
  • 网络Knowledge Department
  1. 爱国者研发与知识产权部门总经理KennyHsieh表示,爱国者此前已尝试与惠普及东芝协商,但均以失败告终。

    Kenny Hsieh , general manager of research , development and intellectual property at Aigo , said that the company had tried and failed to negotiate with HP and Toshiba .

  2. AntonyTaubman是世界贸易组织知识产权部门的负责人,曾领导着世界知识产权组织的传统知识项目。

    Antony Taubman is director of the Intellectual Property Division at the World Trade Organization , and previously led WIPO 's program on traditional knowledge .

  3. 知识生产部门人力资本研究。

    Research on human capital of knowledge-production sector .

  4. 在盛德事务所,她是知识产权部门的律师,专门处理娱乐业的法律事务。

    At Sidley she was part of the intellectual property group and specialized in entertainment law ;

  5. 联席会议由市政府召集或者由市政府委托市知识产权部门召集。

    The Joint Meeting shall be convened by the Municipal Government or be convened by the municipal intellection property department upon authorization of the Municipal Government .

  6. 在我国,外观设计不仅受到专利法的保护,还受到其他知识产权部门法的保护,形成了外观设计的多重保护。

    In our country , design is not only protected by patent law but also other intellectual property law that formed the design of overlapping protection .

  7. 实力较强的老牌企业应该设立专门的知识产权部门,并配备专门的人员对企业的无形资产进行维护。

    The stronger the old enterprises should set up a special department of intellectual property rights , and equipped with specialized personnel of the enterprise intangible assets maintenance .

  8. 并从建档、档案学理论所面临的挑战、档案职业定位、知识服务部门的竞争合作态势四方面讨论知识服务给档案界带来的变革。

    Knowledge service will also bring great changes to archival researches , concluding forming archives , challenges to archival theories , archival orientation , competition and cooperation of departments of knowledge service .

  9. 知识产权执法部门在实施临时措施时,应严格遵循法律规定,实现对申请人和被申请人的均衡保护。

    The administrative department should follow the regulations strictly when implementing interim measure to realize the balanced protection of applicant and defendant .

  10. 各知识产权相关部门在全省开展知识产权联合执法及宣传活动,取得良好成效。

    The departments related to IPR in the province carried out joint enforcement actions and public education activities , and achieved fruitful results .

  11. 国务院知识产权行政部门复审后,作出决定,并通知布图设计登记申请人。

    The intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council , after conducting the reexamination , shall make decision and notify the layout-design applicant .

  12. 不仅对知识密集型部门,比如电脑软件或生物技术部门来说是如此,而且对工业时代的制造业公司或公用事业公司来说也是如此。

    It means so to the knowledge-intensive department , such as computer-software departments or bio-tech departments and the manufacturing company or public service company is no exception .

  13. 知识产权主管部门处理涉及进出口货物的侵权案件请求海关提供协助的,海关应当予以协助。

    Where the competent intellectual property authority , when handling a case of infringement involving import or export goods , requests any assistance from the customs , the customs shall provide such assistance .

  14. 产学研技术转移是指发生在大学、科研机构与企业之间,包括有形的技术、成果和无形的经验、技巧在内的技术知识由研发部门向生产部门的转移。

    Leading the Science and technology research within Universities , sorts of scientific institutions with enterprises , it involves that change should be going through tangible technologies , outcomes to intangible experience and specialized knowledge .

  15. 高校是知识的生产部门,在新时期,高校应重视对知识资源的管理,构建适应知识社会需要的高校知识管理体系,使知识管理的理论研究和实践探索取得持续发展。

    The university is the knowledge production department ; it should take the knowledge resources management in the new era , construct university knowledge management system which adapting knowledge society needs , cause the knowledge management the fundamental research and the practice exploration to be obtained to develop .

  16. 目的了解大学生对性传播疾病/艾滋病的态度与预防方法的有关知识,为有关部门制定预防教育规划提供一定的基础资料。

    Objective To know about knowledge and attitude toward sexual transmitted diseases ( STD ) and HIV / AIDS .

  17. 这些知识在企业各个部门之间的有效共享决定着产品全生命周期管理的成败。

    Whether the knowledge can be effectively shared in the various departments in the enterprise determines whether product lifecycle management success or not .

  18. 2008年,全省知识产权行政管理部门及司法部门有效维护了权利人的合法权益。

    In2008 , the administrative authorities of intellectual property and the judicial authorities intensified IPR protection , effectively safeguarding the IP rights holders'lawful interests .

  19. 知识产权行政管理部门应当严格依法履行职责,不得干扰正常的展会秩序。

    The intellectual property administrative departments shall strictly perform its duties according to law , and shall not interrupt the normal order of the exhibitions .

  20. 对知识密集型的部门来说,来源于研究和开发的,应用在革新产品和工艺上的知识是至关重要的因素。

    To these knowledge-intensive departments , the knowledge , rooting in R & D , applied in regenerate products and craftworks , is crucial to them .

  21. 我国近几年来,央行、国家知识产权局等部门都通过不同的途径和措施来推动该业务的发展,也开展了相应的试点工作。

    In recent years , the central bank , the State Intellectual Property Office and other departments through various means and measures to promote the business development .

  22. 随着19世纪末大企业建立的科研机构取代个别发明家占据主流地位,科技创新日渐体制化,推动一个有目的、有组织地进行知识生产的社会部门的崛起。

    With large enterprises established their own research institutions in the late 19th century , organized researches replaced individual dealing . Increasingly institutionalized technological innovation created a new social sector for promoting purposeful knowledge production .

  23. 高校图书馆作为重要的知识管理和服务部门、教学和科研辅助机构,积极主动地开展知识推荐服务以便于师生获取所需要的知识是十分必要和迫切的。

    University library is a department of knowledge management and service , and also the assist department for teaching and scientific research . So it is essential and urgent for university library to help the teachers and students obtain the required knowledge by providing knowledge recommendation service .

  24. 知识创新体系包括知识创新部门、知识传播部门和知识应用部门等三大部门。

    System includes knowledge innovation , knowledge dissemination and knowledge application sectors .

  25. 文中进一步研究了知识军事时代的人才建设对军队知识管理部门设置的需求、管理体制的需求、激励模式的需求,特别是对学习型组织的需求;

    And more studying the requirement of the setup , the management system and the model of prompting of army knowledge management department to the knowledge military age , special to the requirement of the learning type organization .

  26. 在知识产权领域,还没有哪一个客体可以像外观设计这样能够跨越几个知识产权部门法,获得专利法、著作权法、商标法及反不正当竞争法等的多重保护。

    In the field of intellectual property , there is not a object like design can be overlapping protected across many departments of intellectual property law , such as patent law 、 copyright law 、 trademark law and the anti-unfair competition law .

  27. 第二是建立与知识管理相适应的组织结构,即设立三级的知识管理组织架构:知识主管副所长、知识管理部门、业务部门的知识协调员,并阐明了每一级架构的职责分工;

    Establishing the organization structure suitable for the knowledge management , that is , the 3-grade knowledge management organization structure : vice director of knowledge management , department of knowledge management , knowledge assistant of service department .