
  • 网络regarding poetry as ci
  1. 以诗为词概念的提出,促进了词的本色认识。

    The concept of the regarding poetry as ci advances the inherent qualities of ci .

  2. 以诗为词不仅是创作方法的更新,而且是词学观念和词学意识的改变。

    The regarding poetry as ci is not only the change of artistic technique , but also the change ideas of ci .

  3. 以诗为词是檃括的方法之一,最直接的目的是使诗合于歌唱。

    Its direct purpose is to make the poems into the songs .

  4. 二是“以诗为词”;

    The second is to enrich the contents of poetry ;

  5. 以诗为词是现当代词学研究中的常见术语。

    Regarding Shi as Ci is a familiar term in contemporary study of Ci .

  6. 因此,不应当把以诗为词单纯地视为是一种技巧,或者换一句话说,它是一种文化现象。

    So , " composing Ci as Poetry " not only is a composing technigue , but also a cultural phenomenon .

  7. 苏轼以诗为词,扩大了词的表现功能,丰富了词的情感内涵,拓展了词的时空场景,从而提高了词的艺术品位。

    Based on poetry , Su Shi expands the explicit function and enriches the emotional connotation so as to enhance artistic lyrics .

  8. 从诗词分界看苏轼以诗为词革新路上的两重性

    View On The Duality Of Su Shi 's Taking Poetry As Ci On The Way Of Innovation From The Demarcation Between Poetry And Ci

  9. 从六朝诗人到唐宋词人&美籍学者孙康宜古代诗词研究论析以诗为词是现当代词学研究中的常见术语。

    Chinese American Sun Kang-yi s Research on Ancient Chinese Poems ; Regarding Shi as Ci is a familiar term in contemporary study of Ci .

  10. 受苏轼影响和生活环境的变化,苏门四学士都有以诗为词的创作倾向。

    The four students of Sushi have the common inclination of taking Poetry as Ci because of the affection of Sushi and the change of their living conditions .

  11. 事实上,苏轼对词的创作极为重视,他主张以诗为词,在词的创作中融入了自己强烈的思想情感和精神寄托。

    In fact , Su Shi paid much attention to his creation of Ci , advocating " Ci as poetry " and creating with his strong emotion and spirit .

  12. 对苏轼词在词体发展中的作用,许多论者从“以诗为词”“韵”等角度作了深入的探讨。

    Many scholars probe into the role of Su Shi 's Ci in the development of Ci from perspectives such as the concept of " composing Ci as poetry " or the concept of " rhythm " .

  13. 本文试图从苏轼自是一家的词学思想和他以诗为词,的创作实践的相互影响与作用出发,探讨苏轼独特词风的形成原因及其美学特征与美学价值。

    The author argued the forming process of SuShi cTs features and their aesthetic implication , which was turned out through the mutually influence and affect between his thought of ci had a style of its own and his creative practice .

  14. 艺术歌曲是18世纪末19世纪初起源于德国的一种精致的独唱歌曲,其特点是以诗为词,表现形式极为细腻,侧重表现人的内心世界。

    The art song is originated from the 18th century in the early nineteenth century of a kind of delicate German solo songs . Its characteristic is the poem as words Form extremely delicate , Emphasis on performance the hearts of men .

  15. 在这一过程中,苏轼以自觉的理论意识将词的创作提升和纳入士大夫主流文化之内,用以诗为词的理念,自成一家,自创一体。

    In the process , Sushi , a famous poet in Song dynasty , made the inditing of lyrics upgrade and put into mainstream literature with inherent theoretical consciousness , and formed the unique style of his own with the theory of regarding poem as lyrics .