
shì zú zhì dù
  • clan system;clanship
  1. 那时实行的氏族制度、平民会议制度对村民自治制度有启迪意义。

    Implemented at that time the clan system , the common people conference system has the inspiration significance to the villager self-administration system .

  2. 随着罗马社会经济的发展,两级分化越来越严重,旧的氏族制度开始解体,私有制和阶级关系逐渐萌芽,罗马社会开始向阶级社会过渡。

    With the development of Roman social and economic polarization is more and more serious , the old clan system began to disintegrate , private ownership and class relations begun to sprout , the Roman society began to transition to class society .

  3. 我们知道,对被征服者的统治,是和氏族制度不相容的

    As we know , rule over subjugated peoples is incompatible with the gentile constitution .

  4. 氏族制度同货币经济绝对不能相容;

    The gentile constitution is absolutely irreconcilable with money economy ;

  5. 这一分配是按照氏族制度进行的;

    The division was made according to the Gentile constitution .

  6. 一句话,氏族制度已经走到了尽头。

    In short , the end of the gentile constitution was approaching .

  7. 氏族制度遭到了新的失败。

    The gentile constitution had suffered a new defeat .

  8. 氏族制度流行而政治社会尚未建立。

    Gentile institutions prevailed , and prior to the establishment of political society .

  9. 与此同时,正在产生的私有财富就这样在氏族制度上打开了第一个缺口。

    Increasing private wealth has thus made its first breach in the gentile constitution .

  10. 在氏族制度内部,权利和义务之间还没有任何差别;

    Within the tribe there is as yet no difference between rights and duties ;

  11. 不过他们已经开始粉碎氏族制度的枷锁了。

    They were , however , already beginning to break the fetters of the gentile constitution .

  12. 现在我们来看看,在这种社会变革中,氏族制度怎么样了。

    Let us now see what had become of the gentile constitution in this social upheaval .

  13. 这一阶段应当以美洲红种人为例;在这一阶段上,我们发现了已经充分发达的氏族制度。

    Here the American Indians must serve as our example we find the gentile constitution fully formed .

  14. 由于王国幅员广阔,就不能利用旧的氏族制度的手段来管理了;

    The wide extent of the kingdom could not be governed with the means provided by the old gentile constitution ;

  15. 既然氏族制度对于被剥削的人民不能有任何帮助,于是就只有期望正在产生的国家。

    The gentile constitution being incapable of bringing help to the exploited people , there remained only the growing state .

  16. 只要社会一越出这一制度所适用的界限,氏族制度的末日就来到了;

    If society passed beyond the limits within which this constitution was adequate , that meant the end of the Gentile order ;

  17. 前面我们已经分别考察了国家在氏族制度的废墟上兴起的三种主要形式。

    The three main forms in which the state arises on the ruins of the gentile constitution have been examined in detail above .

  18. 因此,这种机构必须在氏族制度以外,与它并列地形成,从而又是与它对立的。

    Such organs had therefore to be formed outside the gentile constitution , alongside of it , and hence in opposition to it .

  19. 这种同古代氏族制度直接冲突的制度,在雅典直到梭伦时代之前还没有过;

    This institution , which is a direct affront to the old gentile constitution , was unknown in Athens until the time of Solon ;

  20. 这样,实行氏族制度的部落便必然会对落后的部落取得上风,或者带动它们来仿效自己。

    Tribes with gentile constitution were thus bound to gain supremacy over more backward tribes , or else to carry them along by their example .

  21. 从前人们对于氏族制度的机关的那种自由的、自愿的尊敬,即使他们能够获得,也不能使他们满足了;

    The free , willing respect accorded to the organs of the gentile constitution is not enough for them , even if they could have it .

  22. 在古代的万邦时期,产生了国家文明形成的诸多要素,具备了由氏族制度解体并进入国家阶段的重要条件,从某种意义上说,这个阶段应该被视为国家的雏形。

    During this period many factors of civilization formation of the state were appeared and the important terms of disorganization of clanship and the state were formed .

  23. 我们已经根据希腊人、罗马人和德意志人这三大实例,探讨了氏族制度的解体。

    We , have now traced the dissolution of the gentile constitution in the three great instances of the greeks , the romans , and the germans .

  24. 最后,氏族制度是从那种没有任何内部对立的社会中生长出来的,而且只适合于这种社会。

    Lastly , the gentile constitution had grown out of a society which knew no internal contradictions , and it was only adapted to such a society .

  25. 这是和德意志人当时的氏族制度完全相适应的一个耕作和土地占有阶段。

    It is the stage of agriculture and property relations in regard to the land which exactly corresponds to the gentile constitution of the Germans at that time .

  26. 我们在美洲红种人中间就已经看到,与氏族制度并行,还形成了一种独立自主地进行战争的私人团体。

    We have already seen among the American Indians how , side by side with the Gentile constitution , private associations were formed to carry on wars independently .

  27. 但是这样一来,在古代的氏族制度中就出现了一个裂口:个体家庭已经成为一种力量,并且以威胁的姿态起来与氏族对抗了。

    But this tore a breach in the old gentile order ; the single family became a power , and its rise was a menace to the gens .

  28. 在氏族制度之下,家庭从来不是,也不可能是一个组织单位,因为夫与妻必然属于两个不同的氏族。

    Under the gentile constitution , the family was never an organizational unit , and could not be so , for man and wife necessarily belonged to two different gentes .

  29. 全盛时期的氏族制度,如我们在美洲所见的,其前提是生产极不发达,因而广大地区内人口极度稀少;

    The gentile constitution in its best days , as we saw it in america , presupposed an extremely undeveloped state of production and therefore an extremely sparse population over a wide area .

  30. 论我国司法解散制度适用范围的现实局限只要社会一越出这一制度所适用的界限,氏族制度的末日就来到了;

    Empirical Study on the Application of Company Judicial Dissolution Lawsuit in China If society passed beyond the limits within which this constitution was adequate , that meant the end of the gentile order ;