
yǐ jiē jí dòu zhēnɡ wéi ɡānɡ
  • 熟语take class struggle as the key link
  1. 在以阶级斗争为纲的年代里,阶级意识泛化,文学被视为阶级斗争的工具。到了以经济建设为中心的新时期,文学研究中阶级、阶级斗争、阶级矛盾等话语逐渐退隐。

    Literature used to be regarded as a tool of class struggle in China .

  2. 八大后的二十年,党逐渐偏离并改变了八大的正确认识,出现以阶级斗争为纲的严重失误;

    After 20 years of the Party 's eight Congress , the party gradually changed the track .

  3. 在以阶级斗争为纲的理论指导下,女性从隐性的位置被逼迫至公开的历史舞台上。

    Under the guidance of the theory which takes the class struggle as outline , the females are forced from the recessive position to the public historical arena .

  4. 改革开放后,国家从以阶级斗争为纲转向了以经济建设为中心的方向上来,从计划经济体制转向了市场经济体制。

    After the reforms , the country from the class struggle shifted to economic construction in the direction up , from a planned economy system into a market economy .

  5. 并实现从“以阶级斗争为纲”到“科学发展观”两个逻辑层次的历史转变,其间有惨痛的历史教训,也有成功的实践经验,诸多规律性的认识在探索中逐渐被揭示。

    There exists both lessons of history and success of practical experience in the model of harmonious society building , and the understanding of regularity in exploration has been gradually exposed .

  6. 在我国计划经济时期,经济运行靠政府的指令性计划,政治上实行以阶级斗争为纲,社会和个人对信息几乎没有太多的需求,因此那时新闻媒介的功能主要是宣传。

    During planned economy period , economic practice had been guided by the commanding government plans , and class struggle had dominated the political life , there was almost no demand for information .

  7. 社会主义改造基本完成了,还是以阶级斗争为纲,忽视发展生产力。

    After the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production had been basically accomplished , we still took class struggle as the key link and neglected to develop the productive forces .

  8. 最后,通过群众性报刊中的连环画为例探讨这段时期内文艺作品的叙述模式:以阶级斗争为纲,在事实的基础上进行再演绎。

    In the end , discuss the narrative pattern of the comic strips during this period in mass newspapers : Class Struggle is the key , and then carry out " Re-Interpretation " based on reality .

  9. 在以阶级斗争为纲的历史条件下,抗震救灾模式凸显政治挂帅。灾害管理思想的变革阶段(1979年&1992年)。

    Under the historical condition of " taking the class struggle as the key link ", the earthquake relief pattern highlights the spearhead of " political " . The change of disaster management ideas ( 1979-1992 ) .