
  • 网络scientific image
  1. 科学想象的认知方式主要体现为想象模型和想象实验两种基本形态;

    The cognitive ways of scientific imagination mainly embody imaginable models and imaginable experiments .

  2. 想象分为文艺想象与科学想象;

    Imagination has artistic imagination and scientific imagination .

  3. 科学想象是推动科学发明与技术创新的巨大力量。

    The scientific imagination is an enormous drive for promoting scientific invention and technological innovation .

  4. 科学想象又被称为科学设想、科学猜测,是一种富有创造性的科学思维活动。

    Science imagination is called the scientific suppose , science guess , it is a kind of creative scientific thinking activity again .

  5. 在教学中,充分运用这种功能、培养学生瓣证抽象能力、科学想象能力和科研实践能力,是发挥这门功课作用的一个关键。

    In the course of teaching the key link is how to cultivate students with dialectical and abstract thinking , scientific and imaginative thinking and original and creative thinking in research .

  6. 但高兹关于未来社会的科学想象,仍具有一定的空想色彩,特别是在社会主义实现的路径选择上并没有摆脱乌托邦的困境。

    But high about the science of the future society to imagine , dream still has a certain color , especially in the realization of socialism path selection and did not get rid of the plight of utopia .

  7. 运用科学想象的认知机制涉及表象、联想、理性以及情感、直觉和灵感等因素,这些因素之间的有效关联和协同作用决定着科学想象的最佳创造功能。

    The application of cognitive mechanism of scientific imagination involves image , association , rationality , emotion , intuition and inspiration , etc. The optimum creative function of scientific imagination is determined by effective relations and synergetic actions between these factors .

  8. 本文从英汉两种文化的对比试证明英语文化的科学想象特点和显性求异性,汉语的模糊求同思维特点和人文行为性。

    This thesis hereafter intends to affirm by means of comparing two particular cultures , namely , Chinese vs. English , that English culture denotes a feature of scientific imagination and explicit inclination for variation while that of Chinese exhibits its implicit sense of conformity and humanistic behaviorism .

  9. 科幻小说:历史、科学、想象

    " Science Fiction : History , Science , Vision "

  10. 在阐明科学审美想象的涵义及其与艺术审美想象区别的基础上,揭示了科学审美想象在科学研究和创新活动中几个方面的功用。

    Based on the illustration of the meaning of scientific aesthetic imagination and of its difference from artistic aesthetic imagination , this paper reveals the functions of scientific aesthetic imagination in scientific research and innovation .

  11. Borchelt曾经担任过美国克林顿政府的新闻官员。他认为,这种对科学不切实际的想象会引起公众对科学的误解,即认为科学所做的永远都是正确的。

    Borchelt , a former press officer in the United States'Clinton administration , expressed concern that this image creates unrealistic expectations that science always gets it right .

  12. 没有数学,科学是难以想象的。

    Science without mathematics is unthinkable .

  13. 提出了决定创新能力的三个基本要素:创新欲望、科学素质和想象能力,并叙述了三要素的基本含义。

    This paper puts forward three basic foctors which decide the innovative capability : desire to innovate , scientific quality and imaginative ability and gives the fundamental definitions of them .

  14. 科学假说和艺术想象

    Science Presumption and Art Imagination

  15. 科学怀疑、创造想象和科学假说是贯穿于科学创造全过程的三种主导创新思维形式。

    Scientific suspicion , creative imagination and scientific hypothesis are three kinds of dominant innovation thinking mode .

  16. 其特点是融科学理念与文学想象于一体,探讨人类世界在发展中的种种可能性。

    A main feature of this new genre is that SF usually combines the scientific theories and literary imagination to explore possibilities about the development in the human world .