
  • 网络military technology;military science
  1. 目标检测问题一直是现代军事科技中的一个核心问题。

    Target detection is the key point of modern military technology .

  2. 事实已经证明,军事科技的发展势所必然。

    It has been proved that the development of military technology is inevitable .

  3. 人们已逐渐意识到军事科技的非理性应用所带来的严重后果。

    People gradually realise the serious consequences of its unethical application .

  4. 这些同样的军事科技最终都被用来对付人民。

    These same military technologies are then used against the people .

  5. 军事科技档案开放现状及影响因素

    Opening Status and Influence Factors of Military Science and Technology Records

  6. 引入国际标准化管理体系提高军事科技期刊质量

    Improve quality of military scientific journals with ISO st and ards

  7. 新军事科技成果转化为战斗力的思考

    On Turning New Military Science and Technology Achievements into Fighting Power

  8. 动态能力的技术内涵解析台湾地区军事科技工业能力调整

    Adjustment of Taiwan Military Science , Technology and Industry Capabilities

  9. 论军事科技人力资源的合理流动

    The Research of Reasonable Flow of Military Science and Technology Human Resource

  10. 高校军事科技教学存在的问题与对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures in the Teaching of Military Science and Technology in Universities

  11. 军事科技人才安全是一个复杂的包含多种因素的问题集合。

    Military science and technology talents security is a complicated aggregation contained various problem .

  12. 台湾地区军事科技工业现状及发展趋势透视

    Military scientific and technological industries in Taiwan province : current status and future developments

  13. 坚持以工业为基础,促进军事科技的现代化。

    Adhering to the industrial base and promoting the modernization of military science and technology .

  14. 军事科技伦理学论纲

    Outline of Military Science and Technology Ethnics

  15. 是时候把军事科技工作转移到中国了,一切都准备好了!

    It 's about time military technology jobs goto China , everything else has already !

  16. 坚持自主创新,实现军事科技的跨越式发展;

    Sticking to independent innovation and realizing the spanning development in military science and technology ;

  17. 对这一新的学科的研究对象、学科内容和研究意义的初步探讨,是建立军事科技伦理学的重要环节。

    This article aims at discussing the object , content and significance of the new subject .

  18. 军队战斗力的提高,军事科技人才是一个非常关键的因素。

    Military science and technology talents security is a extraordinary key factor for rising troops combat effectiveness .

  19. 随着现代军事科技的进步和时代的发展,对目标探测识别的技术越来越成熟,而目标反识别技术也发展起来了。

    With the rapid development in military technology , target acquisition and anti-recognition techniques are all advanced .

  20. 雷达侦察是电子战作战过程的关键环节,雷达辐射源识别技术也因此成为国内外军事科技领域研究的重点。

    Technology about radar emitter recognition therefore becomes the important subject in domestic and foreign military science and technology domain .

  21. 阿富汗的那场战争使得欧盟的许多国家在军事科技上已经落后之说变成了铁铮铮的事实。

    The war in Afghanistan has brought home the reality that much of Europe has fallen behind in military technology .

  22. 由此可见,依托培养为国防建设和军事科技的发展做出了巨大贡献。

    Thus , relying on the train made a great contribution for the development of defense construction and military technology .

  23. 他坚称,朝鲜打破了外国对军事科技的垄断。他呼喊口号称:向最后的胜利前进!

    He insisted North Korea had broken foreign powers ' monopoly on military technology and proclaimed : On to ultimate victory !

  24. 伊拉克和阿富汗战争表明,没有哪个国家真的需要和美国在军事科技领域开展竞赛?

    Iraq and Afghanistan have shown that no country really needs to exactly match the US in technological sophistication and military technology .

  25. 随着现代军事科技的迅速发展,定性分析的预报保障方法将无法满足部队和武器装备的需要,客观、定量化的保障方法将是海军水文气象保障发展的必然趋势。

    The rapid development of military technology requires digital meteorological forecasting to satisfy the actual need in military practice and equipments preserving .

  26. 随着军事科技及技术的飞速发展,研制出了很多高科技武器,其中不乏一些无人驾驶的飞行器。

    With the rapid development of military technology and techniques , a lot of high-tech weapons are developed , including some unmanned aerial vehicle .

  27. 特种光纤已广泛应用于光纤通信、光纤传感、医学、材料加工和军事科技等领域。

    Special Optical Fibers are widely used in such fields as optical fiber communications , sensing , physic , material process and military technoloty .

  28. 随着军事科技的发展,我军传统物资保障模式已经难以适应高技术战争条件下的保障要求。

    With the development of military science and technology , the traditional mode of material support in PLA can not suit the requirement of modern war .

  29. 与之相反,每一种技术可能都可以在技术综合的情况下影响各自的重要程度并融合到军事科技当中,并应用于战场。

    Instead , each contingency will see military technology in a state of flux and sensitive to each particular permutation as technologies combine and clash in battle .

  30. 尽管在军事科技的大多数领域,中国都远远落后于美国,但中国军方似乎很快就会拥有至少一件如此神奇的武器。

    Although China lags far behind the US in most areas of military technology , its military appears to be closing in on at least one such wonder weapon .