
  • 网络knowledge level;intellectual level;common knowledge
  1. 教师有时候假定学生的知识水平相当高。

    Teachers sometimes presuppose a fairly high level of knowledge by the students .

  2. 基于多Agent仿真的组织学习与知识水平关系研究

    Organization Learning and Organization Knowledge Level : A Multi-Agent Based Simulation Model

  3. 好的出身与其说是取决于你的身份,还不如说是取决于你的生活环境和知识水平。

    A good birth depends not so much on who you are but where you are and how much you know .

  4. 云南某县男性青年HIV感染危险行为与知识水平的关系

    Relationship between Risk taking Behavior and Knowledge for HIV Infection among Young Men in Longchuan , Yunnan of China

  5. 结果患者对ORS的知识水平中等水平;ORS的使用率较低;

    Result with moderate knowledge about ORS , the use rate is relatively low .

  6. 结论对老年冠心病患者进行护理健康教育能提高病人Hcy、叶酸、B族维生素的知识水平,建立科学饮食习惯。

    Conclusion health Education of nursing care is able to enhance the level knowledge about Hcy , folate and Vitamins B , and to establish reasonable diet habit in the old patient with coronary heart disease .

  7. 卫生知识水平较高者高于卫生知识水平低的。Logistic分析显示,主要影响高血压知晓率、治疗率和控制率的因素是年龄、高血压家族史、是否查过血压、职业和卫生知识水平。

    Logistic regression analysis showed that the main effect factors on the rates of awareness , treatment and control of hypertension were age , positive hypertension family history , ever been blood pressure measured , occupation and health knowledge level .

  8. 目的探讨护理健康教育在提高老年冠心病患者对Hcy、叶酸、B族维生素等知识水平,减少冠心病不良事件发生中的作用。

    Objective To discuss the health education of nursing care about knowledge of homocysteine ( Hcy ), folate and Vitamins B for aged patients with coronary heart disease , and to reduce the ill event of coronary heart disease .

  9. 目的:掌握性病门诊就诊人群中人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染状况,了解该人群艾滋病相关知识水平及危险行为,为制定切合实际的防制对策措施提供依据。

    Objective : To know well the situation of HIV infection in population of sexually-transmitted disease ( STD ), and to understand the level of knowledge and high-risk behavior about AIDS among them for providing evidence for prevention and stategy of AIDS .

  10. Logistic回归分析显示影响大学生吸烟的因素有:性别、民族、年级、专业、烟草相关知识水平、尝试吸烟年龄、是否饮酒及饮酒量、生活费水平和父亲是否吸烟。

    The result of Logistic regression shows the effect factors of smoking are sex , race , grade , profession , knowledge level of related to tobacco , age of trying smoking , whether alcohol and how , living expenses level and father whether smoke cigarette .

  11. 目的了解广东省居民的糖尿病知识水平。

    Objective To investigate the knowledge on diabetes in Guangdong natives .

  12. 卫生知识水平在心血管疾病防治中的意义

    The significance of level of health knowledge in cardiovascular disease control

  13. 你可以选择和你的技术知识水平相符的软件。

    You can choose what suits your level of technical knowledge .

  14. 一种基于协调知识水平的协调问题描述方法

    A Method for Describing Coordination Problem Based on Coordination Knowledge Level

  15. 健康教育对性病患者健康知识水平的影响

    The Influence of Healthy Education on Health Knowledge in Patients with STDs

  16. 医学生课外阅读和人文知识水平的调查与分析

    Survey and analysis of medical students ' extracurricular reading and humanistic knowledge

  17. 词汇问题影响语言知识水平和交际能力。

    Vocabulary problems influence the level of language knowledge and communicative competence .

  18. 营养卫生知识水平有不同程度提高。

    Nutrition hygiene knowledge of the students improved to a different degree .

  19. 大学生体育养生知识水平的调查报告

    A Surver Report on Knowledge Level of Sports Regimen in College Students

  20. 某学院学生膳食状况及营养知识水平调查

    Investigation on the dietary status and nutrition knowledge of Health College Students

  21. 企业的经济效益主要取决于知识水平的高低.从而如何评价企业的知识水平是一个值得认真研究的课题。

    Enterprise economic results is dependent on knowledge level .

  22. 对我院医务人员药品不良反应知识水平的调查分析

    Knowledge about Adverse Drug Reactions : Survey of Medical Staff in Our Hospital

  23. 性病患者健康知识水平对安全套使用态度的影响

    Investigation on Health Knowledge to Influence on Condom Use in Cases with STDs

  24. 编辑职业道德规范刍议编辑的专业知识水平和业务能力;

    Professional Moral Standards in Editing professional knowledge and proficiency in editing work ;

  25. 护理人员论文知识水平的调查分析及对策

    Measures and investigation of Thesis Knowledge Level of Nurses

  26. 结果:调查对象的自我药疗的知识水平普遍偏低。

    Result : The witting rate of self-medication knowledge was low in general .

  27. 目的了解一般人群掌握艾滋病的知识水平。

    Objective To acquire the level of AIDS preventive knowledge in general population .

  28. 中国城市、农村未婚妇女月经知识水平的因素分析

    Menstruation Knowledge and Influencing Factors among Unmarried Urban and Rural Women in China

  29. 在当前的知识水平的范围。

    It is beyond the horizon of present knowledge .

  30. 学生词块知识水平与英语学业水平之间存在显著相关关系。

    There also exists obvious correlation between their academic achievement and chunk competence .