
  • 网络People oriented;Serving;People First;people-centered;people-centric
  1. 利义并重以民为本的墨家管理思想

    The Management Thoughts of Mohist about People First and Equality of Benefit and Justice

  2. 要求他们勤劳民事,以民为本,然而这些要求都是从主体方面提出来的。

    However , all these demands were raised from the subjects .

  3. 第二,贵义、尚利:体现以民为本的惠民思想;

    The second one was the idea of the people-center consideration .

  4. 俗话说:国以民为本,民以食为天。

    As the saying goes : the country people-oriented , Food .

  5. 国以民为本,民以生为先。

    " Countries people oriented , people with birth first " .

  6. 国以民为本,党以民为基。

    China bases on people and so does the Party .

  7. 以民为本发展民营经济促进小康社会建设

    Be People-Focused , Develop Private Economy and Accelerate Construction of Well-Off Society

  8. 以民为本促进社会和谐发展

    Take People as the Orientation and Promote the Harmonious Development of the Society

  9. 二是始终坚持以民为本,促进共建共享互动;

    Second , it was people-oriented all the time , promoting interaction and sharing .

  10. 以民为本思想贯穿其中,并成为其核心。

    Take the people as this thought penetration in which , and becomes its core .

  11. 我们会继续努力确立「以民为本」的施政理念。

    We will continue with our efforts to uphlod the vision of " people-based " governance .

  12. 同时对以民为本的管理及其相关因素之间的关系进行哲学分析。

    The paper philosophically analyses the relationship between the people-oriented management and it 's related factors .

  13. “以民为本”:思想政治工作新的时代内涵

    The new epochal intention of the ideological and political work with " taking the people as foundation "

  14. 随着社会的不断发展,这种以民为本思想的内涵也愈益丰富。

    With the development of the society , the ideological connotation of " people-orientedness " became increasingly rich .

  15. 中华文明历来注重以民为本,尊重人的尊严和价值。

    The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to the people and respect for people 's dignity and value .

  16. 基于历史之经验,中央对地方少数民族的治理应特别注意以民为本。

    Based on historical experience , the central to the local minority management should pay special attention to the people .

  17. 节约型政府的核心内涵包括四个方面:节约、循环经济、廉洁高效和以民为本。

    The essential connotation of economizing government including four aspects : economy , circular economy , probity and high efficiency , human-based .

  18. 因此,中国社会从以民为本向以人为本的转变具有重大理论意义和实践意义。

    Therefore , the ideological transition of Chinese society from " people-orientedness " to " human-orientedness " has great theoretical and practical significances .

  19. 管理者要真正树立公共权力意识,真正站在人民的立场上行使权力,以民为本。

    Managers should establish a sense of public power , exert the power standing on the real position of the people and people-oriented .

  20. 民本经济是以民为本,民众自主投资、自主运营、自我发展的经济。

    The private capital economy is characterized by private citizens as the main force , voluntary private investment , autonomous operation and self-development .

  21. 王符从人民的利益出发,强调、提醒并希望统治者能以民为本,把富民当作富国的前提,关心、爱护人民。

    Wang Fu stressed the interests of people , warned the governors to administrate the country of the people , and for the people .

  22. 应当树立以民为本的经济建设宗旨,促使区域经济平衡增长,调节不合理的收入差距,努力实现有利于公平的经济增长。

    China should promote the balanced development of regional economy , adjust the irrational income gap , and realize the economic growth with pro-equity .

  23. 其价值取向以民为本,政府主导,系统控制,制度创新,道德培育。

    Its value orientation is " take the people as the basic , the government leads , systemically control , system innovation , moral cultivation " .

  24. 服务型政府强调了政府提供公共服务的核心职责,彰显了以民为本、服务中心的价值理念。

    Service-oriented government stressed that the government provide the core functions of public service , illustrates the " people-oriented " and " service center " values .

  25. 在此基础上阐明我国社会主义制度条件下,创建以民为本管理思想和模式的必要性及基本要求;

    On the basis of this , this paper clarifies the necessity and the basic requires to establish the thought and model of the people-oriented management .

  26. 其中,以民为本的价值理念是民生新闻的精神内核,是支撑民生新闻发展的强大精神动力。

    The value concept of human-centred thinking is the kernel spirit among them and is strong spiritual motive supporting the development of the news of the masses .

  27. 以人为本中的人既不是西方人本主义所理解的抽象的人,也不是中国传统以民为本中的民;

    The people in the people-centered Idea are neither the abstract people understood by western humanism nor the masses in the Chinese traditional idea " the masses-centered " .

  28. 社会保障制度的安排实施是以民为本的重要举措,却又把很多规范建设在施恩的计划财政的理念基础上。

    Is obviously a people-based system construction , but to regulate the construction of many in the " mercy " of the financial plan based on the concept .

  29. 本文主要论述现代管理中以人为本的思想,揭示其科学内涵;并把它作为以民为本管理的思想来源进行分析。

    The paper expounds human-oriented thought of the modern management , reveals the scientific connotation and regards it as the source of the people-oriented management to analyse it .

  30. 因此,对项目风险分担进行研究不仅为合理分担风险提供了决策依据,而且保障了项目的顺利完成,体现了政府以民为本的角色,促进了和谐社会的发展。

    Therefore , the research of the project risk sharing not only provides the decision-making basis for rational sharing risk but also guarantees the smooth completion of the project .