
shì zú
  • clan;sept
氏族 [shì zú]
  • [clan] 原始社会由血统关系联系起来的人的集体。氏族内部禁婚,生产资料公有,集体生产和集体消费

氏族[shì zú]
  1. 这里长眠着格罗姆•地狱咆哮,战歌氏族的酋长。

    Here lies Grommash Hellscream , Chieftain of the Warsong Clan .

  2. 地下面积是家里的铁氏族。

    The underground area is the home of the Iron Clan .

  3. 氏族组织曾打算采取直接行动根除这个时期流行的整个同居制度。

    The gens attempted to uproot the entire conjugal system of the period by its direct action .

  4. 氏族此外还继续存在于“factions〔“帮”〕中

    The gens also lives on in the " factions . "

  5. 氏族可以任意罢免酋长和酋帅

    The gens deposes the sachem and war-chief at will .

  6. 我们知道,对被征服者的统治,是和氏族制度不相容的

    As we know , rule over subjugated peoples is incompatible with the gentile constitution .

  7. 妇女在克兰〈氏族〉里,乃至一般在任何地方,都有很大的势力

    The women were the great power among the clans [ gentes ] , as everywhere else .

  8. 与通常家族的概念不同,我们建议存在着一个氏族粒子的概念,这些氏族的粒子由相应的Z°玻色子和费米子组成。

    A conception of clans of particles , which are not families , is suggested . These clans consist of extra Z bosons and the corresponding fermions of the scale .

  9. 除标准模型的Z°玻色子和15个费米子以外:其它氏族的费米子均是下夸克,无上夸克,因此由这些夸克组成的强子将跟现有标度的不同。

    The all of fermions in the clans are down quarks except for the standard model which consists of Z bosons and 15 fermions , therefore , the spectrum of the hadrons which are composed of these down quarks are different from hadrons at present .

  10. 凡是本氏族的男性成员都具有同等的被选资格。

    All the male members of the gens were equally eligible .

  11. 氏族在上,我不会再辜负你们。

    By my sept , I will not fail you again .

  12. 论南诏从氏族、部落到国家的演进

    On the Evolution of Nanzhao from a Clan , Tribe to Kingdom

  13. 当然,氏族母性也有她们的祖先。

    The clan mothers had ancestors too , of course .

  14. 氏族制度同货币经济绝对不能相容;

    The gentile constitution is absolutely irreconcilable with money economy ;

  15. 印第安人的氏族有无特殊的宗教节日,很难确定;

    Special religious ceremonies can hardly be found among the Indian gentes ;

  16. 这一分配是按照氏族制度进行的;

    The division was made according to the Gentile constitution .

  17. 这些相互继承遗产的权利加强了氏族的自决权。

    These mutual right of inheritance strengthened the autonomy of the gens .

  18. 经济援助.必须彻底推翻现存的.封建的或氏族的秩序

    Economic assistance ... must suBvert the existing ... feudal or triBal order

  19. 死者遗产必须保存在本氏族之内。

    The property of a deceased person should remain in the gens .

  20. 甘肃地区古氏族部落和文化考述

    An investigation into the ancient clan tribe and its culture in Gansu province

  21. 原始公社是一个以母系为主的氏族社会。

    The primitive commune is a matriarchal clan society .

  22. 库德兰被血窟氏族捕获。

    Kurdran is captured by the bleeding hollow clan .

  23. 图腾文化元素的氏族维系功能

    The clan maintaining function of totem culture 's elements

  24. 母系氏族公社时期,人们已经能够在一定的地区长期活动。

    Matriarchal commune period , people have been able to certain long-term activities .

  25. 他爸爸是氏族族长。

    His father is the chieftain of the clan .

  26. 一个氏族成员的名字就赋予它本身以氏族成员的权力。

    A gentile name conferred of itself gentile rights .

  27. 你想让我和你一样成为基氏族的狗?

    You want me to be a dog for georan , like you ?

  28. 妇女出嫁后就丧失了她的阿格纳蒂的权利,而退出自己的氏族;

    The woman loses her agnatic rights on marriage and leaves her gens ;

  29. 我国古代氏族社会二次葬

    Secondary Custom of the Clan Society in Ancient China

  30. 氏族制度遭到了新的失败。

    The gentile constitution had suffered a new defeat .