunken features are not singled out as curious .

  17. 她更希望他不会改变主意,让她瘦削枯槁,因为她通过他们的暴饮暴食已经走上一个新的极端。

    She better hope that he doesnt change his mind on her and leave her high and dry , because she has taken herself to a new extreme with their binge eating .

  18. 如果你某天面对着一个苦瓜脸老掉牙的银行家或者是形如枯槁心如死灰的风险投资者的话,别担心,他们对你绝无抵挡之力,哦,处处们,谁会拒绝光芒四射的你呢?

    If you find yourself sitting opposite a crusty old banker or impossible-to-please venture capitalist , believe me , they don 't stand a chance of rejecting you , not with your star power .

  19. 他评词论艺皆以自然为最高审美标准,然而这种自然不是平淡枯槁,而是趣味与韵味的融合。

    He review ci theory art is to " nature " as the highest aesthetic standards , however , this " natural " not dull bent , but interest and the lasting appeal of fusion .

  20. 楼下公园大门外的大树冬天里还是一派枯槁,没过几日,春天来临时已是绿意盎然满枝头。

    The big tree which out of the gate of the public park downstairs my home was withered in winter , but some days later it had been green all over when the spring was coming .

  21. 线栓法手术后,大鼠出现毛发枯槁,精神萎靡不振,体重明显下降,活动减少,攻击性减弱,饮食量减少,口鼻色泽黯淡,便溏。

    The suture method after surgery , the rats withered hair , spiritual malaise , weight decreased , reduced activity , offensive weakened , reduced food intake , pale green nose and mouth , loose stools .