
xínɡ zhènɡ zhí wù
  • administrative post
  1. 亚当斯显然无能力担任行政职务。

    Adams is clearly unfit to hold an administrative post .

  2. 笔者认为首先必须明确审判长是一种资格,而非一种行政职务,并进一步明确审判长与合议庭其他成员之间的关系。

    Clear that chief judge is one qualification , not administrative post , and define the relationship between the chief judge and other members .

  3. 行政职务耗掉本很多精力。

    The role of administrator absorbed much of ben 's energy .

  4. 他的行政职务晋升很快。

    He made a rapid ascent up the executive ladder .

  5. 马克想谋一个公务行政职务。

    Mark 's in for an administrative job in the Civil Service .

  6. 中小学校长:从行政职务到管理职业

    Primary and Middle School Principal : From the Executive Post to the Managerial Profession

  7. 谢尔库赫被任命为新的维齐尔,他也给予萨拉丁一个高级行政职务。

    Shirkuh was appointed the new vizier and gave Saladin a high administrative position .

  8. 教师所处的学校类型、教师性别和是否担任行政职务,在职业角色认同上有非常显著和显著的差异。

    Professional role-identity is significant differences from teacher 's school types , teacher 's gender and schoolmasters .

  9. 它们提供课程和教育,以培养学生的入门级技能的就业办公室和行政职务。

    They provide classes and education to prepare students for entry-level skills for employment in office and administrative positions .

  10. 三党领袖已经同意加入战时内阁,或者担任国家高级行政职务。

    The three party leaders have agreed to serve , either in the War Cabinet or in high executive office .

  11. 终审法院首席法官是司法机构的首长,由司法机构政务长协助处理司法机构的整体行政职务。

    The Chief Justice is the head of the Judiciary . He is assisted in the overall administration by the Judiciary Administrator .

  12. 利迪还说,公司金融部门25个最高行政职务2009年今后几个月的月薪是1美元。

    Liddy also said the top25 executive positions at the financial products division will earn a $ 1 salary for the rest of2009 .

  13. 第三,导师的职称和行政职务对硕士生的师生关系满意度不存在显著影响。

    The third is that Tutor ' academic titles and administrative duties have no significant impact on the satisfaction of the tutor-student relationship .

  14. 中职学校人力资源管理中的风险管理中小学校长:从行政职务到管理职业

    Risk Management in Human Resources Management in Secondary Professional Schools Primary and Middle School Principal : From the Executive Post to the Managerial Profession

  15. 军队医院也可以实行医务人员的制度,定技术职称,搞那么多行政职务干什么?

    Army hospitals , too , can have civilian medical personnel with professional titles . what 's the point of having so many administrative posts ?

  16. 中等职业学校住校生安全管理状况的调查研究中小学校长:从行政职务到管理职业

    The Study and Investigations of the Boarders in Secondary Vocational Schools Primary and Middle School Principal : From the Executive Post to the Managerial Profession

  17. 论职业中学校长经营能力在能力结构中的地位中小学校长:从行政职务到管理职业

    Study on the Status of Vocational School 's Principal 's Management Ability in Ability Structure Primary and Middle School Principal : From the Executive Post to the Managerial Profession

  18. 爱是引领中职校班主任专业化成长的原动力中小学校长:从行政职务到管理职业

    Love is the motive power to guide head-teachers being professional in middle vocational school ; Primary and Middle School Principal : From the Executive Post to the Managerial Profession

  19. 当创建一个实践设计,你还必须考虑多少时间,你必须承诺的实践,包括办公时间和行政职务的时间。

    When creating a practice design , you must also consider how much time you have to commit to your practice , including office hours and time for administrative duties .

  20. 教龄长、担任行政职务、高工资、高学历的教师在组织信任和组织公民行为上都显著高于教龄短、不担任职务、工资较低、学历较低的教师。

    The teacher who have longer fixed , hold the administrative post , higher salary and higher degree apparently have more organizational trust and organizational citizenship behavior than opposite others .

  21. 结果:出国前46.8%和55.9%的人认为通过留学可以增加个人收入和获得晋升技术职称或行政职务;

    Results : Among all the persons investigated , 46.8 % and 55.9 % of them respected individual income increasing and more opportunities of academic or professional title promotion before study abroad ;

  22. 政府雇员制是指纳税人出资委托政府从社会上雇用专门人才服务于政府某项工作或某一政府工作部门,但雇员不具有行政职务、不行使行政权力、不占用行政编制的一种人事制度。

    Government employee system is a personal system that taxpayers use money to entrust government to employ specific talents from society to serve a department of government and the employees do not have administrative duty , do not enforce administrative rights and do not have administrative post .

  23. 黄碧娟的中国区行政总裁职务将由汇丰在中国的资本市场总监廖宜建(DavidLiao)接替。

    Ms Wong will be replaced as head of China by David Liao , who runs its markets business in the country .

  24. 在上周四董事局会议前数日,两位弟弟修改会议议程,纳入终止郭炳湘主席及行政总裁职务的一项动议,并提议任命他们的母亲邝肖卿(KwongSiu-hing)为董事局主席。

    In the days leading up to yesterday 's board meeting , the younger brothers amended the agenda to include a resolution terminating Walter 's appointment as chairman and chief executive , and proposing that their mother , Kwong Siu-hing , be appointed chairman .

  25. 克伦森管理经验,使广泛的医学研究,包括前行政领导职务在商业、业务、功能和质量。

    Karen Abramson brings broad management experience to Medical Research , including prior leadership and executive positions across commercial , operational , and quality functions .

  26. 1月份,郭炳联告诉郭炳湘,他不再适合担任主席和行政总裁职务,因为他患有躁郁症。

    In January , Raymond told Walter he was no longer fit to work as chairman and chief executive because he had bipolar affective disorder .

  27. 当前行政执法人员职务犯罪的特点和规律

    Characteristics and rules of job-related crimes of the current administrative law enforcement personnel

  28. 副董事长在董事长不在时代理最高行政负责人职务。

    The Vice Chairman is the Chief Executive Officer in the absence of the Chairman .

  29. 行政秘书的职务,用得上交际技巧和与人为善的态度。

    An administrative secretarial position where communication skills and a pleasant attitude toward people will be assets .

  30. 这可能会给女性更多的工作经历,也就更有可能出任行政和领导职务。

    This may give women greater experience in , and a greater inclination towards , administrative and leadership positions .