
yǐ zhèng shì tīng
  • so as to set the record straight;ensure a correct understanding of the facts;in order to ensure a correct understanding of the facts;so as to ensure a correct understanding of the matter;clear the air
以正视听 [yǐ zhèng shì tīng]
  • [ensure a correct understanding of the facts] 为保证事实的正确理解

以正视听[yǐ zhèng shì tīng]
  1. 世卫组织慎重对待所提出的问题和关注,愿在此澄清以下几点,以正视听。

    WHO takes the issues and concerns that were raised seriously and wishes to set the record straight on several points .

  2. 为了弄清事实,以正视听,经本小编四处打探,终于探得原委。

    In order to clarify the facts , straight through the Xiaobian asking around , and finally discover the whole story .

  3. 现在一位名叫邓永锵爵士的企业家已给他们搭建了一个平台,希望能以正视听。

    And now an entrepreneur by the name of Sir David Tang has given them a platform to set the record straight .

  4. 我们有责任指出真相以正视听。这种自欺欺人的、貌似有理的绥靖政策已经一再被历史证明其荒谬之处。

    We have an obligation to call this what it is-the false comfort of appeasement , which has been repeatedly discredited by history .

  5. 但事后,大家多方揣测我如此作法的缘由,我感到有必要做出解释,以正视听。

    Since then , however , there has been so much speculation about why I did this , I have realised an explanation is needed .

  6. 斯通周六说她此番发表声明是为澄清她在康城影展接受一位记者采访所说的话,以正视听。

    Stone said Saturday that she was issuing the statement to set the record straight about the comments she made to a reporter at the Cannes Film Festival .

  7. 跌宕沉浮的时局、雾里看花的政治真相迫切需要通过新闻纸传递给民众,以正视听。

    Ups and downs of the current situation and the blurred political situation urgently needed to be passed through the newsprint to the public in order to set the record straight .