
  • 网络actors;subject;agent;audience
  1. 为了壮族山歌文化的传承和延续,各种势力和行为主体都参与到了努力的行动中来。

    All sorts of forces and audience should participate in the protect action in order to keep and continue the folk song of Zhuang .

  2. 从行为主体是否有能力去干涉他者,宽容与默许相区分;

    From whether the agent has the power to intervene , toleration is different from acquiescence ;

  3. 而政府并不是参与WTO的唯一行为主体,企业和WTO事务有着直接或间接的联系。

    Government is not the only main part in this behavior of joining WTO . All of the enterprises have direct or indirect connections with WTO .

  4. CGE模型对经济系统中的各个行为主体进行数学描述,通过各行为主体对商品和要素的数量和价格的调整,从而实现瓦尔拉斯一般均衡理论所确定的供需均衡。

    It bewrites main body of economic system , the equilibrium between supply and demand is achieved via adjusting the price and quantity of commodity and factor .

  5. 冒用信用卡的行为主体只能由非持卡人构成。

    Fraudulent using of credit cards can only used by non-cardholder .

  6. 乡镇企业污染的行为主体因素分析及对策建议

    Subjective causes and countermeasures on the pollution of township enterprises

  7. 建筑市场各个行为主体之间存在着复杂的信用关系。

    Complex credit relations exist between the each department of construction market .

  8. 行为主体的参差性与短期性;文体异,格调同&论建安诗和南宋词的悲慨格调

    The subject is different and short-term ; Different style but same subject

  9. 二是降低行为主体的风险。

    Second , it declines the risk of the corpus of action .

  10. 民用航空运输的行为主体是航空公司。

    The action subject of civil aviation transportation is airlines .

  11. 识别民事行为主体的基本方法因识别的内容不同而有所区别。

    There are several methods to recogniziaze the subject in civil disposition .

  12. 企业是实施可持续发展战略的行为主体

    Enterprise is the Subject for Implementing the Sustainable Development Strategy

  13. 对现代农业推广的策划,主要从两个方面米进行,对于面向行为主体的策略主要由农村精英来承担;

    The scheme of modern agriculture extension should be put in two ways .

  14. 在这些一般的规则下,行为主体获得满意的收益。

    In these general rule , behavior corpus obtain " satisfied " benefits .

  15. 每个市场经济行为主体都必须遵守基本的道德要求。

    Every behavior of the market economy must obey the fundamental ethical requirements .

  16. 跨国并购实施的行为主体发生变化。

    The behavior subject implemented in transnational merger changes .

  17. 各行为主体对科技成果转化的影响

    The Effects of Action Main Bodies on Transformation of Achievements of Science and Technology

  18. 从行为主体是否对他者有否定反应,宽容与冷漠相区分;

    From whether the agent has negative response , toleration is different from indifference ;

  19. 市场经济呼唤市场行为主体的人文道德关怀,呼唤一种现代意义上的儒商精神。

    Modern market economy calls for a modern sense of Confucianist merchants ' spirit .

  20. 经济全球化使国际关系行为主体及其行为方式正在发生变化;

    Moreover , economic globalization has changed the subjects and behaviors of international relations .

  21. 珠江三角洲经济区行为主体特征分析

    An analysis of the features of behavior subjects in the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone

  22. 必须具有使道德行为主体获得物质或精神补偿的机制;

    Must have and make morals behavior theme obtain material or mechanism that spirit compensate ;

  23. 新区域地理学的核心概念是“地方”、“行为主体”、“体系”。

    The kernel notion of new regional geography is district , behavior body and system .

  24. 因此,研究腐败犯罪问题,首先面临的是腐败犯罪行为主体的命题。

    Hence , the research of corruption shall first face the proposition of corruption subject .

  25. 各行为主体之间存在博弈行为。

    Conducts of game among users .

  26. 通过对饭店集团内部结构对饭店中所涉及的各个行为主体的心理动机进行分析,以期提出恰当的饭店经营管理制度。

    The paper analyses the mental motivation that is based on the inter-structure of Hotel Group .

  27. 论民事行为主体识别

    On subject recognition in civil disposition

  28. 也就是说,这些行为主体多在为自我的特殊利益而奋斗,唯独没有谋求公共利益。

    That is to say , they struggle for special self-interests except for the public interest .

  29. 在全球化时代,政党是国际关系行为主体,无产阶级政党是在全球化开始后才产生的。

    In the era of globalization , international relations , political parties are part of actors .

  30. 因此,伦理的构建必然要围绕行为主体之间的关系进行探讨。

    Therefore , the construction of ethics inevitably centers on the relationship between the behavior subjects .