
hánɡ huì zhì dù
  • the guild system
  1. 中世纪的行会制度实行了对大多数工艺操作的严格结构化管理。

    In medi times , the guild system imposed a rigorous structure on the practice of most crafts .

  2. 工业中的行会制度,农业中的宗法经济,&这就是它的最后结论。

    Its last words are : corporate guilds for manufacture , patriarchal relations in agriculture .

  3. 明末清初以后,社会经济的发展导致行会制度开始动摇,行会功能遭到削弱。

    After the Ming Qing transition , socio economic development shook up the traditional guild system and the functions of the guild were weakened .

  4. 从十四世纪起,欧洲的庄园制度、采邑制度、骑士制度以及行会制度逐渐走向衰落,标志着封建制生产关系不再适应生产力的发展。

    From the fourteenth century , the system which including manorial system , feoff system , chivalry and guild system gradually declined . This phenomenon indicated the production relations of feudal system are not suited for the development of productive forces any more .

  5. 德国的职业资格证书制度最早可以追溯到中世纪行会实行的学徒制度,此时已产生朴素的职业资格证书思想。

    Occupational qualification certificate system in Germany dates back to the apprenticeship of medieval guild system . At this time it had produced the simple thought for occupational qualification certificate .