
  • 网络the liao dynasty
  1. 其一,辽朝与定难军的关系。

    Part A : The relationship between Liao Dynasty and Dingnan Army .

  2. 论辽朝部族组织的历史演变及其社会职能

    Tribe-nation System of the Liao Dynasty and Its Social Function

  3. 华北块体(NCB)与胶辽朝块体(JLKB)是中朝板块东部从震旦纪(680Ma)开始裂解的两个不同的构造单元。

    In the Sinian ( 680Ma ), the Sino-Korean plate began to break up into two different tectonic units , the Jiao - Liao - Korea block ( JLKB ) and North China block ( NCB ) .

  4. 辽朝与唐朝监察制度比较研究

    Comparative study of supervision system of Liao and Tang Dynasties

  5. 辽朝经历了不同阶段的经济发展。

    The Liao went through different stages of economic development .

  6. 辽朝商业研究

    A Study of the Commerce in the Liao Dynasty

  7. 崛起北方草原地带的辽朝并不是一个单纯的内陆型国家,同时还是一个濒海帝国。

    Liao Dynasty is not a simple inland country .

  8. 辽朝汉族文人心态透视

    On the Han Literati 's Mentality in Liao Dynasty

  9. 辽朝和金朝是我国历史上两个重要的朝代。

    Liao Dynasty and Jill are in OUr country history two important dynasty .

  10. 就开始为推翻辽朝做积极的准备。

    Akutta began to make active preparations to rebel against the Liao Dynasty .

  11. 辽朝的经济养马、养羊以及农业为基础。

    The Liao economy was based on horse and sheep raising and agriculture .

  12. 辽朝南面朝官体制研究

    Study of South Official System in Liao Dynasty

  13. 1125年,辽朝天祚帝被捕,辽朝灭亡。

    In 1125 , the Liao Emperor Tianzuo was captured and his dynasty collapsed .

  14. 他们继承了辽朝建筑的特点又吸取了宋朝的风格。

    They had inherited the characteristics of Liao architecture and absorbed that of the Song .

  15. 与辽朝的首战告捷后,阿骨打于1115年建立了金朝。

    With his initial victory over Liao , Akutta established the Jin Dynasty in 1115 .

  16. 论辽朝世选制度的发展变化及其影响

    Discussion on Development , Evolvement and Influence of Hereditary Election System in the Liao Dynasty

  17. 强盛的族人们无法再忍受辽朝的统治。

    This prosperous people could no longer put up with the rule of the Liao .

  18. 文化上,辽朝在天文学、历法、医药和建筑学方面取得了主要成就。

    Culturally , the Liao achieved mainly in astronomy , the calendar , medicine and architecture .

  19. 辽朝虽然崛起北方,但却是一个中国传统的海陆型帝国。

    Although Liao Dynasty rised the north areas , it was a traditional sea-land type empire .

  20. 东北部的女真人原先受辽朝统治。

    The Nuzhen people in the northeast were originally under the rule of the Liao Dynasty .

  21. 辽朝世选制度的贵族政治特色及其影响

    Aristocratic Political Characteristics of The Hereditary Election System ( HES ) in Liao Dynasty and Its Effect

  22. 辽朝一代的国号变迁,远比人们过去所知道的情况要复杂得多。

    The evolution of the title of the Liao dynasty was more complicated than is generally thought .

  23. 辽朝与高丽的关系为境外藩属国的关系。

    The relationship between Liao Dynasty and Gaoli Dynasty belonged to the one of suzerain and dependency .

  24. 辽朝的统治者还采取了一套特别的与其政治体系相似的经济管理体系。

    The Liao rulers also adopted a differential economic management system , similar to its political one .

  25. 五京的建立是辽朝地域差异整合的体现,在五京建立的过程中,广袤的辽国疆域开始进行区域整合。

    In the process of establishing Five Jing , the vast territory of Liao began to integration regionally .

  26. 在辽朝统治的二百余年间,辽与高丽既有战争,也有和平交往。

    Within over two hundred years of rule of Liao Dynasty , the two dynasties had both wars and peace .

  27. 辽朝的建筑,一方面受到唐朝风格的影响另一方面又与契丹的风俗相配,形成了自己独特的风格。

    The Liao architecture , influenced by the Tang style and accommodating the Khitan customs , achieved its own unique style .

  28. 1101年,也就是宋徽宗继承皇位的一年后,天祚帝在辽朝登基。

    In 1101 , one year after Emperor Huizong ascended the Song-dynasty throne , Emperor Tianzuo succeeded to the Liao throne .

  29. 但辽朝的社会制度,并不能确保世家大族的地位不受任何冲击,这同纯粹的世袭社会又有所区别。

    T guarantee that the position of the great families were not affected , where it was different from pure hereditary societies .

  30. 从那时起,辽朝就占据了满洲、东蒙古、山西北部和北京的大部分地区。

    By this time , the Liao Dynasty had covered much of Manchuria , Eastern Mongolia , Northern Shanxi , and Beijing .