
  • 网络the historiography of science
  1. 科学编史学研究的重要内容之一是对科学史研究方法的探讨。

    One of the important objects of historiography of science is to discuss the methodology of history of science .

  2. 本文的研究领域是科学编史学,既涉及到科学又涉及到历史。

    The subject of this dissertation is the historiography of science , and its terrain relates to both science and history .

  3. 拉卡托斯科学编史学研究纲领与认识论解释学

    Lakatos ' Research Programs of the Historiography of Science and Epistemological Hermeneutics

  4. 因此,科学编史学就逐步由隐学变为显学,而且其发展势头很强。

    Therefore , the Historiography of Science gradually becomes from invisible subject to visible subject and keeps a strong develop trend at the same time .

  5. 从其早期论文中所表述的科学编史学思想,到他后来日渐成熟的建构主义编史学思想,都有学者从不同侧面给予研究或评价。

    Many scholars have studied and commented his idea of the historiography of science , form the early opinion of anti & Whiggism to the later stage idea of constructivist historiography .

  6. 文章分析了拉卡托斯科学编史学思想的三大特点,总结了他人对拉卡托斯科学编史学观点的批评与相关修正,并指出拉卡托斯的科学编史学思想对于科学编史学的实践所具有的现实意义。

    The paper analyses the three characteristics of Lakatos ' historiography thought of science , summarizes the related criticisms and modification , and presents its realistic significance on practice of historiography of science .

  7. 把认识论解释学与拉卡托斯科学编史学研究纲领之间的内在关联进行对比分析,有助于进一步加深对这两种理论特别是对后者的理解。

    The paper attempts to contrast and analyze the internal links between epistemological hermeneutics and Lakatos ' Research Programs of the historiography of science in three aspects for a better understanding of the two theories , especially the latter one .

  8. 其次,科学编史学涉及科学哲学、科学社会学、史学理论等众多学科,其复杂性和综合性是我以前未曾面对的。

    Secondly , the historiography of science is related to many courses such as the philosophy of science , the sociology of science , the theory of history and so on , and I have not confronted a realm so complicated and comprehensive in the past .

  9. 摘要科学史、科学编史学研究本身有着重要的意义,也与科学文化研究有着密切的关联。

    Studying the history and historiography of science is of great significance and has close relation with the study of scientific culture .

  10. 中国科学院自然科学史研究所科学编史学教程简介

    The Teaching Framework of the Course on the Historiography of Science in IHNS , CAS

  11. 拉卡托斯作为科学哲学历史主义学派的重要代表人物,他的科学编史学研究纲领的提出对促进科学哲学与科学史的关系的研究具有重大贡献。

    As an important representative of historicism in the philosophy of science , Lakatos ' proposal of Research Programs of the Historiography of Science is a great contribution to the study of the relation between philosophy of science and history of science .

  12. 科学史的重构、方法以及科学史的客观性,是科学编史学中的基本问题。

    The reconstruction of the history of science , its approaches and its objectivity are the fundamental issues in the historiography of science .

  13. 科学史的合理重建与社会学重构&拉卡托斯与夏平科学编史学思想之比较

    The Rational and Sociological Reconstructions of History of Science