
jūn fá zhàn zhēnɡ
  • war among warlords
  1. 江浙军阀战争与上海特别市的发端

    Wars between Warlords in Jiangsu and Zhejiang and Inchoation of Shanghai Special Administrative City

  2. 但军阀之间的战争不是每天不停的。

    But fighting among the warlords does not go on every day .

  3. 首次国共两党联合战线与北伐战争打倒列强除军阀&试论北伐战争中的爱国主义精神

    First United Border Line of the Two Parties and the Northern Expedition

  4. 四川军阀内战频发,战争越打越大,野心和欲望膨胀。

    Sichuan warlords had being the more frequent civil war , the greater the war play ambition and desire to inflation .

  5. 民国时期,湖南的兵灾主要发生在南北军阀混战和抗日战争时期。

    In the Republic of China , the war disaster of Hunan mainly took place in the southern and northern warlords fighting period and the Anti-Japanese War period .

  6. 关注女性生存、审视女性弱点,揭露军阀罪恶、谴责战争带给人民的苦难和老少皆宜的儿童小说是其三大主题。

    There are three chief subjects in her novel : paying attention to female existence and scrutinizing female weakness , exposing warlord 's evils acts and condemning the war , her literature for children that the old and the young are all fond of .